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Very interesting developments in solid state AEG control


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Old June 9th, 2007, 02:09   #1
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Very interesting developments in solid state AEG control

Some very interesting work is being done on control systems for AEGs here:

Waaay beyond the MOSFET triggers we sometimes think about. Gandolf has been working with microprocessors to develop interesting possibilities in shot counting. Of key interest is a method to count pole switching (electrical commutator switching) as a method to count shot cycles by counting armature revolutions. Very high tech for airsoft.

In the later posts, he shows of how his control cct is able to amplify high frequency signals to make an AEG motor make sound like a speaker. Check out the audio files he links to.
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Old June 9th, 2007, 08:59   #2
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Cool, now all we need is a reliable V2.
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Old June 9th, 2007, 10:11   #3
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there was one it was made by mt haynes. There is one for sale in the general arms bazaar at classic airsoft
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Old June 9th, 2007, 12:40   #4
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Electronic control of AEGs is not a new thing. Marui tried it once with the basic burst chip for the 550/551 and Systema uses quite advanced electronics to control their guns. However, these guns will not run as designed without the electronics and failure of any part of the electronics will render the gun unusable.

Using commutator pole reversal for shot counting is intriguing, but for the average AEG repair tech or end user leads to a simple problem, gear change. If you alter the gear ratio of the mechbox (going from standard ratio to torque-up or high speed) renders any counting useless and inaccurate. The only way to combat this would be to count revolutions of the sector gear using an IR emitter and sensor and drilling a hole in the sector gear. Then no matter what ratio you use for gears, you will always get the correct counting occurring.

That's the way Systema does it for the PTW in order to give 3-burst or full auto or both with a simple mod. It could also allow for proper gearbox stoppage at the end of full auto firing and then for semi-auto to eliminate the initial spool-up time if the gearbox doesn't stop at the optimium spot in the cycle to allow for a near-instantaneous fire when the trigger is pressed.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Last edited by mcguyver; June 9th, 2007 at 13:19..
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Old June 9th, 2007, 12:43   #5
The Saint
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Good to know that airsoft science continues to advance towards my list of desired features.
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Old June 9th, 2007, 13:16   #6
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I was acualy looking into alot of stuff like this. O wow this guys taken some of my intechens and taken them to the next level. Hes acualy able to complease some. Where as i hadent gotten that far. Only far as to say the abbility to use a 12 volt to power 8.4. and thats still in testings. Drules. My latest toy is closer to reality now then ever before.
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Old June 9th, 2007, 13:20   #7
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yeah i saw that article, giving me ideas for a fully electronic controled system. my 3 main concernes are, how much space do i have to fit it in my AEG, and proffing it againts water and finaly heat dissipation.

what i would do it, anti dry fire, ROF controled system, automatic decompressing spring system, and various counting system, like total shots, how many shots are left in the mag....
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Old June 9th, 2007, 13:33   #8
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Electronic control of AEGs is not a new thing. Marui tried it once with the basic burst chip for the 550/551 and Systema uses quite advanced electronics to control their guns. However, these guns will not run as designed without the electronics and failure of any part of the electronics will render the gun unusable.

Using commutator pole reversal for shot counting is intriguing, but for the average AEG repair tech or end user leads to a simple problem, gear change. If you alter the gear ratio of the mechbox (going from standard ratio to torque-up or high speed) renders any counting useless and inaccurate. The only way to combat this would be to count revolutions of the sector gear using an IR emitter and sensor and drilling a hole in the sector gear. Then no matter what ratio you use for gears, you will always get the correct counting occurring.

That's the way Systema does it for the PTW in order to give 3-burst or full auto or both with a simple mod. It could also allow for proper gearbox stoppage at the end of full auto firing and then for semi-auto to eliminate the initial spool-up time if the gearbox doesn't stop at the optimium spot in the cycle to allow for a near-instantaneous fire when the trigger is pressed.
A lot of the work on AM is not intended for the average repair tech. Gandolf is doing everything open source for the hackertech who wants to dig in and tweak their code. Really it's a simple matter to spec a gearing to determine the pole count. Changing pole count is easier via DIP switches or code reburn than having to swap out a sector gear and mount a IR gate. I don't mean to knock the Systema setup. They've taken the opportunity to develop their AEG from the ground up. Drop in burst fire counting a much more difficult task.

I've had a TM SIG551. It's burst feature while novel was not consistent. Open loop delay doesn't work out to be reliable when the battery changes charge capacity. It also goes funny when you put in a higher voltage battery. Pole counting offers positional control via braking and slow run without having to mount sensors.

That and you can make your gun actually say "All your base are belong to us" when you switch it to full auto.
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