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Difference between Electric and Electronic ?


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Old May 12th, 2007, 17:35   #1
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Difference between Electric and Electronic ?

Hi there,
I know im kind of newbie in soft air....
Well i know more about paintball but i wanna swich for softair now

I wanted to know if theres any difference between "Electric" guns and "Electronic" guns...

Cause well i was looking for a MP5 below 200$...
Tokyo Marui are great but god they are like 600$...
I know those are electric so i searched for those kinds of guns ^^

So i found this one who looks pretty nice :

A Crosman weapon.
It's not FULL metal but theres a lot of principal parts that are in metal.

But im scared...i know it shoot really far : 320 fps is great for me but...the "Electronic" word make me kind of scared lol.

Why ? ---> Cause my friend had this ugly one :

This one is so bad....with the "Electronic" sound and all....And i was wondering if the other one will have the same sound and stuff....

Cause i heard a video of teh MP5 from tokio Marui or sumthing...and the sound was sweet...i mean realy fast ^^

So you guys think this gun could make the same thing of a Tokyo Marui exept for teh composite ?

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Old May 12th, 2007, 17:44   #2
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The difference is, one uses electricity.
The other one is... powered by the behaviour of electrons / protons and their attraction / repulsion to particles dependent on the state of their charges...

oh wait...

Last edited by ILLusion; May 12th, 2007 at 17:47..
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Old May 12th, 2007, 17:45   #3
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Old May 12th, 2007, 17:51   #4
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Ohhhhh ok so Electric is way better i guess...

But well, im still confused...But not with teh electric thing now.
I went to that site :

Theres some SICK guns at like 29,95 $ ????
I mean i can't believe this...

What is the difference between this one :

And this one :

Both are electric and good fps range blabla...
Both are full metal...
Well is it the trade mark that makes the price goes up to 200$ difference ??

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Old May 12th, 2007, 18:01   #5
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If you could not sense the sarcasm in my post, "electric" and "electronic" are two English words that essentially mean the exact same thing. "Electric" defines a power source. "Electronic" defines a device that is powered by electricity. - in this case, both mean exactly the same thing, it's just the context used differs.
All of these guns function on the same principals and differentiate only in build material. In fact, most of these guns are built so similarly, that many internal parts are interchangeable.

The differences between those two guns you just posted are that one has vastly superior build quality (Tokyo Marui) over the other generic non-branded gun - Tokyo Marui looks better, feels better, and will last much longer.

Also, you might want to read over the product descriptions a bit more carefully and think about what information it is that they're leaving out. Hint: BOTH guns are NOT full metal as you believe it to be.

Last edited by ILLusion; May 12th, 2007 at 18:03..
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Old May 12th, 2007, 18:13   #6
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lol sry for missing your sarcasm im french...
Well i talk well in english but it happens sometimes that i dont get some stuff lol.

Well for the "full-metal" the first one i tought that the second one, wich is suppose to be better, will be in metal too...i didn't even looked...

And well, when i say full metal it's cause they say : * All Metal Gears

Ok so thank you a lot now i understand the whole thing

Well now i gotta do my choice between those two :


I hope i got here some pretty good ones lol

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Old May 12th, 2007, 18:17   #7
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Feel free to post in French if you prefer, there are plenty of francophone players out there who could help you out.

And oh, don't order from the FAQ, and then read it again....
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Smelly troll is smelly.
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Old May 12th, 2007, 18:30   #8
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they are both bad choices, you should put forth that extra $200-300 for a good TM or CA or another tried and true brand, also if you live in canada then you can only order from canadian retailers, for a list go to the very top of this web page.
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Old May 12th, 2007, 19:47   #9
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yep don't order from the states
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Old May 12th, 2007, 20:02   #10
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Wow, almost 10 posts and no severe flammage yet, I'm shocked and awed....

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Old May 12th, 2007, 20:02   #11
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Yeah i know for the retailer i can only buy from canada but the URL's were only for the picture....Im sure i can find them on another canadian site ^^

But your telling me that it's not a good choice ?
They look so cool lol...

But i think if it'S not one of them it will be this one :

Cause i trust crosman...
And well...maybe its not FULL metal but there's some good metal parts and a good shooting rang...Price is really good too ^^

And if i look in "TM or CA" like you said Sepulcrum, i don't get anything under 610$ lol and i don't wanna pay the lil extra lol. Well not now...

And i don't see what's wrong with the "Echo" lol. 150$ for a gun like this isn't it good ?

325 fps
metal gear box blabla
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Old May 12th, 2007, 20:06   #12
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325 fps is with .12 gram bb's, which are crap, with .2 gram, you are looking at more like 240 fps. And also with the plastic parts, it will likely break quite quickly, and you will end up having to buy a TM or CA gun anyways. Save your money, and save yourself the headache and get a good gun to start with. By the way, how old are you anyways? Because if you are under 18 you don't even need to worry about it, because you can't get a gun until you are.

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Old May 12th, 2007, 20:29   #13
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Im a TM/CA user, but my friend got that crossman MP5 from the local store here in the states for 110$ and it shoots really good for how much it cost, its also alot cheaper than TM/CA guns. There were a few problems, but a VERY good gun for only 110$. If youre just getting into airsoft, id go for that and see what you think, then get a TM or CA, they are expensive but def. worth it.
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Old May 12th, 2007, 20:49   #14
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Electronics is the study of the flow of charge through various materials and devices such as, semiconductors, resistors, inductors, capacitors, nano-structures, and vacuum tubes. All applications of electronics involve the transmission of either information or power. Although considered to be a theoretical branch of physics, the design and construction of electronic circuits to solve practical problems is an essential technique in the fields of electronics engineering and computer engineering. (and airsoft...hmmmm.?)
yes those electronic guns seem far complicated
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Old May 13th, 2007, 10:40   #15
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Hey I'll say this in french so it'll be easier for you;

Tu trouveras pas de gun cheap comme ceux de hobbytron ici au canada a moins que buyairsoft en ait encore en stock. Tu dois avoir 18ans pour pouvoir jouer au airsoft. Si t'habite au quebec, c'est ben plate mais les regles ici sont encore plus stricte; tu peux pas jouer si t'as pas 18. A d'autres endroits tu peux si t'as l'accord de tes parents ou des cossins de meme mais ici sa marche juste pas.

Si t'as pas 18 par contre, ya rien qui t'empeche de t'acheter les crosman du canadian tire sauf que j'ai jamais vu les crosman pas transparent au canadian tire. Tu vas etre pogner a acheter les crosman transparent.

Si tu as 18ans la c'est totalement different; Je te suggere fortement de t'acheter un bon AEG comme Tokyo Marui ou Classic Army pour la simple et bonne raison que le airsoft est en meme temps une mentalite; si le seul et unique but du airsoft etait de se tirer dessus, on jouerait tous au paintball. Sauf que la on parle de airsoft ou encore de replique d'arme a feu et de realisme. Un AEG cheap a 99$ c'est loin d'etre une replique et mecaniquement parlant tu risques d'avoir plusieurs problemes avec. Comme tu vas le voir avec les airsofteurs d'ici, le but est d'avoir qqc qui se rapproche le plus possible de la realite et qui en meme temps garde une certaine fiabilite. Je sais que mon SR16 me lacheras pas avant longtemps car c'est un Tokyo Marui. La raison principale en ce qui concerne la difference de prix est donc la fiabilite et l'authenticitee.

Finalement, afin de rendre ca plus facile pour tout le monde, essais de remplir ton profil afin qu'on sache de ou tu viens et quel age tu as. Si tu n'as pas 18, on t'invite a continuer a lire sur le airsoft et a acheter les gun crosman afin de t'amuser avec tes amis localement. Quand tu auras 18, tu sauras exactement tout ce qu'il y a a savoir sur le airsoft et ce sera naturel pour toi de venir jouer avec nous. Il y a d'ailleur d'autres jeunes qui font la meme choses sur ce forum. Si, par contre, tu as 18, check localement qui pourrait verifier ton age. Si tu habites proche de Montreal, il y a Bruce et Fox qui peuvent verifier ta majorite. Une fois ta majorite verifiee tu as acces au magasin usage de Airsoft Canada ou tu peux acheter pas mal n'importe quel gun pour de super bons prix. Je recommende cette optique fortement car la dessus tu peux acheter un gun avec batterie, magazines d'extra et d'autre cossins et des upgrade pour pas cher et tu es pas mal certain que le gun marche car il est usage et vient d'un autre joueur. Une fois ta majorite verifiee tu peux aussi participer a tous les game public sur Airsoft Canada et acheter des pieces sur Airsoft Canada Armoury.
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