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Old April 16th, 2007, 10:27   #16
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So then, which RIS adaptor should i be getting? ASC has a non named one and a CA one, is there a difference between them?

Also is there a disbenefit to getting reinforced gears? like noise etc etc?
Which Brand is good for Gears for example
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 14:56   #17
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Got Harris Bipod, looking for RIS Adaptor Still.
Also Ordered a G&P Scorpion Series R500 RAS Tactical Light, waiting for it to arrive still.

Anyone got any suggestions on internals? such as Tappet Plates, Selector plates, Pistons, Gears etc etc
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Old April 22nd, 2007, 15:24   #18
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So you want it fast (350-380fps), accurate, long-lasting with high ROF and "inexpensive"? Heh.

You might be able to have 4 out of the above 5, but definitely not all 5.

Accuracy is less to do with the actual accuracy as you know it, but more to do with the consistency of the gun. So start your search of internals with the spring that will consistently deliver your fps goal and design your mechbox around that.
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 20:23   #19
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yea, but i want my rounds to go where my sights are, i wanna be able to pick off people if i need to
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 20:44   #20
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for your motor u could go systema magnum I bought one not to long ago and I love it, Decent ROF, and snappy trigger response on a M120 spring and 9.6V
The only downside is it the motor is a power monster, it drains batteries a little quicker then stock motor does
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 23:37   #21
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yea im expecting that. Thats why im making my own batts, using Li-Ion batts and gonna make my custom super pack XD some of it inside my RIS and most inside my fullstock. Maybe in the future, ill get a modstock or something, and put 2 sticks of batts in there, and some more in my RIS. Batt doesnt concern me. Im looking for the FASTEST, most POWERFUL motor. I just dont know which motor that is
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Old April 24th, 2007, 11:50   #22
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
yea, but i want my rounds to go where my sights are, i wanna be able to pick off people if i need to
If your shots are consistent, this is only a matter of tuning your crosshairs. How many games have you actually been to?

Here, throw this into your mechbox, build your gun, go to a game and come back and tell us how long your gun lasted through the day:

Systema Turbo motor
Prometheus Torque Full Gear set for V2 (includes Prometheus piston, cylinder head, gears, shims, and bearing spring guide)
9.6V 2400+mah battery (should run equivalent or more with a Li-Ion pack, or did you mean Lithium-Polymer?)

I also noticed on your list you focused a lot on the "power" aspect, but there were actually no parts listed that would help with accuracy/consistency, I've taken the time to help you out with the following parts:
Cylinder head - Prometheus aero cylinder head V2
Nozzle - KM TN Type B nozzle
Hop bucking - KM RH55 or RH65 rubbers
Inner barrel - Prometheus 6.03mm inner barrel or KM TN 6.04mm
Pinion gear - Systema hardened motor pinion gear

Have fun!
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Old April 24th, 2007, 22:05   #23
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Is prometheus better than say, Guarder or Systema? when it comes to internals? Also, is there any motors that go higher than 9.6v? Also why prometheus cylinder head?
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Old April 24th, 2007, 23:35   #24
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I dont know very much about gearbox modification but I do know that both the Systema Turbo and Magnum motors are capable of 12v...I have even heard of people running 15v with them. Ive been eyeing the Systema complete gearbox which is supposed to be rated for that kind of abuse. It is sold with the appropriate motor(torque up m170 with the magnum and high speed m100 with the turbo) so I assume it must do fine since it is made by Systema. Ive seen the Magnum set push 575fps (probably illegal in Canada but I live in Hawaii haha) with 10-15rps running a 12v and have a fairly tight grouping. A proper zeroing of your sights and accurate windage and you should be GTG. I dont know how the Turbo set fares although Ive seen videos of it pushing 25-30rps. If anyone owns that set then PM or email me...I got lots of questions for you! I read above that you are looking at affordable...thats a hard requirement to meet. These sets are great but are $300ish USD...idk how that translates in CAD but theyre NOT cheap. Hope this helps you out though man.
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Originally Posted by maxx View Post
I mean, even God carries a SOCOM.
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Old April 25th, 2007, 00:02   #25
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Don't encourage the M170, please.
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Old April 25th, 2007, 00:44   #26
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I don't recommend you going Li-Ion.

It is very hard to get some cells good enought to be able to push sufficient power to the motor. They will most likelly just heat-up and eventually fail.

If you really want an ubber battery, just get a 3cells Li-Po pack. a 5000mAh, 11.1v will fit in the full stock no problems. You need a pack rated at least 15C, but best would be 20C.
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Old April 25th, 2007, 09:59   #27
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Originally Posted by Nortus View Post
Don't encourage the M170, please.
whats wrong with m170?

Also where can i get these batt packs, and how much do they cost?

I ment affordable as in, im not willing to pay 300-500$ on a taclite, but 120 is ok
that kinda affordable.

Last edited by DarkAngel; April 25th, 2007 at 10:04..
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Old April 25th, 2007, 12:08   #28
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There's some good suggestions for parts for your gun here. Still it seems to me that you're going overboard on what you want. It's great to want the latest and greatest super long lasting extreme tightbore kevlar part whatever, but like all things in life there's a balance to what it is you're trying to attain.
I've had a few guns in my day, and I settled on ICS M4's for the most part. They were better built and *much* easier to work on than the TM guns I started out with. They're built solid, so if you want to slide into a foxhole they're not likely to fall apart on you. To get them to fire near 400 all they needed was a new spring (Guarder M110) and metal bushings. The only other internals I've added were a better motor and a tightbore barrel. That's it. I still use the stock piston, cylinder, head, etc. When parts wear out I try new things. Some I keep, some I don't. One of my M4's has a Guarder polycarbonate piston in it now. The other has a new Guarder hopup bucking. I've also just ordered a Turbo 3000 to try out, as one of my EG1000's died on me. It doesn't have all the latest James Bond internals. For the most part you don't need them. Airsoft is vastly different from match shooting.
As for external stuff, that's pretty much personal preference. I went with a real steel RAS since I'm damned hard on my toys. I put a ready mag on since I suck at quick mag changing. I use a real Colt 4x scope I had kicking around. It doesn't help with shooting, but it makes it easier to figure out who's coming your way. All this makes for a damned heavy gun. Folks I loan it to don't like it because it's too heavy for them. Sounds like yours might end up this way too. Just my long winded 2 cents.
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Old April 25th, 2007, 12:21   #29
The Saint
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
whats wrong with m170?
Way over 400fps. Way over. Those of us playing with you would really appreciate it if you kept to the field limits. So would your wee lil' v2 gearbox, reinforced or otherwise.

Anyways, Nortus is right about the gun being better consistent than powerful. Power has its merits, but the blind pursuit of it doesn't help you. You especially need a very good hopup setup to get you the range you want.

If you want us to just tell you which spring is best, get a Prometheus MS110SP. It's recommended by ILLusion, after all. If you can get everything tuned right, you'll get around 380fps on 0.20g BBs of good quality. Use good 0.25g BBs and you're set for long range engagements.
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Old April 25th, 2007, 20:57   #30
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Originally Posted by Endymion View Post
If you took a little more time with your research you probably would have noticed the Spring Comparison Chart thread stickied for everyone's benefit. If you'll note, the M100 pushes roughly 365fps whereas the M120 is already pushing close to 400. The M170 would push you well beyond any field-legal limit here.
I did check the spring chart, but i didnt recognise the number.
I was looking at the Guarder Ones since ASC seems to have them in stock alot.
Also im thinking of hitting up ASC to get a bunch of parts.
Any suggestions on which spring for 390 fps, Im thinking guarder atm.
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