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Old January 10th, 2007, 16:21   #16
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It also wouldn't be good if the person flaming was drunk
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Old January 10th, 2007, 16:30   #17
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Age issues aside I would personally go for the AK unless you like the look of the AUG.

Secondary is not as important for outdoor, but for reliable and good quality for price TM 4.3 or 5.1.

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Old January 10th, 2007, 16:40   #18
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Originally Posted by 9mm Solution View Post
I AM mature, which none of you can truly judge me on, seeing as how you haven't even met me. Oh btw Duff Man, I'm not buying from you genius, I buy from A&A...So before all of you go using your "insults" on me, how bout actually knowing one more thing about me than my age.

comments like this are why you get replies criticizing your maturity (or apparent lack thereof)

Its treated with about as much respect as saying "I AM cool. My mom said so. So stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it asswipe"

It still makes you sound like an immature kid, who really doesn't grasp the big picture AND you still come off as somewhat insulting.

Get the idea?

As per my email to you,

However, exceptions can be made if game admins
feel that you are mature enough AND if one or both of your parents are in attendance for the day. This will depend on how you present yourself, and whether we feel your parents understand their responsibilities to our hobby and to you as a potential player
Note that one of the qualifying statement is "IF game admins feel that you are mature enough"

NOT whether or not you deem yourself mature enough.

Now, since you like to shoot your mouth off in a public forum, and prefer not to respond to emails instructing you on how to get involved with the local community, I suggest you "STFU N00B" for the time being.

Incidentally, if the drunk comment was in any way related to what I emailed you, obviously you weren't quite mature enough to understand why it might be an issue for you to join a team who's members average age is 28, and gets together for a beer after games. And also why you parents might have issues with you being exposed to that. You young whippersnapper types are so easily corrupted you know

And for what its worth, my son is 13, also shoots actual firearms with me, and will not share the airsoft field with me either until he's 15-16. And he's mature enough to understand why.
It doesn't seem much, to stir a man's soul. Just a moth eaten rag on a worm eaten pole. But 'tis the deeds that were done 'neath this moth eaten rag, when the pole was a staff, and the rag was a flag.

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Old January 10th, 2007, 16:50   #19
9mm Solution
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I do undertand why I cannot play right now. In all truth I wish I would have presented myself in a better manner, and most of all in person. I am a lot better in person than I am online, in my opinion anyway. The drunk comment was not related to the e-mail in any way, it was just an example of something that could go horribly wrong. My cousin was knifed in a drunk bar fight, and I'm not saying that anyone is that irresponsible on the field, I just wouldn't want to take that chance.
I did state in one comment that I did not mean any offence to anyone in the post. It has been made clear to me people of my age attempting to airsoft is frowned upon, so I will reside until I am a higher age. With that being said, it would be appreciated if people would halt when it comes to all the insults and flames.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 16:56   #20
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good stuff. until you've of age, i suggest you research, research and research! check out as many reviews as you can on the guns you're thinking of buying and that will help you decide when you buy a gun 3 years from now.

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Old January 10th, 2007, 16:58   #21
9mm Solution
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Heh I was actually more so thinking of prolonging games, I was still planning to buy guns and practice up until that point. But I do believe your advice to research is a good idea haha.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 17:04   #22
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You forgot another big legal problem. If you cant play at an authorized field with a Replica Weapon, you cant play elsewhere either. Where you are does not change the law.

Even your father cant play just anywhere he pleases, neither can I, or anyone here.

So, really, your best solution is to gather your cash and wait until you are 18. Then all your legal problems will be over AND you'll have enough cash to buy a sweet setup.

Your choice.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 17:04   #23
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Originally Posted by 9mm Solution View Post
It also wouldn't be good if the person flaming was drunk. wow.
Funny, I have yet to encounter anyone at an airsoft event who was intoxicated.

Perhaps your comment about being afraid of running into a drunken airsoft player on a public board says something about your maturity.

When the elephants fight, it is bad for the grass. When the elephants make love, it is also bad for the grass.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 17:05   #24
9mm Solution
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no i know, i didn't mean play (i'm not playing on an airsoft field until I'm at least 17) but i mean buy a good AEG or something like that and practice up with friends like I have done for a while so I can proove myself worth of a team when of age. And about the drunk I meant on the odd chance if there IS a drunk person, I'm not gonna go and insult him or anything in that manner. I've also never been to an official game, so I can't really say whether people get drunk there or not, its just a scenario
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Old January 10th, 2007, 17:10   #25
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Did you read what I said? EVEN WE CANT GO ANYWHERE WE WANT.

Is that "practice with friends" on an authorized field? Are they over 18? Are their parents present at all times? No? Then...

Awww screw it. Kid, go read some more instead of typing for a while. You BADLY need to inform yourself and your parents about the laws surrounding airsoft. If you dont, we WILL read about you in the news. It's only a matter of time.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 17:17   #26
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if you do have an airsoft gun, for the love of god keep it in your basement for plinking. i don't want to hear about 5 kids getting shot by cops while they were in a field with guns on the news.

play safe, and play it safer by not playing at all until you're 18. think of all the money you'll save by then, and get yourself an M249 chain gun. then get a RIS for it and mount M203s. instant fear.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 17:34   #27
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Thicken up your skin, kid. It's a life skill. If you're trying to get your driver's license, mouthing off to the instructor/evaluator is the last thing you want to do, even if he's being an ass.

Now, I believed that you had gotten the message until you said this:

Originally Posted by 9mm Solution View Post
Heh I was actually more so thinking of prolonging games, I was still planning to buy guns and practice up until that point.
Now, I could have assumed that you just mean plinking in your basement, but I am more realistic than that. Playing in your friend's backyard (even a giant backyard) is a bad idea. Police surround you, and one of your friends panic and get shot to death. This is something most people would like to avoid.

Stick to some other hobbies, go hit up some chicks. If you've got enough money saved up now, imagine how much you'll have to spend on this crap when you're legal.

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Old January 10th, 2007, 17:43   #28
9mm Solution
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k, I will do so. And I seriously do appologize about any insults I did not mean to mouth off to anyone. I can see how people would take offence to some of my statements, and I am truly sorry. And okay, I'll take your advice.
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Old January 10th, 2007, 17:50   #29
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great. hopefully the sask guys will be able to play with you in the future. i guess it's good to say that this thread is over. still, don't forget to read every sticky in the FAQ section 9mm
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Old January 10th, 2007, 18:07   #30
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I would suggest you get an AK47. I have 3 of them and love them all. They look pretty damn good if you put real AK wood on them as well, but stay away from the kits, they are 5 times as expensive as the real ones. If I could only have one gun it would be an AK.

P.S. You did nothing wrong, you were not disrespectful, just the usual gang rape from bandwagon ASCers.
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