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Old January 5th, 2007, 22:10   #31
zero delay
Join Date: Jul 2002
Ok here is the newest footage The glare form the sunlight obscures the round as it leaves the bore and impacts but it has a pretty dramatic result, in the clip when I quickly jerk my head to the side it's because I was catching rounds that were rebounding back from the target (which was the top of the taller 400bbl tank approx 60ft in the background).

the shell fired in the clip looks like this

When it impacts the slits in the sides of the shell open as the shell compresses, since the front of the shell is enclosed, the only avenue for escape for the enclosed BBs is laterally. so as it impacts you get excellent sideways dispersion. The panic about the velocity being 400fps is nonsense, on a warm summer day approx 27c-30c these AT-4s using a single 12gram Co2 cartridge are firing nerf Vortex at around 180fps, nothing super worrisome for a foam projectile, and these cannister rounds are not as aerodynamic as a result they have greater drag and end up moving out probably in the range of about 100fps You can run calculations for mass and veloctiy but it will give you a misleading number for the kinetic energy. Think of it like a water balloon, you can get hit with a smaller water ballon at a pretty good velocity and come out unhurt because the shell ruptures before the energy of the mass can transfer to your body, same thing with these rounds, they are so light and are dsigned to disintergrate so quickly on impact that the energy transfered to the target is minimal. All in all it is exactly as Frank stated no worse than a tennis ball, if you can't hack that then you are in the wrong sport IMO.

As for time spent making the shell it takes about 1.5 minutes a shell, using a utility knife and a hot glue gun. On the field I carry extra rounds inside a smoke grenade pouch in a 2 inch OD metal sleeve that prevents the round from being crushed, as well as facilitating quicker reloads, simply line up the sleeve with the bore of the AT-4 and press the round down into the barrel, quick and easy.

PS If you aren't age verified absolutely forget about it, I can't risk selling anything like this to a minor
In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Becomes a Revolutionary Act - George Orwell, 1984
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Last edited by zero delay; January 5th, 2007 at 22:30..
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Old January 5th, 2007, 23:33   #32
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I have been verified just ASC is taking its sweet sweet time.. I will wait till they finish the process it has already been over a month and I will pm you.
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Old January 6th, 2007, 00:14   #33
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I see you liked our idea,

We've fired off about 500+ of those last year.
We usually show up with a crate of 100+ a game and just bombard the hell out of everyone.
They make nice low cost grenades too.

In the mortars we find the best thing to do is fire into the trees, that way the shatter overhead and rain down on the enemy.

Also when they hit the ground in mud and don't shatter they look freakishly like a dud mortar shell. During our last WW2 OP we had so many do that on us that we were wondering if Shindler was helping us make ammo.
Quidne - Latin: Literal translation "Why Not?"

TM Sig P228
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Last edited by DarkAlman; January 6th, 2007 at 00:54..
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Old January 6th, 2007, 03:22   #34
zero delay
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The concept for that round was developed by a electrical engineer from the states about 12-13 years ago, his name is Bill Mills, and he runs a widely known paintball website called Warpig. I have been using that design since 1998, I just modified it slightly to help dispersal. The design I saw of yours was simply the bottom section of two cups with the widest ends taped together. like this

Because your design only contacts the barrel at one point radially, the Friction generated by the round as it moves down the barrel is going to cause it to wobble, that wobble is going to result in some of the compression that is behind the round propelling it, to escape, not only that it will also decrease the potential velocity. It may work fine in a PVC barrel, like what you are using in your mortars, as PVC has some what of a self lubricating property, but in a Steel barrel that design wouldn't work worth shit. Your round also requires the entire thing to fracture, or the tape to burst open for the BBs to disperse, that takes away from some the energy the BBs need to gte decent dispersion at the target, not to mention the fact that it also adds to the amount of force it has to hit the target with to "burst"

The design I have been using for the last 9 years (which is completely Bill Mills so don't flatter yourself too much ) is better for two reasons, first because of the design of the compression seal, it has alot better stability in the barrel completely eliminating any chance for wobble, the widely spaced contact points of the seal mean it stays stable and cannot wobble, imagine it as a shopping cart, which is going to be more stable a one with the wheels situated widely spaced apart or one with all the wheels clustered together in the center of the mass? Secondly, and probably more importantly the seal has two sealing surfaces to alleviate any Compression Blowby, simply put, the rear seal expands as compressions acts on it, this serves to create a more uniform seal between the Comp-seal and the barrel surface, same thing with the front seal, it flares out from the friction of the round traveling down the barrel, the flareing also helps to craete a better seal againts the barrel. This design ensures that you get double seal capability.

Bill Mills designed what was basically a cheap "dicarding sabo", out of Styrofoam, his was like this

His was designed to open the "petals" of the round as soon as it it left the bore of the launcher, it would encounter lots of drag because the front of the round is flat, that drag would act on the round as it travles forward, that force presses against the 'petals" and since they are only attached at the rear by the base of the seal they inevitably fold back, this does two things, one it lets the Paintballs dipserse, and two it makes the round completly un-aerodynamic, because it has some much surface area for the drag to act on, as a result the sabot might make it 5 ft or so from the bore of the launcher. While this works awesome for a scatter round it is shitty for BBs because they scatter too soon and have poor range. I redesigned Mill's round to have better range and only release the payload on impact thats why my rounds look like this with a solid front cap peice as aposed to Mill's original round wich has the cap/sides as one peice and split into four quadrants that are essentially just a styrofoam cup split lengthwise.

My rounds retain the payload until they come in contact with something, then they compress on impact and the slats cut into the styro foam sides are forced open, which allows the BBs to disperse.

All in all it is a long winded way of saying, this is in no way a copy of anything you guys have ever made, what it is a superior design, of which I have never laid any claim to conceptulalizing, that honor belongs to Bill Mills, all I did was tweak it by modifiying it to "explode" if you will on impact
In a Time of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth Becomes a Revolutionary Act - George Orwell, 1984
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire

Last edited by zero delay; January 6th, 2007 at 03:25..
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Old January 6th, 2007, 13:38   #35
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We've made some improvements of our own since last year.

I love this little arms race of ours. I've seen more new stuff created in 6 months than in 3 years.

We're working on "safe" stun grenades for CQB.
Quidne - Latin: Literal translation "Why Not?"

TM Sig P228
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Old January 6th, 2007, 14:20   #36
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Do you guys know of any more environmentally friendly alternative materials that could be used to equal effect? Paper mache? Our field doesn't allow styrofoam to be discarded like this.
Vita, Passione e Pistole
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Old January 6th, 2007, 14:49   #37
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after the game, we go around and pick up all the littered foam and any other trash.
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Old January 6th, 2007, 14:49   #38
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Originally Posted by DarkAlman View Post
We're working on "safe" stun grenades for CQB.
Why reinvent the wheel? I have one and everyone seems to be terrified of it.
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Old January 6th, 2007, 15:09   #39
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Originally Posted by Gryphon View Post
Why reinvent the wheel? I have one and everyone seems to be terrified of it.
I think they meant, Safe and CHEAP stun grenades.
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Old January 6th, 2007, 17:17   #40
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non-explosive, how about that.

Gryphons is awesome. Its a shame they don't make the to take std sized C02 cartridges.
I'm tempted to get one actually.

But when you get a good idea sometimes you just have to try it out.
Quidne - Latin: Literal translation "Why Not?"

TM Sig P228
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Old January 6th, 2007, 18:13   #41
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wow zero delay! youre a genius!
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Old January 6th, 2007, 21:57   #42
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Originally Posted by Neverhood View Post
I think they meant, Safe and CHEAP stun grenades.
LOL, touché. Seriously though they're not that expensive, just over a hundred bucks for the grenade body and the reloads are about five bucks a piece. The "oh sh*t" reactions it induces just hanging off your vest even before the game starts is worth the asking price.
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