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Old November 5th, 2006, 19:35   #1
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Question Newb to Airsoft

Hello, I haven't been in here in a while but I'm thinking of buying my 2nd airsoft gun.. My first airsoft gun was a CRAPPY PLASTIC spring pistol...

But now I want a REAL Airsoft gun.. So can you guys help me pick out a gun? I live in USA tho.. I done my research and I figured out what I want.

I'm looking for a gun thats pretty durable and last for awhile like people said the first gun should always be good..
An electric gun thats able to go Full Auto and Semi Auto, with a large battery pack so I dont have to recharge it every game, and so it wont die out on me during a game..
A military look to it, M4 or M16, XM8... Etc.. Because I kind of hate the terrorist look with the AK47.. I just dont like the AK...
And a rifle... Able to shoot very accurately yet.. Able to shoot far and close up... Not really CQB but an all average gun for almost anything like the M16.. I think..

I'm sorry if this is too much to ask, just that the first airsoft gun I had kind of ruined my experience so I want to get it right this time..
But would this be a good airsoft gun tho? (Electric guns > 2nd page > XM8 Black Widow
BE XM8 Black Widow Airsoft Electric Rifle)
Oh and whats the difference between the M4 and the M16, job wise.. I know the M4 is for CQB but can it shoot as far the M16? etc..

Thank you
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Old November 5th, 2006, 20:10   #2
BE guns are a 3rd of the price of other airsoft guns simply because its slightly better then those crappy clear guns. Dont even bother, most people dont even consider them airsoft.

the XM8, through all its different airsoft versions, is a large chunk of plastic...IMHO, youd be much happier with a more solid airsoft gun.

the basics. TM, CA, ICS, G&P, G&G...those are some of the more reputable brands.

On that site, there are alot of crap guns mixed in with real guns. So look at the prices. The $60 guns have nothing on the +$250 guns.

After that, most guns are on par with eachother. range, power and accuracy is almost equal between the guns.

If I was you, grab one of the full metal classic army armalites.

If you like the M4 look, go for one...but do it right. Get it full metal from the makes a world of difference and is a much better investment.
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Old November 5th, 2006, 20:11   #3
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Tell you what, read the Reviews section, then read the threads already posted about "What is the best..."

When you are done, pick one. Dont purchase crap. All your questions are already answered, so you missed out on some of your research.
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Old November 5th, 2006, 23:18   #4
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But I heard that CA guns are crap except for the metal body...
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Old November 6th, 2006, 07:41   #5
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You heard... how about you read for yourself instead? Again, we have sections dedicated to reviews. You can Search them.

You can also pick a gun that is not mentioned all the time in our Doctor's Corner.

We cant make up your mind for you, we get that question so often it's become lame. Do your research and pick one.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 08:07   #6
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Almost everything people have said here is good advice, but I'd correct one piece of Droc's. A full metal gun is not necessary for everybody.

I've been playing a while now, and my oldest and still most used gun is a bone stock plastic TM SR-16 (with some serious cosmetic mods...). I've never had a problem with the plastic at all. It's perfectly fine. Though CA had some issues with their first few versions of M4s/M16s, they have resolved them long ago, and from all reports are quite decent out of the box these days. Still, TM has the best quality out of the box in terms of functionality. Their quality control just seems to be better than anyone elses.

That said, I own a few full metal guns as well, and in terms of how nice a replica they are, the metal does make a noticeable difference. These are the guns I fondle and drool over, but in terms of playing with them, they are really no better than the plastic TM.

If you definately want metal, and price is no object, than get a TM from ASCA and have them stick a metal body on it for you (~$800).f you definately want metal and price is a concern (as it is for most of us!) go for one that comes full metal out of the box (~$600). If you just want the best gun for getting out on the field and playing, just get a stock TM AEG. As you play for your first year, you can check out people's full metal versions and decide if the upgrade is worth it for you.

Once you have some idea of what kind of gun and price range you're looking at, try as Greylocks suggested to get out to a game or two. Most players will be happy to show off their guns and give you a chance to see what feels best for you. Some fields you'll be able to rent various AEGs for the day to see if a particular model works for you.
Sgt Spleen
Salamander Army

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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 09:23   #7
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Spleen, he's in California. Getting a gun from ASCA is not very useful for him. But he could get in touch with players and groups local to him to get further help.

No, I wont do a Google search for California Airsoft. He can do that as part of his research.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 09:39   #8
Originally Posted by spleen View Post
Almost everything people have said here is good advice, but I'd correct one piece of Droc's. A full metal gun is not necessary for everybody.

I've been playing a while now, and my oldest and still most used gun is a bone stock plastic TM SR-16 (with some serious cosmetic mods...). I've never had a problem with the plastic at all. It's perfectly fine. Though CA had some issues with their first few versions of M4s/M16s, they have resolved them long ago, and from all reports are quite decent out of the box these days. Still, TM has the best quality out of the box in terms of functionality. Their quality control just seems to be better than anyone elses.

That said, I own a few full metal guns as well, and in terms of how nice a replica they are, the metal does make a noticeable difference. These are the guns I fondle and drool over, but in terms of playing with them, they are really no better than the plastic TM.

If you definately want metal, and price is no object, than get a TM from ASCA and have them stick a metal body on it for you (~$800).f you definately want metal and price is a concern (as it is for most of us!) go for one that comes full metal out of the box (~$600). If you just want the best gun for getting out on the field and playing, just get a stock TM AEG. As you play for your first year, you can check out people's full metal versions and decide if the upgrade is worth it for you.

Once you have some idea of what kind of gun and price range you're looking at, try as Greylocks suggested to get out to a game or two. Most players will be happy to show off their guns and give you a chance to see what feels best for you. Some fields you'll be able to rent various AEGs for the day to see if a particular model works for you.
thats true, its some people do really well with the plastic bodies. For non-Armalite guns a plasitc body isnt a big deal, but when the difference these days between a plastic bodied armalite and a FMU armalite is only pocket change, its worth it. The feel of a metal body is worth every penny IMHO.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 10:00   #9
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
Spleen, he's in California. Getting a gun from ASCA is not very useful for him. But he could get in touch with players and groups local to him to get further help.

No, I wont do a Google search for California Airsoft. He can do that as part of his research.
Sorry, missed that part!
Sgt Spleen
Salamander Army

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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old November 6th, 2006, 13:01   #10
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We've known each other for far too long, and argued, to be aware we're not perfect
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Old November 6th, 2006, 17:06   #11
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Originally Posted by Wheezy View Post (Electric guns > 2nd page > XM8 Black Widow
BE XM8 Black Widow Airsoft Electric Rifle)
Oh and whats the difference between the M4 and the M16, job wise.. I know the M4 is for CQB but can it shoot as far the M16? etc..

Thank you
That XM8 has a lot of info on the arnies airsoft boards. Good If you want a project gun. For your look Id have to say either a full metal m4 or a CA G36k. Either way those two guns will give you what your looking for but as previosly posted go to a game and fondle a couple guns thats how I fell in love with my p90.
Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
Imagine ads for semen restaurants. I can see it now... "Come to Seminal Sam's, where you can eat loads without blowing all your wad..."
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Old November 6th, 2006, 17:18   #12
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
We've known each other for far too long, and argued, to be aware we're not perfect
Holy shit, I am getting that admission bronzed and framed!
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Old November 6th, 2006, 18:54   #13
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Yea I'm sorry for the lame questions and such, but I looked in the reviews and when I said I "heard" CA sucked I read it from the CA Blashing and Commenting topic in the review section... I'll do the research of finding airsoft stores near my area, but one more question..

Can some one tell me the cons and pros to TM, CA, and other top AEG brands?
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Old November 6th, 2006, 19:51   #14
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Yes, we could tell you all that, but that too is already written down. So continue reading the reviews and pick one, or go see them at a game and pick after you've held them in your hands.

By the way, at games, you can also ask questions from the players instead of asking us to rewrite reviews for you.
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