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Old June 17th, 2006, 19:26   #1
Join Date: Jan 2005
New rig

Got my new rig recently.

BDS Tactical MOLLE Vest
4x Patrol Pouches
Hydration Carrier
*SOE Small Util.
*Radio Pouch

*=Not shown

Ran my 15 yr old ass about $380.09 USD and that's WITH the connections i have.

Definitely worth the pretty penny. It's really comfortable too. When adjusted properly, it's like i'm not wearing a vest at all.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 20:47   #2
Scotty aka harleyb
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Looks frickin' awesome! What's the pouch and hydration carrier brands?
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Old June 17th, 2006, 21:07   #3
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Thats one damn expensive vest dude. Looks nice.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 21:27   #4
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very nice...looks like a TT hydro pouch and some Eagle mag pouches
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Old June 18th, 2006, 15:21   #5
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Doesn't look as good as the Real SOE version. If anybody is looking for a vest like this, PM me and I'll get you in touch with the original designer and maker of this vest - stand-up guy who got screwed out of SOE (now BDS).
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Old June 21st, 2006, 22:42   #6
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It's actually the BDS MOLLE vest with a BDS hydro carrier and BDS Patrol Pouches. The mag pouches attach via MALICE clips, but the hydro carrier attaches via MALICE clips and a fastex buckle system.

I know the original owner of SOE. I know exactly how SOE got changed to BDS. It's the same thing, except it doesn't have the black edgetape. The quality is the same. The design is the same. I'm sick of people saying that SOE is "better" than BDS, because everything is still made with the same overbuilt design and is the same quality as before. They generally don't make the rig until you order it. BDS is still a highly custom chop, just like SOE was. John Willis, original SOE man, is charging MORE to make you a rig and take LONGER doing it. It's not that i have anything against him, but why pay an extra $50 USD to get the same rig made in 6-8 weeks when you can get the same one made with the same quality in 1 week? It's really a sad story of how he got screwed over, but that doesn't change the fact that BDS gear is still great. People want SOE gear over BDS purely for "political" reasons, not actual quality.

I've owned/dealt with a lot of original SOE gear and BDS gear. The quality is identical. Even the guy i know that has been working there since SOE started up, and stuck through with BDS says the quality is the same. Hell, i LIVE 20 minutes from their shops.

More gear:

That's what i ran at Operation Lion Claws 5
Eagle Plate Carrier w/ Cummerbund
1x TAG Triple M16 Mag pouch
2x TAG Single Mag Pouch
1x TAG MOLLE Upright GP
PPM Enhanced Pistol Mag Pouch Quad
Maxpedition Rolly Poly

And the grand finale:
My custom made Duct Tape Dumper

Was actually just screwing around and making it for a "low speed" op where tactical gear isn't affordable by the local populace. What can i say? I get into my role playing. MilSim ftw!

Yesterday i bought one of those Guarder Dump Pouches. The replica of the TAG dumper shown here:

I have to say that the quality of the Guarder pouches is close to, if not on par with, the TAG pouch. Definitely better than Blackhawk, and maybe even Tactical Tailor. It's rumored that the people that make Emdom's stuff ALSO make Guarder's gear. That woudl explain a lot of the quality Guarder has.
^^Edited, and changed to hyperlink. Picture screwed up with width of the page.

And just for fun, that's me being the 15 yr old that i am (Dark guy in the back w/ tiger stripes). No that's not my team, i was just hanging with those guys. I'm actually the youngest guy on my team. One of the only 5 people out of almost 20 people that are under 18 years old.
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Old June 22nd, 2006, 00:16   #7
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Originally Posted by Trixter
You're my hero :salute:
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Old September 21st, 2006, 22:54   #8
John Willis
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Hi guys. I just cought this as I was searching my name in google.

ODP--Thank you for throwing my name out into this thread.

BDS is not the same as my stuff. They are using my pattern sets and my old cut lists. My vest have features they dont incorporate. I have had several guys bring bds stuff to me for repair that where not aware I didnt build it. The pals isnt sewn onto 2 layers of cordura to name one of the maine diferences. Just take the Pepsi chalenge. Pull on it and thr to rip it. Hang the drag handle up on a chin up bar and do pull ups on the pockets. As for a guy working their that was their from the beginning--Not true. You could be refering to the guy running it who I fired 2 years before I left or you could be refering to the bitch my x-wife hired that stole a lot of my shit. He worked at vons and my x hired hime months after I was gone. He never worked there while I was there.

Also take a look at the vests. They are the same price as mine and they have nothing even comparable for a shoulder pad set. I get $45.00 for my shoulder pads alone so realy you are getting mine for almost free since my rigs cost the same as theirs.

If any one wants the real deal get in touch directly.

Thank You
john Willis
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Old September 21st, 2006, 23:25   #9
John Willis
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[QUOTE=Trixter]I know the original owner of SOE. I know exactly how SOE got changed to BDS. It's the same thing, except it doesn't have the black edgetape. The quality is the same. The design is the same. I'm sick of people saying that SOE is "better" than BDS, because everything is still made with the same overbuilt design and is the same quality as before. They generally don't make the rig until you order it. BDS is still a highly custom chop, just like SOE was. John Willis, original SOE man, is charging MORE to make you a rig and take LONGER doing it. It's not that i have anything against him, but why pay an extra $50 USD to get the same rig made in 6-8 weeks when you can get the same one made with the same quality in 1 week? It's really a sad story of how he got screwed over, but that doesn't change the fact that BDS gear is still great. People want SOE gear over BDS purely for "political" reasons, not actual quality.

I've owned/dealt with a lot of original SOE gear and BDS gear. The quality is identical. Even the guy i know that has been working there since SOE started up, and stuck through with BDS says the quality is the same. Hell, i LIVE 20 minutes from their shops.


You know me? Care to tell me who you are? Are you one of the kids that works there?

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Old September 22nd, 2006, 01:16   #10
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Originally Posted by Trixter
It's not that i have anything against him, but why pay an extra $50 USD to get the same rig made in 6-8 weeks when you can get the same one made with the same quality in 1 week? ..... People want SOE gear over BDS purely for "political" reasons, not actual quality.
Excuse me? But yeah, I would pay at least $50 bucks more for SOE gear over BDS. It's called principal. His R&D went into making that gear, not BDS, they have no right selling his product. Same reason I'll never buy Blackhawk or any other reproduction gear. It just comes down to principal.

Coming from a dude who has a dumper out of duct tape, who thinks guarder is on par with TAG, better than TT?...Please, your word doesn't exactly carry much wieght. Doesn't matter anyway. Anyone who knows, knows that Johns gear is the real deal so perhaps it's better off that BDS is left to the airsofters.
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Old September 22nd, 2006, 08:18   #11
Ok, I'm confused.

John, what label are you producing these days and where can it be seen?
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Old September 22nd, 2006, 09:07   #12
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Old September 22nd, 2006, 16:37   #13
John Willis
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I post mostly on get off the X. They where behind me while I was gone and hooked me up when I had nothing but literally the clothes on my back.

Here is a link to an 8 page thread with 100's of poosts. Most of it is pictures of gear I have done over the past few months. Bitches copy my stuff as fast as I post it but compare before you buy.

John Willis
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Old September 22nd, 2006, 19:54   #14
Thunder Kimerson
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WOA really nice, almost looks like a perechute!

And that duct tape pouch looks really nice, although you should of done it with camo duct tape!
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Old September 22nd, 2006, 19:56   #15
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