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Non Airsoft Related Sales Section.



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Old August 17th, 2006, 01:45   #1
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Markham, Toronto
Non Airsoft Related Sales Section.

Why must you be age verified and 18+ to view/post the Non Airsoft Related Sales section?
The parts/gear sections arn't restricted for only age verified members, why must the Non Airsoft Related Sales section be?
I'm not age verified yet but I will be asap when I turn 18.
However, I'd like to sell some non-airsoft Related items.
I have a bunch of stuff laying around my home which I'm trying to sell.

If anything or possible could people who manage these boards make a decision to let the Non Airsoft Related Sales section be allowed for regular non-verified members?

Well, hope to hear your ladies and gents positive and useful input. Please stay on topic, if you have nothing good to say please refain from negative comments and opinions.

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Old August 17th, 2006, 01:49   #2
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Hojo said it's because he doesn't want kids selling the PS2's their parents bought them to buy airsoft. or trying to trade their ps2's for airsoft.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 01:52   #3
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Also swords, knives, replica antique guns, and paintball markers come up in that section a lot.

Use ebay, ebay is your friend, I've bought and sold many items on ebay (the buying mostly being for airsoft and the selling mostly being stuff I sell to pay for airsoft...) and it is quite easy to get a hang of and if you aernt old enough, get your parents to make an account (unless your family is like so many that are deathly afraid of the internet.)
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Old August 17th, 2006, 02:45   #4
WW2 Airsofter
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Just wait till your 18, hehe, It feels wierd saying that, because I used to hate it when people told me that. But seriously, Just use Ebay, or go to another airsoft fourm that doesnt have restrictions on the NAR section. Or you could get someone you know, that is age verifyed to sell it for you (I didnt just say that) But really, if I wanted to sell something or even buy something, i'd check Ebay before I checked any airsoft boards.

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Old August 17th, 2006, 09:16   #5
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A lot of airsoft forums here in Canada are starting to restrict their buy/sell areas to 18+ or verified members, and not allowing just anyone into them.

Just for the simple reason, that none of the site owners want to be held responsible for a minor buying and getting caught with an airsoft or other questionable item and saying well I bought it from site. NAR does as said have several items in it that minors should not have easy access to, not airsoft related hence the NAR.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 10:35   #6
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eBay requires a credit card to register an account. I doubt a minor will have one of those, and parents aren't usually too quick to release theirs whenever 'eBay' is mentioned, for obvious reasons.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 10:40   #7
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Actually you'd be surprised how many parents have those credit cards for kids now adays.... You know the ones where the parents put like $200 on it, and thats all they have for their monthly allowance and such.

Use to shock me when I worked in retail selling electronics, and a kid would walk in and drop down a credit card, we'd check to make sure it was legit and it would be one of those cards.... what a pain in the ass cause you'd never know if some kid stole their parents card.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 15:44   #8
WW2 Airsofter
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I think all you need for ebay, is a vaild email address (thats all I needed and I had my account when I was probably 16-17) Or you can buy one of those pay as you go credit cards.

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Old August 22nd, 2006, 17:32   #9
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Originally Posted by Erik_james
I think all you need for ebay, is a vaild email address (thats all I needed and I had my account when I was probably 16-17) Or you can buy one of those pay as you go credit cards.

All you need is an e-mail address that is "not free" (, if you use a free e-mail address ( then it brings up another form to fill out credit card information (for age check?).

However there are a lot of free e-mail accounts that you can get, that ebay doesn't know of and thinks they are non-free accounts.

At this point you can only 'buy' and can't sell. In order to 'sell' you must have a credit card, or take advantage of one of their end of the month (bimonthly?) "free sale" or "5 Free sales"...even then you may need to have a credit card.

Ebay protects buyers by only having adults (or kids that steal their parents credit card numbers) selling items, the most harm that a kid buying things could do would be to win a bid and not pay, thus making the seller lose 60 cents or so. The seller could then (probably) contact ebay and notify them of the situation and recieve their money back from posting the auction.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 17:37   #10
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question answered. closed.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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