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Canada vs Us game is possible.



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Old July 26th, 2006, 14:09   #31
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Has anyone contacted customs (at a higher than first contact level) to see if there is a way or could be a way for canadians to bring their guns across?
It may take some contacting of various political and governmental contacting but...if we can take real steel across the border and back with a license/ permit then there is a way to do it with airsoft guns, we just have to find it.

As for the game itself....If I can get time off and afford it I would be deffinately in...especially if I could use a AK74m!

Great idea and I hope it works out. The workinvolved would be daunting but do able, especially with people will to pitch in.

Lets try to make this happen, it would go a long way for international relations (lol).
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Old July 27th, 2006, 23:51   #32
JOHNUSA's Avatar
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this would be a 2 day event. 3 night camping.
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Old July 28th, 2006, 22:19   #33
wolphsnyper's Avatar
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I like the idea...I'd go
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Old July 29th, 2006, 00:11   #34
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id be totally down with that, and i dont care just give me a stock m16a3 and a bunch of locaps and im content. i think this would be an awesome event.
maybe if enough people contacted customs or a government agency, and told them ecaxtly what we were planing to do they might make an exception for transporting the guns for this event only as long as they were al transported together in one vehicle or something(i dunno that was just an idea that bubbled up in my head) give me some feedback on that idea.
G&P car 15. KSC 1911 G&G m4 gbbr
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Old August 1st, 2006, 12:26   #35
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If I am out of collage then I am game. You guys have to remember that the US has different FPS ruling, Im not sure what it is in Ohio but we limit our guns to 400fps aeg and 450 for the snipers. So for the people that are wanting to bring mech boxes down, that will probably be fine but you may have to down the spring anyways. Then the question comes is it worth the hassel? Because just pop in a new spring into a ca then your at their limits.

I like all the ideas so far. Plus I can visit.....6 people I know in ohio from other things I do.

Also JohnUS, If you could talk to some of your guys see if they are able to rent some of their upgraded rifles or machine guns or snipers or pistols. Im sure most US players have more than one gun (specially at the price you guys pay lol ) For the snipers Im sure other snipers arent going to want some newb so we can verfy the "main,experienced" snipers here and see if they can rent a set up down there.

I also suggest through out one of the days or larger time games that we mix the US and Ca boys for a very different feel.

I'll try to contact my teacher at school, She works the border between kingston and US during the summer, So I will contact her ASAP and see if I can get numbers for high contacts or find loop holes or something for people that want to bring guns or something.

Awsome idea and Ill find out when I will be done school so I can get you to plan it around me lol jk

Edit- Email sent to my teacher and now we wait.
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Old August 2nd, 2006, 20:26   #36
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i like the idea of mixing teams for a game.

i tried an adopt a candian program here in ohio. it went over like a ton of bricks. Any lenders would likely be from my team.

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Old August 2nd, 2006, 20:40   #37
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It sounds like an awsome game. Too bad i live in Florida.
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Old August 3rd, 2006, 02:03   #38
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canadians seem to travel alot more to play airsoft than many in the US would appear to.... maybe its just perception but i am sure there will be guys from all over canada if a big game like that were to happen
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Old August 3rd, 2006, 14:18   #39
JOHNUSA's Avatar
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that is encouraging. An event like this puts a huge strain on my team as well. I am trying to do this all well in advance. lots of peices to the puzzle.

i think you are right about americans traveling for airsoft events. there are some national events people flock to like mecca. for instance irene.

I'm thinking of having ohio players be civilian or indigenous personnel. basically role players that the national ca & us players can coerce into being on their side. it also provides a way where i can make the simulation more like an ongoing war than a feirce battle. the ohio players would likely be refs as well.

i figure this way we can have a hundred man event but then have 100 ref/roleplayers/militiamen running around to keep it crazy.

john usa aka HNIC
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Old August 4th, 2006, 15:08   #40
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So this is what my teacher gave me for contacting the Customs-1-800-461-9999, Looks like a general number so im not sure how far it goes. Plus this site

Now Im just taking Police Foundations, Im not a brain to try and convince these people to understad us and to allow us to pass through.

Ill try another teacher see what he has to say hopefully we can get more information or help.
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Old August 8th, 2006, 10:44   #41
JOHNUSA's Avatar
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i found this in your link


Canada’s firearms legislation helps make our country safer for both residents and visitors. Before you attempt to import a firearm, it is recommended that you contact a chief firearms officer for information.

The following requirements apply to the importation of firearms:

* You must be at least 18 years of age.
* You cannot import prohibited firearms or any prohibited weapons or devices, including silencers and replica firearms.

For more detailed information on importing a firearm into Canada, request a copy of the pamphlet, Importing a Firearm or Weapon Into Canada (RC4227), or call the ACIS line at the numbers listed on page 29 of this publication. For information about applying for a Canadian firearms licence, or for an Application for Authorization to Transport Restricted Firearms and Prohibited Firearms, Including Prohibited Handguns (Form 679 EF), please contact:

Canada Firearms Centre
Ottawa ON K1A 1M6

Telephone: 1-800-731-4000 (toll-free in Canada and the United States)
(506) 624-5380 (from all other countries)
Fax: (613) 957-7325
Email: cfc-cafc@cfc-cafc
Web site:

here is the link that was in the text

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Old August 16th, 2006, 21:54   #42
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while i've been gone i've got some research done with gunny the teammember with the ca dealer liscense

This will possibly change however i don't see it. This op is still in the planning stages and is not being advertised as an op yet. let's cross our fingers. PS just got back from the falls LCBO BABY.


ca36 and most variants
mp5 and variants

this is the caliber of guns we can get for the current cost. we aren't talking mp5s anymore.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 03:15   #43
Join Date: Dec 2002
Definately looks good.

Probably guessing we'd have to bring our own batteries as well?

As for magazines, I think they're permitted at the border but I'm not entirely sure. Probably depends on how cranky the customs officer on duty is.
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Old August 17th, 2006, 10:26   #44
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as far as i know mags can be done for everything but the g36's since the fake bullets make customs cranky... otherwise i believe we can bring extra mags down with us the m15/aug/ak/ca33/sarm41. still there is the chance that if we get a customs guy who is having a bad say it would not go well so it may be best to leave those at home, guess it comes down to the individual players.

all in all im happy to hear that this op is going down and i hope i will be amongst those who gets to make their way down for it.
Stop Sulking About It! - Prioritize & Organize! - Canadian Airsoft Is Not A Crime!

Primary: G36K
Secondary: FMU SIG P226
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Old August 18th, 2006, 16:05   #45
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If you want a strong showing from Canada give like one years notice.
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