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Noob to Airsoft looking for a good Classic Arms AEG


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Old July 27th, 2006, 13:31   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Athabasca, AB
Noob to Airsoft looking for a good Classic Arms AEG

Hi all,

I just found out about Airsoft, always liked paintball but missed the feel of real weapons and more realistic military situations....

In short, after only a few days of surfing, I'm hooked.

I live near Edmonton and and looking at the clubs that are nearby.

Having gobbled up as much info as possible, I want a high quality gun (money is not a problem). Tokyo Mariu and CA seem to be the best.

It seems that Classical Arms makes a slightly sturdier product so am probably looking at getting one of their AEG's.

I really like the CA G-36C and the m15a4 CQB.

What are the pros and cons of these two weapons in comparison?

I would like to ask you guys what your impressions are of these guns and your personal critieria in selecting AEG's.

Also is the longer barreled G-36 might be better tactical weapon, I really like the rail system of the g36c, but am worried about the short barrel.

Thanks again

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Old July 27th, 2006, 13:39   #2
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Hi, you should buy a tokyo marui G36C because the rails will allow you to use things like for grips, reddot scope, and flashlight's. Since you are begining you need to find somthing that you can grow on that is relaible and Tokyo marui is the best on internals. CLassic army is ok but they have had problems in the past. Also there G36k and G36 standard dont have any rails for a new scope and there stock one is preatty crappy.

Something to think about.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 13:51   #3
Join Date: Mar 2004
Originally Posted by gaven555
Hi, you should buy a tokyo marui G36C because the rails will allow you to use things like for grips, reddot scope, and flashlight's. Since you are begining you need to find somthing that you can grow on that is relaible and Tokyo marui is the best on internals. CLassic army is ok but they have had problems in the past. Also there G36k and G36 standard dont have any rails for a new scope and there stock one is preatty crappy.

Something to think about.
I take it you've never owned a CA gun?
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Old July 27th, 2006, 13:55   #4
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LRon & Sherman of EAR both have TM G36's, check with them on how they like their guns. Use the drop down menu at the top of the page. CA has a sturdier body than TM for the G36, but I've never had a problem with either of my TM G36's. Every CA gun I've worked on have had lube issues in the gearbox, sometimes too much, usually not enough.

G36's are pretty bullet proof but there's not much for accessories and the mags are a pain with the clips on the sides that snag on everything.

M4's can suffer from barrel wobble and weaker gearboxes, but have accessories up the yingyang and the mags fit in almost everyvest & chest rig out there.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta
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Old July 27th, 2006, 14:31   #5
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Location: Athabasca, AB
How important is barrell length for accuracy and effective range with 6mm airsoft bb's?

I have read some really good reviews on the newer CA m15's that seem like they have elminated most major issues like barrel wobble that seem to plague their first attempts at the Armalites...

To confess, I am rather torn between the two guns BECAUSE of their differences. The 36c seems to be the best built gun they have made so far, with lots of rails and features (those with other CA versions of the 36K/36L please add comments... :!: ), but the m4 has that real metal feel and wieghtiness; with more authentic replication that seems to be an intangible.

Its kind of down to intangibles, that why I wonder about their comparitve ballistic performance. That would probably be the clincher.

Guess the best thing to do is go to a brick and mortar and so how they feel as well....
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Old July 27th, 2006, 15:17   #6
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Originally Posted by ca406079
How important is barrell length for accuracy and effective range with 6mm airsoft bb's?
VERY. If long range is what you want, look at 20" barrelled guns. If you want extreme range, get a full-length rifle, add an extended PSG1 tightbore barrel (650mm), and add a suppressor to cover what sticks out. A few guys here have done that and get so much range that people actually complain about it.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 15:42   #7
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Location: Athabasca, AB
HMMM, could I put on of these barrels on a G-36c?

Do you have a link to show this add-on?

Is there any purpose to the supressors or are they purley cosmetic?
(perhaps lengthened barrells camoflaged by a dummy supressor?
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Old July 27th, 2006, 16:24   #8
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Star airsoft has a good information on that look through the aeg's section.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 16:28   #9
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If money is truly no object, the best quality seems to be the Systema PTW. They start well over $1000, but are as realistic as it comes. I've never owned or even seen one in person, this is just what I've read. I only mention it as you seem to be after qaulity and realism over anything else.

Also, I'm not sure about Edmonton, but most parts of Canada, it's hard to come y a "brick and mortar" for airsoft. There's one in Toronto, and one in I believe Vancouver, but other than that, I'm not really sure. Some surplus stores carry airsoft, but it's real hit-and-miss as to what they'll have in store.
Sgt Spleen
Salamander Army

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Originally Posted by kuchervano View Post
Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 16:48   #10
Rumpel Felt
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Originally Posted by gaven555
Hi, you should buy a tokyo marui G36C because the rails will allow you to use things like for grips, reddot scope, and flashlight's. Since you are begining you need to find somthing that you can grow on that is relaible and Tokyo marui is the best on internals. CLassic army is ok but they have had problems in the past. Also there G36k and G36 standard dont have any rails for a new scope and there stock one is preatty crappy.

Something to think about.
Typical TM fanboy.

I actually hace the CA G36. Not only does it have three times the rails out of the box as the TM one, it's built better, looks better, is far more solid, has a faster rate of fire, is more powerfull and has several internals that are upgraded over the TM one. And yes, I've had the TM one to compare.

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Old July 27th, 2006, 17:21   #11
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Location: Athabasca, AB
Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Originally Posted by gaven555
Hi, you should buy a tokyo marui G36C because the rails will allow you to use things like for grips, reddot scope, and flashlight's. Since you are begining you need to find somthing that you can grow on that is relaible and Tokyo marui is the best on internals. CLassic army is ok but they have had problems in the past. Also there G36k and G36 standard dont have any rails for a new scope and there stock one is preatty crappy.

Something to think about.
Typical TM fanboy.

I actually hace the CA G36. Not only does it have three times the rails out of the box as the TM one, it's built better, looks better, is far more solid, has a faster rate of fire, is more powerfull and has several internals that are upgraded over the TM one. And yes, I've had the TM one to compare.

I found a website review that seems to confirm this.

Rumplefelt, have you had a chance to compare CA m4's (all metal) with your current CA36c?

What kind of range do you get with yours, how is it best to play with this AEG?
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Old July 27th, 2006, 17:42   #12
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Originally Posted by ca406079
To confess, I am rather torn between the two guns BECAUSE of their differences. The 36c seems to be the best built gun they have made so far, with lots of rails and features (those with other CA versions of the 36K/36L please add comments... :!: ), but the m4 has that real metal feel and wieghtiness; with more authentic replication that seems to be an intangible.
as well....
it all come down to what looks better to you. if you like the looks of an armalite then go with the m4. if you don't like the looks of a gun but you still buy it for the reliability/features, you will regrete it down the road
TM AUG A2 [Standard/Commando barrel], KSC U.S. M9 HW, KSC USP Compact
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Old July 27th, 2006, 18:22   #13
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You can also go to a local game, see what folks use, ask to try things before you start spending or even thinking about upgrades.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 20:33   #14
Rumpel Felt
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Originally Posted by ca406079
I found a website review that seems to confirm this.

Rumplefelt, have you had a chance to compare CA m4's (all metal) with your current CA36c?

What kind of range do you get with yours, how is it best to play with this AEG?
I've never had a CA M4 and I don't think you'll be able to find one in Canada. M15 Carbine yes.

The G36C however will suit you just well for a starting gun. I just got the G36 recently so no gaming experience with it but you can tell from it's design it'll be good. No huge barrel to smack stuff off of and a folding stock with ZERO play for CQB. My experience with barrel length has been: it doesn't really make all to much difference. This gun still get's within 10 CM groupings firing bursts at well over 10M with .2's. The ~700mm 6.03 tighbore in my sniper a while back was better but not by all that much.

Get this gun and I'm sure you'll be pleased.
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Old July 27th, 2006, 23:15   #15
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For a beginner I recommend TM. I started with a CA33E, sold it, moved to a TM G36C. I'm WAY more satisfied with the TM, but that's just my opinion. As far as the guns in general get a G36C they are awesome. Good all around usefulness and they look incredible.
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