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Old July 7th, 2006, 22:46   #16
made Man
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Point of the digi patters is that there no actuall pattern. Having a tiger stripe patter kinda defeats the purpose, eh?
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Old July 8th, 2006, 16:16   #17
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That's true, seems like kind of a gimmick to me. But I'm sure the pattern is still very effective.

Pvt.Vince, can you give me a link to the website that told you the US Navy is being issued ACU? Only article I could find (March 2006) told me they are still going ahead with their retarded blue pattern.


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Old July 19th, 2006, 09:56   #18
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Yeah that must have been some sort or false article... found this on Navy page
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Navy experimental.jpg (81.6 KB, 54 views)
File Type: jpg Navy experimental 2.jpg (94.2 KB, 57 views)
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Old July 19th, 2006, 11:02   #19
lol fucking NAVY in camouflage....if you fall off the fucking ship, the LAST thing you want is to be invisible. If you crawl your way to land, you might as well be in a flourescent jumpsuit for all the good that shit will do.

They should save a few bucks and just put them in reverseable jumpsuits. Orange on one side, Sage on the other.

The US Air Force is trialing semi-pixelated tigerstripe, after shitcanning the blue tigerstripe after troops were embarassed to be seen in it:

"Air Force tasks Tiger Stripe Products to assemble private sector project team. TSP consuls and instructs AF Clothing Office (WPAFB) in taking project from idea to production. TSP assembles team from several different areas of manufacturing and begins project.

TSP redesigns our copyrighted Original Vietnam Tiger Stripe™ pattern for Air Force tiger stripe pattern. Air Force given several different color schemes including combat ready camouflage colorways. Air Force leadership chooses blue/gray color scheme which, not surprisingly, fails the acceptance of Air Force personnel."

Pun intended.

It looks ok, but a little "washed out". Yet another pattern that seems to be specifically designed with the Middle East in mind.
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Old July 19th, 2006, 16:37   #20
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Looks like darker ACU
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Old July 20th, 2006, 01:01   #21
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The USAF pattern doesn't look too bad. I'll reserve judgement until I see it first-hand, or at least some pics of it in actual use.

Anyone else think the US military over all would be better spending this money on some other program? A whole different fancy fuck camo pattern for every branch just screams friendly-fire if you ask me.

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Old July 20th, 2006, 01:18   #22
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Yes. I live in the US and right now all the branches are kind of scattered camo wise. We had some National Gaurd guys doing security at a local event a few months ago, and i saw ACU, Desert Digi, and woodland, and all the soldiers were just back from iraq. Ive never seen that navy crap before though, it does seem a little pointless. I wish they would just stick all of our guys in marpat, (It pwns cadpat, even though it was based on cadpat, i think cadpats too bright IMO), but for some reason every branch has to have a different camo. Nice for distinction but its a little confusing for a normal person who isent as informed as people like us.
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Old July 20th, 2006, 14:26   #23
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Originally Posted by CaptGeist
Yes. I live in the US and right now all the branches are kind of scattered camo wise. We had some National Gaurd guys doing security at a local event a few months ago, and i saw ACU, Desert Digi, and woodland, and all the soldiers were just back from iraq. Ive never seen that navy crap before though, it does seem a little pointless. I wish they would just stick all of our guys in marpat, (It pwns cadpat, even though it was based on cadpat, i think cadpats too bright IMO), but for some reason every branch has to have a different camo. Nice for distinction but its a little confusing for a normal person who isent as informed as people like us.

IIRC the commandant of the Corps holds the patent on MARPAT, and has stated its for the USMC only, so outfitting all US Armed Forces with it isn't going to happen.

Something I'm wondering about the Navy pattern.... Well right now for BDUs the Navy uses US woodland and US 3 colour desert right? Seals, being part of the navy must wear its branches BDUs... so would the SEALs also be forced to wear this stuff?
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Old July 20th, 2006, 16:14   #24
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Originally Posted by Goldman
Originally Posted by CaptGeist
Yes. I live in the US and right now all the branches are kind of scattered camo wise. We had some National Gaurd guys doing security at a local event a few months ago, and i saw ACU, Desert Digi, and woodland, and all the soldiers were just back from iraq. Ive never seen that navy crap before though, it does seem a little pointless. I wish they would just stick all of our guys in marpat, (It pwns cadpat, even though it was based on cadpat, i think cadpats too bright IMO), but for some reason every branch has to have a different camo. Nice for distinction but its a little confusing for a normal person who isent as informed as people like us.

IIRC the commandant of the Corps holds the patent on MARPAT, and has stated its for the USMC only, so outfitting all US Armed Forces with it isn't going to happen.

Something I'm wondering about the Navy pattern.... Well right now for BDUs the Navy uses US woodland and US 3 colour desert right? Seals, being part of the navy must wear its branches BDUs... so would the SEALs also be forced to wear this stuff?
No, because the SEALs is more independant than people used to think. In other word they can choose what they want.
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Old July 20th, 2006, 16:17   #25
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When you say they were wearing a pair of Levis jeans and an ERDL shirt in Vietnam, you understand how independant they are...
Usual to see pictures of a group of seals with none of the guys geared up the same way... one in full TS, one in full ERDL, one mixed TS/ERDL one Levis/ERDL etc etc... weird bunch those seals
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Old July 20th, 2006, 17:05   #26
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well after learning how to kill someone 20 diff ways with just your thumb, id imagine you'd be weird too.
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Old July 20th, 2006, 17:08   #27
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Originally Posted by MrEvolution
well after learning how to kill someone 20 diff ways with just your thumb, id imagine you'd be weird too.
urban legend............
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Old July 21st, 2006, 01:52   #28
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Yup. Seals, Delta, basically all US Spec Ops guys get free pic of what they want to wear and shoot. Heck, even the regular army gets to pick its weapon, i havent seen a regular M16 in months, most soldiers have M4s or Uber moded 16s.
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Old July 21st, 2006, 02:00   #29
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Originally Posted by CaptGeist
Heck, even the regular army gets to pick its weapon, i havent seen a regular M16 in months.. months?? In months of what, ogling every thread at Newsflash: That doesn't count as operational experience....Captain.

Originally Posted by CaptGeist
most soldiers have M4s or Uber moded 16s.
Blarney, is that you?
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Old July 21st, 2006, 12:30   #30
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Nope months of news videos and research in pictures and books. Its a known fact that most American units in Iraq are using M4s as opposed to M16s. Most of the fighting in Iraq now is urban and CQB type stuff anyway, therefore, most American soldiers now use M4s, plus, the new American M16s are starting to do away with automatic and burst options, however the M4 retains both. Im not stupid, i know what im talking about.
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