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CYMA 027-J : MP5-J



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Old June 29th, 2006, 22:29   #46
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I still fail to see why they were painted orange. Was that an effort to trick customs? Use a loophole? Or any other negative possibility that could hurt whatever credibility airsoft has legally?

My point for posting the pictures and being upset is that fact that the gun was painted and not previously disclosed to me before the purchase.
I am confused, this looks a lot like he is complaining about the product he received.

Someone PLEASE tell me WHY the guns needed to be painted to get them across the border. READ: EXPLAIN. Not say "to get them across the border".
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Old June 29th, 2006, 22:30   #47
Bob the Angry Potato
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Christ, man.
Cool it- let's just wait 'til Sam gets back from vacation, THEN you ask him. Don't raise a stink here, there's most likely a reason why- Sam isn't the kind of guy to try and find a loophole, or screw customers over.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 10:07   #48
Scotty aka harleyb
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Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato
Sam isn't the kind of guy to try and find a loophole, or screw customers over.
Doesn't seem that way... painting guns to get them over the boarder, and not properly informing customers of the history or current status of the guns they're buying? That sounds pretty damn dodgy.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 14:31   #49
Bob the Angry Potato
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We don't know why he painted the guns, for all we know, there may be a reason. All his previous service has been great, let's just wait for him to get back and tell us, yes? Everyone's been jumping to assumptions, it may sound dodgy but all you're doing is making someone, who is potentially innocent, look bad.

For all we know it's Customs fucking with people again, they've been doing it more recently- he had submitted the guns before, in stock condition, and he was told to repaint them (information thanks to Garrett, who bought one from him). He then painted the foregrip alone, but the Customs officers told him 'it still looks like a real gun'. It wasn't his decision at all, and it won't happen next time.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 16:53   #50
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I am more than happy to wait for an explanation. If you do not have one, and do not know what happened, then why are you telling us to chill out? Everyone in this community has invested in the future of this sport, I think it is fair to be aware of any unusual dealings with customs over our future.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 17:22   #51
The Saint
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On one hand, there are pictures of the guns before and after painting on the gun's sale page along with a mention that they are painted flat black. To any alert shopper, it should be quite clear from the pictures that there's something unusual about the guns. Missing fire selector markings, for one.

On the other hand, I think Sam could've been slightly more clear by using a bigger picture or more descriptive text. Even better, instead of spray painting them, he could've stripped off the spray paint. That's a lot of investment on his part depending on the size of his stock for what are otherwise rather cheap guns.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 18:11   #52
Generation vexed
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Quaff what have you invested for the future of this sport.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 18:13   #53
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About $2000 dollars, lots of time and energy, and hosting.

Now, smartass, what have you done?
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Old June 30th, 2006, 18:15   #54
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supporting small businesses, and not trying to shut them down for no big reason, more so your hurting airsoft.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 18:44   #55
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Where the fuck are you getting that from? Where have I indicated that he should be shut down?
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Old June 30th, 2006, 18:57   #56
Bob the Angry Potato
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GV, really- no need to be hostile. Quaff is suspicious, as he has a right to be.

Quaff, you didn't say that- what you're saying is, most likely, damaging his business (albeit educated speculation), but I'll admit you certainly did not say for him to be shut down.

I'm going to vote a moderator clean this thread. It is 4 pages of inane banter, and can be shorted down to the single, original and fairly-decent review that it started off to be.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 20:15   #57
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After this last post, I will certainly quiet down.

The photos of the guns being painted like that, and the poor explanation as to why, would hurt his business far more than anything I could ever say. I am in no way, shape or form, an influential enough member of ASC to damage anyone's business.
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Old July 1st, 2006, 13:27   #58
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I only really skimmed over most of the stabs at sam's credibility, because I know they don't apply. Sam is a great guy, best customer service, and I think I would call him a friend on the side. I know he is on vacation right now, but he will be back in a while. When I got mine I knew it was painted. However I must say sam probably isnt themost talented painted in the world :smack: however it wasn't hidden from me that the guns weren't a stock job. I dont think customs was being tricked in any way, more likely he was only allowed to do things a certain way. Now I am more than happy with my mp5j, it feels rock solid and shoots pretty well. I mean its no top of the line super upgraded job, but you can't beat it for a chinese gun out of box in my opinion. I think mine looks fine minus not having fire selector markings. Which could probably be done easily if I was even slightly talented at making a stencil and using an airbrush.

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Old July 1st, 2006, 13:50   #59
Generation vexed
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Quaff I didn’t want to make it sound like that, I just mean, this doesn’t really sound top notch to his business and since all the guns after this aren’t going to be like this what is the point of this discussing I vote a mod should clean this up.
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Old July 1st, 2006, 13:56   #60
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Good idea generation vexed. Besides, I don't think trying to throw mud at sam's credibility is a very nice thing to do when he isn't even here to defend himself. He is too busy getting his ass tossed around by the pacific at the moment
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