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CYMA 027-J : MP5-J



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Old June 24th, 2006, 15:31   #1
aZn_triXta07's Avatar
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CYMA 027-J : MP5-J

Hey guys this is my first review here and I'm going to do it on the new CYMA MP5-J. I got it from Sam of BC AirsoftSupply and after reading a couple of reviews on it I decided to give it a go.

Okay yes, CYMA has been known to produce craptastic guns as far as its reputation goes they've finally stepped up the plate. This is the excat copy of the TM MP5-J say for a few minor things that are hardly an issue. The CYMA MP5-J package includes:

Cyma MP5-J w/flashider
8.4V 1100maH Mini Battery
Battery Charger (Takes roughly 4 hours or when light stops)
BBs (Rofl they say for marui gun only but they are crap quailty =/)
175rd hi-cap
Green sling (ugly and small but who cares)
Cleaning Rod
Allen key for motor

So let's get started here:

Part 1: The looks and feel,

This gun is 1:1 scale with the real thing and looks the same as the TM despite the marking that says "Made in China CM027J" by the magazine compartment in which on the TM it just says you know what it says Anyhow, this gun feels very solid and good weight. It featrues full metal front and a metal sliding stock. Unlike the TM the upper reciever is made of STRONG plastic, on a TM in which I have owned you could squeeze the body and feel it compress. But not on the CYMA, nothing at all! But heck if plastic isn't enough for you its compatible just like the TM one so you could either stick a CA or ICS metal body on it. All the features including the safety, trigger, mag release, and removable front handgaurd are excatly like the TM it is by far the best clone up to date. The only thing that bothered me in appearance is the hop up lever, it is white -_- but paint can fix that.

Part 2: Preformance

Power/ROF: Stock TM guns shoot from a range of 260-280fps, but not the CYMA, it shoots over 300fps and kicks butt! The only con to that is with the stronger spring than the TM stock spring, it slows down the ROF, this is using the 8.4V 1100maH mini that is included with the package.

Accuracy: The accuracy on this thing is pretty "blah" even carefully adjusting the hop-up the grouping are pretty bad. This is cause of the aluminum barrel installed. If you want to replace it you could find a stock mp5 barrel with the hop up as the hop up is different than the TM's unless you plan on modifying the new barrel. It is not a bad thing honestly, you could even stick the Systema 6.04mm barrel in and the gun would be pretty damn beastily.

Part 3: Internals

The gun comes apart just like the TM, not much to it just watchout for those plugs that connect to the motor as they are very fragile if not if you can use a solder and have electrical tape handy it'll be no problem at all.

Well the gearbox is fullmetal and preforms very well. I haven't gotten to taking it apart as I don't really feel the need to. The only thing that bugged me about the gearbox is the crappy looking tappet plate. It's fragile and looks like it will snap and needs some silicone oil so it'll move freely.

Here I'll sum up the issues or things you could replace to get this gun's preformance beyond the TM.

Replacing the aluminum barrel and the hop-up (or you could leave the hop-up)
Replacing the tappet plate
Taking care of the plugs that attach to the motor
The mechanism that holds the stock in place is pretty bad. It gets worn down after a bit so I'd advise you be careful with it. If it breaks please checkout the other review which is more detailed and includes pictures

Upgrades: On airsoftretreat forum the review says you should take into consideration of what you should do, and to upgrade it like you would for a UTG. I am planning on putting on a metal body first and than maybe work into installing a better barrel and possibly a more powerful motor.
Other than that this gun is amazing at it is for such a low price of $250 on so check it out!

Videos coming soon ... will be posted on BCAirsoftSupply website!
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Old June 28th, 2006, 20:45   #2
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I just got my MP5-J from BCAirsoft too. I was wondering... Did yours look like it had been repainted?

I pulled mine out of the box and all I could smell is Spray Paint, the gun was also somewhat sticky (consistant with being freshly painted). Upon further inspection I found traces of bright floresent orange paint all over the gun with black over spray. To me it looks like the entire gun was floresent orange and then hastily repainted black with Tremclad spray paint.

The retractable slide was difficult to pull out because there was paint holding it to the gun. I can't even get the sliding stock to go back in. The pin that holds the fore grip shows signs that it has two layers of paint on it. There are also appears to be a spot on the foregrip where it looks as though the painter picked up the peice when it was still wet with paint because there are four little finger marks. You can also see spots where the wet paint had been set down on, half dried, and then pulled off of the surface it dried against. With the foregrip removed there are signs of repaint on the barrel and wire harness.

But the biggest evidence of repaint is on the hop-up adjuster. All the other reviews and pictures show it as being completely white. Because the top half of the hop-up adjuster on mine is black where it is exposed and white where it is under the foregrip gives me enough evidence, beyond all the other points above, that I am 100% sure that this gun was not new in the box but, for some reason, removed and repainted orange and then repainted black.

I know Sam wants to keep a good reputation for his business so I have sent him an email, as it states on the website he is on vacation until July 7th. I hope this can be resolved as I am thoroughly unsatisfied with the gun. I know that the gun is of lesser quality but no where in the description of the gun does it say anything of the gun being repainted. I will let you know once I hear from Sam.

I will post pictures of the gun up in my next post...
aka Joelio
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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:17   #3
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Here you can see orange in the tracks of the slide as well as the orange inside the foregrip:

Signs of repaint on the barrel and wire harness. you can also see the repaint on the hop up adjuster:

Comparison of my TM and the CYMA. The paint on the CYMA is very glossy:

Repaint on the pin:

I've just recieved a couple PM's from a few others who have the same issue. I wish I was told the gun was repainted before I purchased it because I probably would've passed on the gun then.

It seems that the others were aware of the repaint and have either repainted it again or are working on removing the repaint.
aka Joelio
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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:26   #4
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Uhmm ... on the description of the site it says the gun is painted FLAT Black.
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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:35   #5
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Uhmm ... on the description of the site it says comes in flat Black. not spray painted black.
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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:40   #6
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Well it is up to the customer to ASK before buying.
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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:40   #7
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holy crap , that's awful

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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:46   #8
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Don't worry this will be the end of the painted guns, one sec I'll show you mine they look much better :P
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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:49   #9
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I feel that I shouldn't have to ask about wether or not a gun has been repainted. If the gun needed to be repainted to pass over customs it should have been mentioned in the product's description.

I'm not trying to say BCairsoft is a bad business, Sam has a great reputation and I'm not trying to taint it. I just wanted others to know about it because I was unaware until the gun arrived on my door step.
aka Joelio
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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:54   #10
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Here are the two cymas I got from Sam. If you don't like the glossy paint just use paint thinner
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Old June 28th, 2006, 21:59   #11
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they look better , for sure.

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Old June 28th, 2006, 23:31   #12
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Those look horrible. Even if it out-performed a TM and cost 8 dollars I would never field that. At most I would give it away to a friend with less taste than me.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 00:12   #13
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It's not that bad, as long as the gun works.

As long as you sand it down rough, then spray some FLAT black onto it, it should look pretty good.

I had to spray a few scraped up gun parts down and it looked great... though, I used regular black at first, and it looked horrible and shiny. After a spray of some flat black metal paint, it was awesome. Painted the markings back on with $1 arcrylic paint and it was good to go.
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Old June 29th, 2006, 00:56   #14
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sorry for thread-jacking but does someone know something special about the Cyma Warhawks and B-Spetz ?? Does somebody have had any problems with them ?

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Old June 29th, 2006, 01:40   #15
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wow i was going to recommend this gun to my friend who wants to start cheap
but after seeing those pictures... it's not worth it... it looks so... unairsofty~ :razz:
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