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does adding a silencer onto a aeg do nething else besides filter the noise?


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Old June 17th, 2006, 08:56   #16
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Originally Posted by the_spork_of_death
maby its my silencer being wierd, but when i put it on my 5.1 hi-capa it shoots the bb at a 45 degree angle to the left of were im aiming
That's quite an angle.

Check that silencer. It sounds like the BB is hitting some of the foam, or maybe clipping the end.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 09:02   #17
Ghost Snake
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Originally Posted by the_spork_of_death
maby its my silencer being wierd, but when i put it on my 5.1 hi-capa it shoots the bb at a 45 degree angle to the left of were im aiming
Lol, yeah. The bb's are definitely hitting the end of the suppressor. Hitting the foam wouldnt make that big of an angle. You'll want to try realigning that suppressor.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 09:04   #18
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If you want to make your supressor even quieter take the solid piece of foam that usually comes in them and cut it into sections. I forgot to mention you'll need an old spring for this as well since the sections will need some way to hold themselves in position and this also keeps the foam away from the bb path. Take the sections (basically half inch thick rings) and even them out across the spring, which you may have to stretch out). This will trap sound in each of the gaps starting at the first one all the way to the end, less and less each time.

How well this works depends on your surpressor, the type of foam etc.

And lastly for those who think silencers do not work, don't forget you as the operator of the gun won't notice the actual difference because it's right beside your head when you fire. Have someone fire your gun in your direction but off to the side of your head. You'll hear the difference being on the other end.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 09:07   #19
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If you're one of those spray and pray guys then you could be moving the AEG too fast and they're clipping the inside of the silencer before they exit. I see that happen almost daily. Your hop up or a dirty barrel could also be the cause of the bb hitting the inside.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 09:07   #20
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go pipe insulation, the only working supressors ive seen sold in stores are for the socom kits, i thought it was ilegal to sell working supressors?
this is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine. with out me my rifle is nothing, with out my rifle i am nothing.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 10:38   #21
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uh, dude, this is airsoft, an airsoft supressor is nothing like a real supressor
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 10:48   #22
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Oh that's right! Shit I keep forgetting the fact that I get paid to do what you consider a hobby and that I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I'll just pretend that I imagined the whole project. This way you can be right and you can have a good day because that's what's important.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 11:39   #23
Ghost Snake
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Originally Posted by TripWire
Oh that's right! Shit I keep forgetting the fact that I get paid to do what you consider a hobby and that I have no idea what I'm talking about.

I'll just pretend that I imagined the whole project. This way you can be right and you can have a good day because that's what's important.
Working the counter at XT doesnt make you a know it all at airsoft. (I dont really know what you do, it just seems probable).

In your defense though, I did actually hear that suppressors that actually suppressed, were illegal, no matter what they were on. Thats why you always hear about paintball fields that have suppressors banned completely. Because some of them do suppress. This is second hand info though, so I dont know for sure.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 12:42   #24
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I've never claimed to be a know it all - I was simply offering proven advice.

And yes I stand behind a counter. That's all.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 13:05   #25
a good chance for me to self quote
Originally Posted by Droc
Originally Posted by Huti
Originally Posted by Droc
airsoft silencers dont do anything, since the noise comes from the mechbox. They do not improve range, accuracy or anything. Aside from looks and covering a larger barrel, they server no purpose
Bullshit, a silencer works wery well. in fact, and it is ha huge different between eks. å p90 whit or whit out a silencer.
airsoft guns make their noise from the mechbox. The gears and the winding of the motor. The clack of the piston is more of a vibration through the mechbox and out through the body.
Now some of that sound travels out the barrel, but next to none. Want proof?
I saw this on arnies or somewhere.
Take a longer gun, such as an M4 or AK. lay it down. Use a microphone connected to a computer with audio equiptment and place it 1/2 inch from the mechbox and fire. Then place the microphone 1/2 inch from the tip of the barrel and fire. Then, if you really wanna be sure, run 2 microphones, 1 to the mechbox and one to the barrel.
When you magnify the time on the computer, you can see that the loudest point is the mechbox winding the gears back and then the piston firing. But still, more sound comes from the mechbox rather then the barrel.
Ill thread on a silencer. db emmitted remains the same.
just for fun, place a microphone 3 feet away and fire the gun...then drape a towel over the mechbox area only and fire...there is your sound change.
With airsoft silencers, since most are just fakes and dont use baffels, all they are really doing is changing the tone...but the volume is about the same.

If AEGs were a combustion gun, then sure, a silencer could muffle the sound of the gas and air pressure, but since there really isnt much air actually being moved, the loud bang your hearing isnt the is the piston slamming into the mechbox. The sound your hearing is more of an impact vibration thats emmittting from the mechbox and the surrounding reciever that its touching.

You may make your gun quieter if you had a real silencer or one with baffels and foam, but its hardly going to be noticable...the tone will change, but for the most part, the db remains the same.

If you want to make your gun silent, foam around the mechbox and use a silent piston head to cushion the piston.
hmm, and I dont work behind any counter

a supressor on an AEG isnt going to do much of anything except change the tone. A supressor on a gas gun, such as a sniper rifle does make a difference. On a GBB, not much since alot of the sound is from the slide...but it helps on a NBB.
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Old June 17th, 2006, 16:30   #26
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Ghost Snake, Tripwire works as a tech at Xtreme Tactics. A guy who works on an average of 6 guns (if not more) a day, anything from rental guns used and abused to beating down, to rare and specialty guns from customers.

Now he didn't mean to come off as a know it all. He was simply giving advice or his "opinion" on a question someone has (which btw is what an airsoft community is suppose to do, “Help and give advice to fellow players”). He gave his opinion and nothing more. Believing or not is up to you.

Now this is "my" opinion from the issue. Now I agree a lot with what Droc said. An airsoft gun may or may not have a db change. And it is simply changing the tone. However in a practical sense. Changing the tone does often do the job.

We have experienced countless times where the enemy would be hit without knowing where the shot came from (when his opponent was only 4 meters away).

I have played with "silencer users" before. And when they are giving me suppressive fire from behind. All I can pretty much see are the bb's flying past my head, but not hear the sound of the gun.

I guess a "pnuff pnuff" is a lot less noticeable then a "tat tat". Now that just might be our brains more registered to a "tat tat" sound being fired (“tat tat” = OMG I’m being shot at!!!). And not to a "pnuff punff" from a silencers as they are not often used.

Conclusion: Actually reducing the sound? Most likely not (read Droc's arguing point).
But would it have the "affect" you’re looking for in a silencer? I will surely say "yes" by experience. I mean our ear drums don't have precision sound measuring capabilities. However we do notice a sound/tone difference. And you WILL get those "shadow kills" because most players might not register the connection between the tone changes to a bb being fired.

If you really want the "silencing effect". You are probably better off wrapping your mechbox and your motor with something for the sound to travel in. Most of the sound is coming from your mechbox, your piston slamming back and forth, your gears grinding, and your motor spinning. Now I don't know exactly what type of material might be "safe" to use with your mechbox. But I am certain something can be found. And I know for a fact that this has been done before so it is proven to work.

For most guys like me, slapping on a silencer is probably the "easiest" way to get the results "I" am looking for. The tone change and the ability to mask your position.

FYI on my background. (So I don’t get flamed). I have been involved in airsoft since I was 7 years of age in Hong Kong. I have then moved to Winnipeg Manitoba, playing in my teen years with the Manitoba Airsoft Association and later started up Xtreme Tactics Ltd with my own two hands.
Being open for over two year now, we have a WIDE variety of players. From teenagers, Families having “family days”, Father and son teams, Husbands and wives, Boyfriends and Girlfriends, to some 60 year old grandpa’s and grandmas. And from all this experience, I am proud of my decision to make airsoft public. Because now Manitobans (sp) are less afraid of this “unknown sport” and can register “Airsoft” as an acceptable family activity/past time. Nothing makes me feel better then to see parents being fully involved in their kid’s activities. Either by joining them in the game, or watching them on the Big screen (cameras) cheering them on.

We also get moms promoting their kids to play another game because they realize that this is a Healthy Sport and provides their kids with a great exercise.

I don’t come on ASC often because I’m sick of the bashing. Remember guys, we are all in this sport together. In a sense we are all family (or at least it appears that way when airsofters gather). So what’s the point in having arguments and flame wars all the time? If really think a certain post is stupid, then leave it alone, it’s not worth your time and stress to make the guy feel like he’s nothing but a pea.

That's my "opinion" and I hope you all have a nice day!
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Old March 31st, 2008, 13:23   #27
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I just put a Madbull Magpul Gemtech Halo on my JG HK416, and bb's are hitting the inside of it, creating a classic ( yet amusing ) ricochet sound.

There are small amounts of white shaving's left in the front section of the silencer.

Help if you can ( know-it-alls included )
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Old March 31st, 2008, 13:27   #28
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Quick and dirty would be to swap the inner barrel for a longer one that reaches to the tip of the silencer. You may see tighter groupings as a result too.
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Old March 31st, 2008, 13:30   #29
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Originally Posted by Endymion View Post
Quick and dirty would be to swap the inner barrel for a longer one that reaches to the tip of the silencer. You may see tighter groupings as a result too.
Is there a way to fix it in the meantime?

Also, how would I determine the needed barrel length?
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Old March 31st, 2008, 13:31   #30
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Try playing with your hopup, it might be too high.
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