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Old May 24th, 2006, 19:08   #1
mykerush's Avatar
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I scoped out my dad's farm (1000 acres!) on the weekend and it's great for AS. Anyone have any idea's to pimp out the forests? Trenches, foxholes, structures. Let me know.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 19:49   #2
thephenom's Avatar
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You'll probably get the following questions:
1. Are you planning to use it for use for the ASC community (If you are, you gotta think about insurance)
2. Is it anywhere near the view of the general public
3. Where is it?

Probably a lot more questions than that, but yeah, that's a start.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 19:49   #3
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Build an a really elaborate small town, with shops and cafes and everything. Then, drop a low yield nuke on it to give it that "war torn" look. Old mines and ordinace can be peppered all over the field for an added mysteroius explosion effect.
Originally Posted by Sydney J. Harris
"Terrorism" is the violence of the weak, and we condem it; "war" is the violence of the strong, and we glorify it.
Originally Posted by Hannah Arendt
The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.
Originally Posted by Thucydides
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 20:04   #4
Join Date: Dec 2005
yeah bro...MAKE SOME STRUCTURE...kinda like Operation Irene's over in the US...i'll be glad to go to your field...DESERT
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Old May 24th, 2006, 20:09   #5
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Just leave some old boards, plywood, shovels, sand bags, and any other non-sharp junk you can find lying around in different places, then call on a two or three day mil-sim and watch your field being built....
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Old May 24th, 2006, 20:09   #6
I am memel, hear me roar!
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Out of curiosity, how big is the wood lot?

Anyways, I sometimes daydream about a scenario not unlike this, where I have access to a wood lot and can do with it as I please. Invariably, I come to the conclusion that unless I have free use of a backhoe or mini-excavator and a healthy free supply of salvagable building materials, it's gonna cost a bit of cash. I'm not saying tonnes of cash, but enough to make it uncomfortable without some outside help. Then I envision the petty squabbling that would naturally follow and I get all pissed off and say 'fuck it'. Yeah, that's right, my daydreams usually end in a fist fight!

I guess, if you're doing it on the cheap, a good way to start is to accumulate skids, barrels, wooden wire reels, etc. and start from there. At least it gives you something to hide behind. I suppose it also depends on the natural terrain you've got in your wood lot, as it may not need enhancement.

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Old May 24th, 2006, 20:33   #7
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Originally Posted by memel
I guess, if you're doing it on the cheap, a good way to start is to accumulate skids, barrels, wooden wire reels, etc. and start from there. At least it gives you something to hide behind. I suppose it also depends on the natural terrain you've got in your wood lot, as it may not need enhancement.
This is true. If your have a nice woodlot with a good mix of trails and dense foilage, you don't really need any FIBUA materials.

The only thing I would really suggest is building two or three main "bases", and maybe one little area with man made cover. Leave the rest natural so players can practice small scale manouvers and tactics.
Originally Posted by Sydney J. Harris
"Terrorism" is the violence of the weak, and we condem it; "war" is the violence of the strong, and we glorify it.
Originally Posted by Hannah Arendt
The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution.
Originally Posted by Thucydides
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.
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Old May 24th, 2006, 20:35   #8
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What WILL hurt is the insurance policy to cover that kind of thing. Last number I heard was around $600/month. That's $7200/year.

Other costs have been mentioned.
It's a very expensive idea, but it CAN be done.

Who is funding the project?
Are the authorities aware?
Is the site visible by anyone, even by pure dumb luck?
Is the site completely fenced-off?
What will you charge?
What will you offer?
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Old May 25th, 2006, 14:31   #9
Join Date: May 2002
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Wood bunkers are super easy to build with chainsaws, fallen logs / dead trees and twine.
Find a set of trees that are near each other, ideally if you can find two close enough to each other that a log will fit through then that will help things out.
Fill in the gaps with the deadwood or chopped down dead trees and use the chainsaw to trim it. Tie it all up with good strudy twine.
We've done this lots of time out here in the West and after some practice you can put up a good sized bunker in less then an hour.

Foxholes and trenches we've found tend to be unusable after a season or even a month or two depending on the weather. Holes in the ground tend to get filled with water easily. We've built a few MG bunkers on the sides of hills and ensuring that there is some drainage. For those dig out a wedge of earth from the hillside and cover the top in branches/deadfall. Again tied up with twine.
Those are some easy ways to enhance a field with local items.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 17:00   #10
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Originally Posted by Kid
Just leave some old boards, plywood, shovels, sand bags, and any other non-sharp junk you can find lying around in different places, then call on a two or three day mil-sim and watch your field being built....

THATS the money maker.
The Devil's Bench - Gaming Cafe, Brantford, ON.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 17:41   #11
Brian McIlmoyle
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I don't get why the first thing people ask is "can you build structures on it?" What is wrong with a natural woodland field?

There are lots of places to get your FIBUA fix. Flagraiders, TTAC3.

All structures do in a field is make fixed camping spots. We don't have the appropriate weapons to deal with structures.. so they invariably become pillboxes.

An open woodland with variable terrain offers much more variety in engagment, and fewer invunerable camping spots. And requires greater skill to be successful.

Don't get me wrong I love CQB.. but I also love being in the field..

There is nothing better than the hightened stress that comes from being in the woods .. looking for the enemy.. and you have no clue where they are...
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 25th, 2006, 18:46   #12
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Originally Posted by Jar|-|ead
yeah bro...MAKE SOME STRUCTURE...kinda like Operation Irene's over in the US...i'll be glad to go to your field...DESERT
Wouldn't structures make it....URBAN warfare?

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Old May 25th, 2006, 22:59   #13
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
I don't get why the first thing people ask is "can you build structures on it?" What is wrong with a natural woodland field?

There are lots of places to get your FIBUA fix. Flagraiders, TTAC3.

All structures do in a field is make fixed camping spots. We don't have the appropriate weapons to deal with structures.. so they invariably become pillboxes.

An open woodland with variable terrain offers much more variety in engagment, and fewer invunerable camping spots. And requires greater skill to be successful.

Don't get me wrong I love CQB.. but I also love being in the field..

There is nothing better than the hightened stress that comes from being in the woods .. looking for the enemy.. and you have no clue where they are...
Well, I think it's because the lack of urban warfare terrain in Canada. A lot of peaple did see Black Hawk Down and they want to have a scenario like that.

well myself to I like the Black Hawk Down kind of scenario. Try to build a small city with wide street but a lot of cover. So that you still need to use a large assault rifle because of the range between the house. That's also a Sniper dream because of the multiple high ground with cover. And it's a real tactical puzzle. For exemple if you have a MG nest in front of you, the MG got the advantage because he don't need a wide arc to put an effective surpressing fire. So you have to think a way to take down the MG without being hit by that MG. So it's more trilling in some way.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 23:14   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Mustang019
For exemple if you have a MG nest in front of you, the MG got the advantage because he don't need a wide arc to put an effective surpressing fire. So you have to think a way to take down the MG without being hit by that MG. So it's more trilling in some way.
OK OK I'm with you there Urban combat is thrilling.. because it is so dangerous.

But my point is why ruin a good woodland field by peppering it with camping spots .. and make the engagements so predictable.

in a woodland you have to analyze the terrain and make use of whats there..It takes skill and experience to do it.. anyone can hide in a building... and shoot out a window.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old May 25th, 2006, 23:23   #15
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I have to agree with Brian on this one.

If you have buildings, most people will use them as cover/defensive positions. With this setup you pretty much know where the opfor will be. But if you just leave it as it is, you never really know where an ambush will be.

After playing at the Wolfpack field, I don't think I'll ever enjoy fields like FR as much as I use to.
Age Rep for Petawawa Area
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