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KSC G23f Extremely inaccurate


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Old May 17th, 2006, 13:09   #1
panzer76's Avatar
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KSC G23f Extremely inaccurate

Hello all,

I have a KSC glock 23f (in stock form) which shoots to the left. I can't even hit a 12"x12" target at 20 feet without compensating my aim 6 inches to the right. I've tried every hop up setting possible, I've dissassembled the gun completely and lubed everything and I've checked if the outer/inner barrels were crooked. Everything seems fine yet still, all bb's arch to the left.

I'm using Airsoft Elite .20g bbs

Thanks for the help
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Old May 17th, 2006, 14:55   #2
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Do the BBs arc to the left while they're in the air?

Or do you have to compensate your aim but the BBs fly straight?
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Old May 17th, 2006, 15:39   #3
active1x0's Avatar
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Thumbs up

Many things can cause a BB to curve to one direction or another. Here are a couple for you to consider:

1) Your hop-up is damaged. Check the hop-up mechanism (do a forum search if you don't know what it looks like) and see if you can find any inconsistencies in the construction. Actually, I'm about to post a thread in this forum quite similar to yours, with pictures of what I think are a severly flawed hop-up unit from a KSC G19. I will come back to this thread and throw you a link once I get it done, so you can see an example.
Solution: Replace the hop-up unit.

2) Your inner barrel is wobbling. KSC glocks have a problem with inner barrel wobble, where the O-ring is not quite big enough to create a good friction seal with the outer barrel. Look to the following link for more information.
Solution: Here.

3) Your inner barrel needs cleaning. A clean barrel is essential to a good BB trajectory.
Solution: Clean the damn thing. My inner barrel is short enough to clean with a single sheet of rolled-up paper towel. Just twist it through the barrel until it comes out the other side, and pull it all the way through.

4) Your bb's are too light. Wind and/or the simple light-weight quality can cause a bb to deviate radically, even when fired from an extremely accurate gun. This gets even worse when you use low-quality BB's (foreign no-name brands).
Solution: KSC Glocks work well with (and I speak from experience) KSC Perfect 0.25g BB's. 0.3g BB's are even more accurate, but travel too slow for my personal preference.

Any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Originally Posted by Droc
I think new users should buy a USB anytime they ask a stupid question, we can PM them a kick to the teeth.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 19:30   #4
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bbs arc to the left

They actually arc to the left once they leave the barrel.



Originally Posted by vatek
Do the BBs arc to the left while they're in the air?

Or do you have to compensate your aim but the BBs fly straight?
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Old May 18th, 2006, 19:56   #5
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That eliminates the sights as a potential problem...
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Old May 18th, 2006, 20:10   #6
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Thanks for the extensive reply. Here's some more info.

The gun is fairly new, only shot a couple hundred bbs with it.

1) Your hop-up is damaged. There is a circular hop up unit on this gbb and it seems to differ from other types I've seen. I completely dissassembled the gun leaving only the hop up unit tied to the inner barrel. when i look through the barrel as i'm adjusting the hop up, even with magnifying glasses, I can't see anything happening that might apply a back spin to the bb. If this is the problem, what after-market unit would you suggest.

2) Your inner barrel is wobbling. I was aware of that problem and fixed it with electric tape a while ago. Still no improvement.

3) Your inner barrel needs cleaning. Trust me, I keep this baby clean. That was actually the first thing I did to try to fix the problem.

4) Your bb's are too light. I've just tried it with TM .25g's, KSC .25g's as well as Airsoft Elite .20g's (which are what I would normaly use) and the problem is the same

I looked at your post with the pictures and there's great info in it. I think the rupper "ring" inside the hop up unit, although not as flawed as yours' could be the cause of the problem. I noticed it seems really uneven.

Thanks a million for your help. please let me know if you have other suggestions


Originally Posted by active1x0
Many things can cause a BB to curve to one direction or another. Here are a couple for you to consider:

1) Your hop-up is damaged. Check the hop-up mechanism (do a forum search if you don't know what it looks like) and see if you can find any inconsistencies in the construction. Actually, I'm about to post a thread in this forum quite similar to yours, with pictures of what I think are a severly flawed hop-up unit from a KSC G19. I will come back to this thread and throw you a link once I get it done, so you can see an example.
Solution: Replace the hop-up unit.

2) Your inner barrel is wobbling. KSC glocks have a problem with inner barrel wobble, where the O-ring is not quite big enough to create a good friction seal with the outer barrel. Look to the following link for more information.
Solution: Here.

3) Your inner barrel needs cleaning. A clean barrel is essential to a good BB trajectory.
Solution: Clean the damn thing. My inner barrel is short enough to clean with a single sheet of rolled-up paper towel. Just twist it through the barrel until it comes out the other side, and pull it all the way through.

4) Your bb's are too light. Wind and/or the simple light-weight quality can cause a bb to deviate radically, even when fired from an extremely accurate gun. This gets even worse when you use low-quality BB's (foreign no-name brands).
Solution: KSC Glocks work well with (and I speak from experience) KSC Perfect 0.25g BB's. 0.3g BB's are even more accurate, but travel too slow for my personal preference.

Any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 20:16   #7
Ghost Snake
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There are only 2 things that would make your bb curve that bad (that I can think of anyway). A malfunctioning hop up unit, or resistance in the barrel of some kind, such as debris, or inconsistancies in the barrel finishing. Yes, bb's could cause curving, but not consistantly in the same direction. Look down the barrel and see if everything is consistent and smooth. For hopefully obvious reasons, take the mag out first. If everything looks good, then it is your hop up.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 20:35   #8
Commander Keen
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Pick up about 30-40 KSC glocks/M9/M93R and fire them. With hop set to the lowest, you will notice that a lot of those guns will hop straight up, even on 0.25g BBs.

And for those Glocks, they usually curve to the left.

There is only a small number of guns that will shoot straight, those are the lucky ones.

So yeah if your barrel isn't pushed left, wobbling, or needs cleaning the chances are its just KSC hop up manufacture.

I have tuned many KSCs and I have to say the KSC hops are the cause of the inaccuracies every time. The solution is to spend that money on a gun that has a marui designed variable hop system.
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Old May 19th, 2006, 00:01   #9
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Thanks everybody for all the info.
I can see more clearly as to what my options are. I've checked a couple of Hong Kong distributors' websites for an upgrade hop up system and no luck yet (probably doesn't exist). A tight bore barrel and .30g bbs will be my next try. I'll see if I can maybe modify/fix the hop up unit when I change the barrel.

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