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Old February 22nd, 2006, 18:06   #31
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Ohhh... Sweet. A G3 that comes full metal right out of the box. Combined with the new Star mags, this definately has made my mind up.

Long live the battle rifle!
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Old February 22nd, 2006, 19:39   #32
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
True or not, there is no way I'm backing a company that puts out a plastic gun that costs almost as much as a full metal one with upgrades. Yet people still think TM is the "smart" way to buy....? I think CA making what is a complete gun to me original enough. Lets hope they make some Sig's and mabey even get into the GBB market next.
Well mabie some people like having guns that work EVERY FUCKING time out of the box. Of the last 7 CA guns sold in this area that I'm awair of 4 ended up in my shop not working IN BOX. 1 had to be returned to CA simply because I stopped short of completely remachining the inside of the metal body so the gearbox would aling correctly with the hopup. And I wonder why people are so impressed by pot metal parts... they snap as easy as TM plastic bodies anyway... But that is just me, I like what works everytime and that I know I'll do the full day with the same gun. As for pre upgraded gun... I realy don't care as I build my guns for a certain purpose and end up ripping everything out for systema or guarder parts. SO for my a CA or ICS or any other is a waist of perfect good cash as a TM m4 with metal body comes to about 50$ more expensive than a crappy army gun. I don't like to gamble with hard earned cash.

But in the end go ahead and buy CA, ICS and what not guns... keeps my airsoft addiction realy well fed with new guns and gear.

Also when is the last time CA put out anything NEW. They just copy everyting out there how lame.

But in the end you like to gamble with CA, I like things that work in a TM gun... we can argue over what is best for ages.
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

Murphy's second rule: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.

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Old February 22nd, 2006, 19:47   #33
Captain Tenneal
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AFAIK the laws that extend to Japanese guns and their lack of metal stems from the fact that they should be unable to fire a real round. Apperantly there have been issues where people have fired (albeit only once) a round from modified airsoft guns, and the all-plastic manufacturing of the guns have basically made that impossible.

Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Airsoft guns are classified as "toys." There are rumors that these "toys" can be modified to kill; however, airsoft enthusiasts know this is far from the truth. There are also rumors that the Japanese Yakuza and Chinese Triad converted airsoft guns to fire real pistol cartridges, but are limited to a single shot. It is impossible to convert any airsoft replica to fire a real bullet due to its materials, internal design, and construction. Most rumors are driven by the realistic look of the airsoft gun and ignorance about the internals beneath the gun's "skin", a simple mechanism that cannot seriously injure people. Also, airsoft barrels are too thin to use a real bullet. If someone was to replace all of the parts necessary to use a real bullet, they would have simply built a real gun from scratch.
And CA does have its SEVERE drawbacks as far as aesthetics are concerned.. Majority of their markings on their guns are very very unappealing. The Armalite markings on the M15 series are pretty ugly, and the, while 100% accurate markings on the Schwaben Arms and the Arsenal AK goes.. I like Cyrillic on my AK..
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Old February 22nd, 2006, 20:46   #34
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Originally Posted by vondnik
Well mabie some people like having guns that work EVERY FUCKING time out of the box.
Too bad TM isn't immune to that either.

I don't quite understand why you feel the need to crap all over CA. They had problems and they ironed them out. They saw a market for certain products and delivered them. Disliking their products and favoring a competitor is fine, but your posts in this thread have been nothing short of vulgar and hostile.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 10:24   #35
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Ya, I'm gonna have to agree with W.K. I'm sure you have alot of experience with guns Vodnik but maybe you are talking about older CA guns. They have since only made good stuff, their new gearboxes are solid, the weapons are very solid, and they do all work out of the box.

I have only TM weapons however I bought a Guarder Steel kit for my AK, CA makes solid guns but they definitely dont compare to steel. Eitherway any future weapons I get intending to be stock will be CA forsure.

TM hasnt made enough models, or progress with their weapons over the years that IMHO makes them deserving of being knocked off as the top dog. You cant just sit there, thinking you own the market you still need to develope new weapons.

Also TM plastic is total crap compared to CA metal bodies, which I doubt are pot metal probably aluminum.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 11:05   #36
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I'm going to have to throw my two sense in here:

I recently bought a CA36, and holy fuck, what an awesome gun! Worked right out of the box, solid weapon all-around! I think when people refer to CA being shitty, they are comparing to older versions, but now thy seem to making damn fine guns. But everyone is entitled to their own opinon, and Vondnik has that right.

Cheers, Brent
“You hear the far-off crack of a rifle, your fate finally registering in your subconscious far too late as the white hot bullet penetrates your skull. Another round slams into the chamber even as your lifeless body falls to the ground…”---Unknown sniper

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Old February 23rd, 2006, 13:47   #37
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The only real reason I see for people badmouthing CA is that it's true, CA guns have sucked up 'till very recently. But, people seriously need to get over their prejudices. Yes, Marui has a very good record. No, it is not spotless (as W.K pointed out). Yes, CA guns in the past were total shit. Are they now? So far so good with the CA36, it seems to be getting good feedback save a few minor problems (none of which can't be fixed easily). So I say everyone stops bitching that this gun is going to be a piece of shit, and waits for someone to actually get one and give us their two cents.

I personally think that these guns should be very high quality, keeping the CA36 in mind, but could be wrong if CA cheaps out on them.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 16:28   #38
Rumpel Felt
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CA doesn't cheap out. Their guns only seem to get better as time goes on. They improve every model they make. Take the MP5 for example, they have finnally made one with a working ejection port and a new hop up design with trademarks and none of this "made in Japan" shit TM has on their guns. It may be pointless but it is ORIGINAL and adds to the realism that TM "offers".

Which is another thing. How can TM guns be more realistic when they are plastic and say made in Japan, Tokyo Marui Co. Ltd.? Big deal is they have the real gun trademarks, they mean nothing in photoshoot whne you have made in Japan ENGRAVED in the side of the gun. I'm reffering to the Sig right now.

I hate it when I see new people told to buy a TM gun right away and end up wasting so much money in the end and they don't even realize what they did could have been bought for half if not less than that from CA. Then again, their fault for asking to be spoonfed.

I just can't get past how TM has not yet been blown out the window here in Canada. For example, I just finished fondeling a TM Sig 552 and CA MP5 A2. The TM gun creeks non stop, feels like bloody toy, weighs like half as much as the MP5 when it should be almost equal and just plain isn't satisfying to stroke. On the other hand, we have the CA, solid as a rock, a very realistic weight, no stupid company trade marks placed on the magwell or reciever, a gearbox that is solid as hell to the touch, etc. the list goes on for page. Yes they are different guns but the feel is there. One feels as if it were also most a toy from walmart while the other makes me think I just walked out of the armoury with something I shouldn't have.

It's up to the person though. Be my guest if you want to pay nearly as much for a toy as you would a true replica.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 16:41   #39
Ace of Spades©
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[QUOTE=Rumpel Felt]

Which is another thing. How can TM guns be more realistic when they are plastic and say made in Japan, Tokyo Marui Co. Ltd.?

The real "steel" G36's are made of hight grade plastic composite with metal re-enforcement, so it is realy CA that has it wrong building a full metal G36.
Ace of Spades © Copyright 2006 - Ace Of Spades. All Rights Reserved.

My gun is like a Land Rover, when it works, its great. Problem is, its a Land Rover, so it never works...
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 16:47   #40
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A couple weeks ago I did a hell of alot of research for a M4a1 CQB purchase. It all came down two 3 companies: CA, G&P, and TM. I spent tireless hours on the net especially on Arnies and ASC to find reviews and the ups and downs that these companies have upon using their guns. Here is what I have to offer:

1-TM: although it is said to be reliable... it is just plastic. No one wants to play a sport dedicated to simulating the military with a plastic gun (only if your rich and would spend another few hundred dollars for a metal body). So TM was off the list.

2-G&P or CA: These two manufacturers were the remaining finalists on my quest to buying a CQB m4a1. Although G&P is said to have top quality parts and a REALISTIC outer image, it is just to damn hot out of the box + suppliers in Canada either didnt have it or was selling it at a ridiculous price.

3- It all came down to CA the final contender. After reviewing countless remarks from others who have handled and owned this weapon. I was impressed. Although CA has made crappy guns in the pass, just as skippy and Rumpel felt stated they have "kicked up their game". The guns that are being manufactured and produced at CA are not the same guns that was made a couple years ago. These have been refined they are more solid than before and shoots damn well out of the box. Who can buy a TM now that other manufacturers are doing what TM can never do? Provide us "milsimers" with a toy that closer resembles the actual thing then TM can ever make.

And so I went forth to purchase the CA m15a4 CQB from XE.

Therefor Guys and Gals CA has taken my trust (even more when i recieve the gun). This is only a point of view from a person who has done countless hours of research and this is the conclusion that I came up with. So please dont flame me.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 16:54   #41
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[QUOTE=Ace of Spades]
Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt

Which is another thing. How can TM guns be more realistic when they are plastic and say made in Japan, Tokyo Marui Co. Ltd.?

The real "steel" G36's are made of hight grade plastic composite with metal re-enforcement, so it is realy CA that has it wrong building a full metal G36.
You can never compare the manufacturing processes of a Real steel and an airsoft Toy. It would cost a whole bunch of money to actually produce an Airsoft toy that is %100 the same to the real steel counter part (as a matter of fact it would be impossible -in the internals). So to make the gun as realistic as possible CA builds a G36 of metal its as real as it gets in the airsoft world.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 17:14   #42
Ace of Spades©
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It is easier to work with polymer then metal, so I still dont see why they made it out of metal in the first place. And doenst airsoft use as close to exact replica's of the real thing, since when did they have to make any change's to the build of the gun when it came to desining how to fit the internals?

Dont get me wrong, the CA36 is a dam sexy gun, and I want one realy badly.
Ace of Spades © Copyright 2006 - Ace Of Spades. All Rights Reserved.

My gun is like a Land Rover, when it works, its great. Problem is, its a Land Rover, so it never works...
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 17:38   #43
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Originally Posted by stokes
A couple weeks ago I did a hell of alot of research for a M4a1 CQB purchase. It all came down two 3 companies: CA, G&P, and TM. I spent tireless hours on the net especially on Arnies and ASC to find reviews and the ups and downs that these companies have upon using their guns. Here is what I have to offer:

1-TM: although it is said to be reliable... it is just plastic. No one wants to play a sport dedicated to simulating the military with a plastic gun (only if your rich and would spend another few hundred dollars for a metal body). So TM was off the list.

2-G&P or CA: These two manufacturers were the remaining finalists on my quest to buying a CQB m4a1. Although G&P is said to have top quality parts and a REALISTIC outer image, it is just to damn hot out of the box + suppliers in Canada either didnt have it or was selling it at a ridiculous price.

3- It all came down to CA the final contender. After reviewing countless remarks from others who have handled and owned this weapon. I was impressed. Although CA has made crappy guns in the pass, just as skippy and Rumpel felt stated they have "kicked up their game". The guns that are being manufactured and produced at CA are not the same guns that was made a couple years ago. These have been refined they are more solid than before and shoots damn well out of the box. Who can buy a TM now that other manufacturers are doing what TM can never do? Provide us "milsimers" with a toy that closer resembles the actual thing then TM can ever make.

And so I went forth to purchase the CA m15a4 CQB from XE.

Therefor Guys and Gals CA has taken my trust (even more when i recieve the gun). This is only a point of view from a person who has done countless hours of research and this is the conclusion that I came up with. So please dont flame me.
Same deal here, but I ended up with a CA33E just to be different.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 17:43   #44
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Originally Posted by Aaidin

Same deal here, but I ended up with a CA33E just to be different.
How much did you get yours for?
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 17:46   #45
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Originally Posted by Ace of Spades
It is easier to work with polymer then metal, so I still dont see why they made it out of metal in the first place. And doenst airsoft use as close to exact replica's of the real thing, since when did they have to make any change's to the build of the gun when it came to desining how to fit the internals?

Dont get me wrong, the CA36 is a dam sexy gun, and I want one realy badly.
Ummm, the Arnie's review left me under the impression that the CA36 is some sort of high quality polymer/plastic body, reinforced with metal, and as such has a nicer feel than the TM counterpart. Am I completely mistaken in this? Perhaps someone who owns one can clarify.

Originally Posted by Arnie's Airsoft
Build quality: To me the fiber reinforced plastics used by CA look better than any I've seen in any other G36 replica. All the plastics are the same colour, with no difference in shade between sections that you sometimes see. The glass-fiber reinforced material is not only stronger than standard ABS, but looks more like the composites used by HK themselves.
Yeah, its plastic.
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