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Old February 5th, 2006, 04:05   #31
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Someone stretches out completing his end of the bargain this long (ie shipping the goods you paid for), and then promisses more to boot? From the expierences I've had, thats a sure sign you arent ever going to see jackshit. :x:
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Old February 5th, 2006, 05:14   #32
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Hey guys I have these uber leet airsoft guns for sale, full metal, each come with 50 mags and hell I'll even throw in a shit load of expensive gear at no charge. All I want is $1000 from each of ya.

Of coarse I don't actually have any of these items but from the way things operate on here I can jerk all you suckers around for months, if not years interest free. That is assuming I even return your money.

Stop being suckers.

You know why I'm pissed off? I hate seeing decent people (although your partly to blame) allowing themselves to be screwed around endlessly. Eventually I'll get burned aswell because I have no way to know if someone I'm dealing with is a scumbag because no one can leave a negative rating.

My dog died, I got into a car accident, I got herpes from my girlfriend who just broke up with me ... fuck off. These excuses are lame and so played. Fucking pathetic. I like how no one "has any time" ... They must work 24 hours a day. I have three jobs, and I still have time.

Leaving someone a negative rating will not detroy their F-ing life, it will just warn others that a transaction had complications. Stop being so afraid you pansies.

I wish we had a rating system for pwnage. 'Cause I'd give FF a +1 for that.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 10:49   #33
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Originally Posted by Cushak
Also, anyone who's in the area of Allstarr, would you be able to pick it up from him (talk to me, I'd tell him you're coming) and ship it to me? I'd pay you for shipping (yes I'd pay shipping twice, if it meant someone possibly a little more reliable would be doing it)
Ok, I will pick it up from him for you. Tell him to arrange a time for me and get the stuff ready. Please PM me a list of the things and your shipping addy together with Allstars address and phone number.
bruce: Team Bad Karma-(BK-05)
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Old February 5th, 2006, 11:23   #34
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Cushak, did you pay via EMT? If so, contact the bank let them know the EMT was for payment of goods that have not been received and if I'm not mistaken they can freeze his account if it is with them or make a request if not until things are straightened up (usually involves the cops as well, due to it being fraud).
Hopefully something happens.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 12:28   #35
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Thats fair enough. Main thing is you leave feeling that it was fair. You may not be happy given how long this is taking..but atleast it'll be better then the alternative.
My Buy/Sell Rating.

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Old February 5th, 2006, 15:51   #36
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I don't know, I can see both sides of the story here.

As a buyer, you want your shit. You get the 'new gun giddies' and pace around the mailbox for a solid week till the damn thing gets there. If it doesn't show up within that period of time you go though the hurt/mad/pshyco phase.

As a seller, I have a simple system. Once payment is received I box & address the item sitting at my computer. Then the next morning it goes in my truck and will get delivered if I have time and a post office nearby. But.... heh, I've had some freeky things happen that seem to thwart all effort to ship stuff at times. It's almost like God himself was interveening.

So yeah, I can see delays. But when things go on for over a Month... someone isn't playing ball. Short of longterm hospitalization, there isn't much you can say to save yourself and your reputation.

As for the feedback. I've yet to see negative feedback for quite a few deals I saw go sour and were announced right here in this forum. If the Mods are willing to 'adjust' retalitory feedback as Lisa said, people need to leave a more accurate representation of what actually happened. But, most people leave positive because they managed to unfuck a fucked up deal. Thats Fucked up... and you're screweing the next guy in line.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 17:27   #37
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Originally Posted by Sgt_Lynch
But, most people leave positive because they managed to unfuck a fucked up deal. Thats Fucked up... and you're screweing the next guy in line.
Total agree. When I buy something from someone, I obviously look for clean ratings. If I have to search the Classified section to confrim what the ratings are saying about that guy, well I think we're lightyears away from the main purpose of the B/S ratings which is (was) "To know how this guy deals in less than a second".

"Middle-East ceasefire [noun]: Unit of time, roughly equal to the time it take to reload a gun."
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Old February 5th, 2006, 19:47   #38
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I've already given him negative feedback, quite a while ago. Monday (tommorow) is my final deadline. If nothing happens, I'll get in touch with you bruce, thanks for the offer. In all the real time conversations with the guy, he seems like a nice guy, which is mainly why I'd really like to get this sorted out.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 23:39   #39
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I've been told it's been shipped, so as it looks, taken care of. I'll know for sure by next monday. (6 business days to arrive)
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Old February 7th, 2006, 01:32   #40
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Originally Posted by Sgt_Lynch

So yeah, I can see delays. But when things go on for over a Month... someone isn't playing ball. Short of longterm hospitalization, there isn't much you can say to save yourself and your reputation.
Generally, the rule I've used for the last 4 or 5 years, is as soon as I see money from someone, I get that shit out the door and in the mail. No screwing around, its my end of the transaction. And years ago it was fairly common place. But over the last year and a bit, I've noticed more and more of crap like this taking place. Including this last week, where I bought 2 different GBBs from two different sellers. I paid for one on sunday through EMT, expecting it to ship right away, and only found out it didnt ship till 5 days after I paid for it. The other was paid for, and I was told it would ship right away, assuming it would arrive today monday. No show. Both shipped promissed tracking numbers right away. Havent recieved the first one, the second one I only got today, and it doesnt even work.

I think the kiddies out there need to remember when you accept someones cash, you have a responsibility to get shit done. If you cant get shit done, either dont accept the money in the first place, or at least warn the buyer before hand.
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Old February 27th, 2006, 21:37   #41
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I was just given a tracking number for the package, scheduled to arrive on March 3. Interesting timing, almost my 18th B-day.
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Old February 27th, 2006, 23:11   #42
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I'd like to add people:

Don't flake. If you offer to purchase, you're legally obliged to follow through. Someone could legally follow a flaker in court as this is, short and sweet, deception and fraud.

Because of a single big flaker, unfortunately, I've required people to plop down a 50% deposit on large orders prior to me importing large quantities of 'x' (I ended up with a very big overhead of particular accessories... all the ones people usually aren't interested in). It sucks, I hate asking, but at the half-way point, I've yet to see anyone turn their backs on so much money.
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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Old February 27th, 2006, 23:33   #43
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you are not legally obliged, unless your signature is on a peice of paper. If you don't want to purchase something, thats your right.

But, what I will agree with hands down is don't flake and just dissappear, explain yourself. IE. Unavailable funds!... Things come up you know. But to just disappear when the seller is sitting there on his hands telling everyone its sold, when if you come out say "Look, I just can't buy it, I'm sorry to trouble you." The worst is that the seller is a little let down that now he has to put it back up, but he's not sitting there for days/weeks when they could had gone back to their thread and say. "Sorry, the deal was called off, item back for sale, any new takers?"

Now, on to the "pre-order" now there is the only part where I'll agree with "obliged." Because you are getting someone to pay for something, instead of displaying interest in an item that is already in stock. The only thing is still, no signature, so your best bet is to do the deposite, they you have a legal lock with them. And they already paid half! Why pull out now?
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Old February 27th, 2006, 23:46   #44
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Originally Posted by wiseowl
Cushak, did you pay via EMT? If so, contact the bank let them know the EMT was for payment of goods that have not been received and if I'm not mistaken they can freeze his account if it is with them or make a request if not until things are straightened up (usually involves the cops as well, due to it being fraud).
Hopefully something happens.
I tried this a few weeks ago. TD bank was absolutely no help at all. They could not even tell me the account the money went to, simply to find the sellers phone number. They basically said they cant and wont do anything unless the RCMP tells them to. :neutral:
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Old February 28th, 2006, 13:56   #45
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
you are not legally obliged, unless your signature is on a peice of paper. If you don't want to purchase something, thats your right.

But, what I will agree with hands down is don't flake and just dissappear, explain yourself. IE. Unavailable funds!... Things come up you know. But to just disappear when the seller is sitting there on his hands telling everyone its sold, when if you come out say "Look, I just can't buy it, I'm sorry to trouble you." The worst is that the seller is a little let down that now he has to put it back up, but he's not sitting there for days/weeks when they could had gone back to their thread and say. "Sorry, the deal was called off, item back for sale, any new takers?"

Now, on to the "pre-order" now there is the only part where I'll agree with "obliged." Because you are getting someone to pay for something, instead of displaying interest in an item that is already in stock. The only thing is still, no signature, so your best bet is to do the deposite, they you have a legal lock with them. And they already paid half! Why pull out now?

You do not need a signature. Most visible example: winning an Ebay auction. That's a legally binding contract.

Saying "I'm interested in" is completely different to saying "I'm buying, where do I send money?"

"I take "interested"'s and use them lightly, give the customer a sense of the stock, an average ETA, etc. On the other hand, "buying"'s, I pre-package it nearly right away. I should NOT have to wonder if the person will pay, but alas, it seems like people feel the anonymity somehow precludes them from following up on a deal.

Of course, I think were always assuming the flaker/buyer approaches the seller, not the other way around. Then in the case that the seller approaches an individual, it's fair enough to say "maybe I'll buy some other time", or something like that. That is NOT a binding contract.

I must say though, pre-deposits definitely do work, when used in the right context . For example, a 50% deposit (or more, of course) on a large order (10 or more radios, for example) means that:

1) All stock they want that I have in-stock, is held for them, in order that the orders come in;
2) It almost always means free shipping, and almost all tax is covered (8% PST in Ontario is excluded).
Originally Posted by [DI]DeathSniper
Fucking bullshit. I just checked my flyers and I didn't get no 'Cluepons'. Assholes :rrr:
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