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All these wonderful weapons... What should i choose???


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old February 4th, 2006, 05:31   #1
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All these wonderful weapons... What should i choose???


I'm about to buy me a new gun for this summers airsoft games here in sweden. the thing is, i can't make up my mind which gun to choose??? So i turn to you, what should i choose for gun? I don't want a gun thats stronger than 300-350fps (100-105m/s). So i have listed a few options below, what would be the better gun? I'm more of an assault tropper when i play.

Maruzen M1100 Black Stock Blow Back
Maruzen M870 BV
Tokyo Marui M14 Wood Stock
M16 series (not carbines though)

that would cover most of the guns i've been looking at.
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Old February 4th, 2006, 06:42   #2
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For an assualt trooper role the M16 suites that class best, plus it has the most options available for it.
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Old February 4th, 2006, 08:37   #3
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Buy what you prefer and what is legal in your country. Check what is allowed for use at your local games.
Honestly, how can we answer your question?
Standard un-modified guns should not be anywhere above your required velocity limits.
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Old February 4th, 2006, 09:03   #4
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True Greylocks. Most weapons are allowed here in sweden so that isn't a problem.
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Old February 4th, 2006, 09:20   #5
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In that case, go for dependability. I think the M14 would be your best choice from all of the above, from what I read about the way it's built.
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Old February 4th, 2006, 12:18   #6
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I've heard to that it's suppose to be really good, the M14. Nothing negative, at least not about TMs version
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Old February 5th, 2006, 15:19   #7
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Buy what you prefer and what is legal in your country. Check what is allowed for use at your local games.
Honestly, how can we answer your question?
Standard un-modified guns should not be anywhere above your required velocity limits.

I don't understand why you post if you arn't going to be helpfull. Seriously, he doesn't need you to tell him to pick something he wants and something he is alowed to get. He's just looking for some opinions on guns people enjoy...
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Old February 5th, 2006, 15:36   #8
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Originally Posted by Dagjoe
Originally Posted by Greylocks
Buy what you prefer and what is legal in your country. Check what is allowed for use at your local games.
Honestly, how can we answer your question?
Standard un-modified guns should not be anywhere above your required velocity limits.

I don't understand why you post if you arn't going to be helpfull. Seriously, he doesn't need you to tell him to pick something he wants and something he is alowed to get. He's just looking for some opinions on guns people enjoy...

honestly you must not understand this yet. Greylocks is very wise and he has been around the block, i have not personally played with him, but you should repsect him. He is giving actually very valid info, being the person is in sweden (we don't know their laws) and most people who first start airsoft think almost every gun is completely different when in actual fact most perform relitivly the same hence why he says to stick the ones he likes that are made by reputable makers.

So if you don't have anything important to say, why do you try to bash him in this thread.

As for original poster... I haven't tried an TM m14 but i hear they are very solid.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 16:55   #9
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Originally Posted by Dagjoe
Originally Posted by Greylocks
Buy what you prefer and what is legal in your country. Check what is allowed for use at your local games.
Honestly, how can we answer your question?
Standard un-modified guns should not be anywhere above your required velocity limits.

I don't understand why you post if you arn't going to be helpfull. Seriously, he doesn't need you to tell him to pick something he wants and something he is alowed to get. He's just looking for some opinions on guns people enjoy...
Because, simply, all 'stock' guns are pretty much the same where it counts; inside. Enjoyment? I tend to enjoy a gun I dont have to fix, is easy to fix due to it's design, or does not run out of gas.

I would give the nod to the M14 simply because I am sure it has a well designed mechbox.

Now if you know Swedish laws, or the internals or systems used by the other models he mentioned, by heart, then feel free to contribute and flame intelligently.

I stayed honest, what I said was factual. I dont know Swedish laws about possession and legal speeds, but now I have a hint from his answers.

All I know of the Marui M14 is from detailed pics of the internals. They are using their latest technology. Just for that, the gun should be perfectly fine to use right away.

If he wanted a personal opinion, I would have said "none of the above" and pointed him towards the AK 47. It's right now the most rock solid Marui gun I know from direct experience.
He did not ask my opinion, he asked which was preferable on his list.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 17:52   #10
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Ok, all those points sound good. Why didn't you say that in your first reply? All i'm saying is I don't understand why you would feel the need to flame this guy.

I don't post a lot, but I read a lot. I've read enough online fourms to know there are too many people who critisize every thread.

Meh maybe I shouldn't of said anything...I just feel positive input is better.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 19:48   #11
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Because, you twit, my first reply does provide the right response for the information I had at the time from his question. Check it out, read what I wrote again, then comment based on real experience (and you offered nothing, by the way). You also did not read past my first response, did you?

So yes, you should have stayed silent and maybe researched the information in my original reply, which happens to be part of the standard information on this website.

If you find that the information provided is incorrect, feel free to provide the correct one instead. And feel free to contribute to the Information section if you find something there that is false or misleading.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 20:28   #12
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Hahaha you called me a twit.

Ya girl

Look man I'm not going to argue with you

Your right, your right on all points. I never said you were wrong, I just said why did you have to be so mean about it. So you saying that all your information is correct doesn't prove anything. This whole conversation is stupid. I do get a kick out of making you mad though..

If that doesn't satisfy your online posting lust...

I'm wrong, I should of kept quiet, and you are God of Airsoft canada
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Old February 5th, 2006, 22:25   #13
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Dude, shut up.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 22:41   #14
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As an assault trooper role player, I would think the carbine would be better suited to that role. You want a shorter gun to move around quickly and not get tangle in the bush with something as long as the M14.
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Old February 5th, 2006, 22:59   #15
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Originally Posted by bruce
As an assault trooper role player, I would think the carbine would be better suited to that role. You want a shorter gun to move around quickly and not get tangle in the bush with something as long as the M14.
He raises a good point, the M14 is a sweet gun, but you might wanna look at an M4, or some other armalite variant just because they're a bit shorter, yes they're as common as dirt, but they do the job, that's why they're so prevalent.

Another option for a good, shorter assault rifle would be a G36 variant. Sweet as hell guns, and they're still made by a solid manufacturer.
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