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Old January 27th, 2006, 19:54   #31
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Scarborough
Originally Posted by yanhchan
Originally Posted by CannonFodder
Originally Posted by M4forgery
Naw, just give us the leagal right to carry, and defend ourselves. Guaranteed, violent crime will go down.

dunno about that, the population might go down.... think of how many idiots walk into places with airsoft guns, now replace them with REAL guns and do the math.

Yeah but they're probably gangsta wannabes who hold guns sideways...and can't hit a can without firing 1000 shots from 3m away... :nod: (this is the first time i used a smilie...soo proud!

good point.....fuckin gangstas. I can't wait till the coolness of "gangsta" styles is over, seriously they're just a bunch of guys who act black, and have their pants so low that they walk borderline retarded :lol: HOLY FUCK I used a smiley too! 8) wow, and another one
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 27th, 2006, 19:58   #32
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Originally Posted by Pip
What we need to do is have the general public educated about what airsoft is, now granted i don't want to go on a huge ad campaign, but if someone opens up in a school with a soft-air/airsoft even.. at least it would be better to tell the cops that they are dealing with soft-air rather than real steel. But to be honest, you have to be some kind of moron to mistake the whizz from a bb for a gun it just me or is there a serious lack of "Bang" there. I dunno just my .02

problem is if we tell everyone about our little "hobby" then they'll all wanna play too.....and half of them fuckin suck. Or the cops'll just shut it all down, and seriously....if I lose airsoft, there will be alot more trouble than any of these "airsoft shootings"
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 27th, 2006, 20:10   #33
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and seriously....if I lose airsoft, there will be alot more trouble than any of these "airsoft shootings"
Really?... Could you elaborate on that a bit more?
"Once I was an innocent child...till society turned me wild"

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Old January 27th, 2006, 22:00   #34
Slightly Mad
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Originally Posted by CannonFodder
good point.....fuckin gangstas. I can't wait till the coolness of "gangsta" styles is over, seriously they're just a bunch of guys who act black, and have their pants so low that they walk borderline retarded :lol: HOLY FUCK I used a smiley too! 8) wow, and another one
Indeed. Unless it's 30s 'Al Capone' gangsta with a M1a1 or 'Chicago Typewriter'
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Old January 27th, 2006, 23:56   #35
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No no no no and no to you all... you know what they should do with this kid? through him in an ADULT Jail... not Juvi... you know the saying... this is your butt out of prison ().() this is your butt IN prison... ( )O( )...

This kid think he's got the balls to walk into a building with a gun and be all big mofo man... TREAT him like one... arrest him give him the 5 year minimum for a weapons charge and toss him in jail no parol...

I am all for people having the right to have guns... but the only way anyone is going to control it... is to be strict!!! on the guys who are breaking the rules.. CannonFodder as fun as it would be to get 30min... I think 30 minutes minimum every night for the next 5 years would be MUCHO better...... and when he gets out?.. he won't be a big mofo man no more... but a loose old sissy! and who knows what STD's insue...

heh heh heh
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Old January 28th, 2006, 00:11   #36
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I think I'll switch over to being the antagonist here.

Maybe the kid had a good reason... anyone think of that? Maybe he was bullied and had his lunch money stolen, that his Mother had to work at some degrading & abusive job for. Maybe it was her last $5, and gave it to her child so he could eat while she went hungy? Out of context it's hard to tell what the... aww shit, fry the fucker.
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Old January 28th, 2006, 00:26   #37
Slightly Mad
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I remember being suspended a week for bringing a slingshot to school and several detentions for just drawing guns during class. They said I was an at risk student and had to have a talk to a school constible. Although, the cop let me look (not hold) at his pistol.
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Old January 28th, 2006, 02:38   #38
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Originally Posted by Slightly Mad
Originally Posted by CannonFodder
good point.....fuckin gangstas. I can't wait till the coolness of "gangsta" styles is over, seriously they're just a bunch of guys who act black, and have their pants so low that they walk borderline retarded :lol: HOLY FUCK I used a smiley too! 8) wow, and another one
Indeed. Unless it's 30s 'Al Capone' gangsta with a M1a1 or 'Chicago Typewriter'

Capone never used an M1A1 that wasn't available until 1942 and for the army only.

Originally Posted by Slightly Mad
I remember being suspended a week for bringing a slingshot to school and several detentions for just drawing guns during class. They said I was an at risk student and had to have a talk to a school constible. Although, the cop let me look (not hold) at his pistol.

It's sad that mere drawings get you in trouble, though odds are you weren't supposed to be doodling during that class. Leave the toys at home, even on halloween.
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Old January 28th, 2006, 08:50   #39
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Originally Posted by Starlight
and seriously....if I lose airsoft, there will be alot more trouble than any of these "airsoft shootings"
Really?... Could you elaborate on that a bit more?

not really, it would just suck a whole lot of ass
"Now son. Anyone comes throught that door, You put two in their chest and one in their head for me....Alright?"
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Old January 28th, 2006, 12:16   #40
Slightly Mad
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Originally Posted by Lisa
Indeed. Unless it's 30s 'Al Capone' gangsta with a M1a1 or 'Chicago Typewriter'
You know what I meant.
:kill: Goodfellas
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Old January 28th, 2006, 12:20   #41
Slightly Mad
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Originally Posted by Lisa

Capone never used an M1A1 that wasn't available until 1942 and for the army only.
Oops, meant M1921, M1928, ect.. My bad.

Well, I wasn't caught doodling in class. It was more like some stupid ass-hat took the drawing and gave it to the principle. Still don't know who did it.. :rrr:
:kill: Goodfellas
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Old January 28th, 2006, 12:51   #42
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When you say something HARD, do you mean like a cross word puzzle?...and if its in a sock, how are you going to fill in the blanks?...esspecially if your busy talking to that young man and doing coke....Hmmm
D.O.W. -Haggis-

MEDIC !!! bring the preperation H !!
Give a man a fish, he can feed his family for a day.
Give a man a fishing rod, he can feed his family for a year.
Give a man a gun, he can execute his family, fish when he wants, and eat all he catches.
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Old January 28th, 2006, 21:34   #43
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Originally Posted by Slightly Mad
I remember being suspended a week for bringing a slingshot to school and several detentions for just drawing guns during class. They said I was an at risk student and had to have a talk to a school constible. Although, the cop let me look (not hold) at his pistol.
By look at, do you mean stare down the barrel of his gun? 8-O
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Old January 28th, 2006, 22:41   #44
Slightly Mad
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Originally Posted by moderatesniper
Originally Posted by Slightly Mad
I remember being suspended a week for bringing a slingshot to school and several detentions for just drawing guns during class. They said I was an at risk student and had to have a talk to a school constible. Although, the cop let me look (not hold) at his pistol.
By look at, do you mean stare down the barrel of his gun? 8-O
Haha, nah. Allthough that has happend before..
:kill: Goodfellas
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Old January 28th, 2006, 23:49   #45
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yeah this dumb ass goes to C.I.S a sped school for failiers in life which cant pass a class in an aordinary public school. some even get kicked out of that school to lol and that school has like 2 teachers per student lmao so you woulld think thses kids would get enough help

Hmm, lets not make fun of people for being idiots and failing in school when you yourself can hardly make a understandable sentence.
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