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Old December 19th, 2005, 11:48   #16
Mike the great
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baby power or foot power is better then chalk as it washes out better
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Old December 19th, 2005, 18:55   #17
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About Tennis balls. I have a mortar I built for Tennis balls as well as more conventional Nerf Mortars.

Thing about the Tennis balls is you won't get a lot of Range from them. Right now I am maxing at around 100-150 yards tops.

But it did work very successfully and people did call hits when a tennis ball landed near them.

The nice thing about Tennis balls is they are super cheap so who cares if you lose them. 3 for a buck at the dollar store.

But the Nerfs whistling or non-whistling can get out to 400-500 meters. But ofcourse cost is a factor and so is availiblity.
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Old December 19th, 2005, 20:22   #18
Red Ghost
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I've been toying with the idea of a mortar for many years now on the side... and i believe i have an interesting idea for an "airburst" round.

Here's the VERY crude version of it:
Take a balloon.. strech the S**t out of it, fill it with a bunch of BBs and put some compressed air into it. tie it off and there you go.

The only foreseeable problem with this is that it may not fly very well due to the light weight of it, thus, you would be limited ot a lot of BBs in one shell.

Any input at all would be appreciated. This type of round would obviously be best suited for a woodland-type scenario, so the tree branches overhead would burst the ballon and scatter the shot. Also, i am not using compressed air to power the projectile, i am using a catapault style theory. so the balloon will not break.

I realize this whole balloon idea sounds very "newb" and such, but i'm just trying to put my hat into the ring.
TM SR-16 *Stock*, And A Shitload Of Mags

Apparently, a hand grenade does not belong in my toolbox. Nor does a hand grenade with the pin pulled belong in someone else's toolbox.

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Old December 20th, 2005, 10:20   #19
Coma Black
I think it might be too light for even a catapult. Our idea was the same basic idea, using springs to drive a shell up and out.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 13:32   #20
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Here is an idea I came up with, basically you have a nerf type rubber/foam material neon in color so you can find it easily or the player that is out can be nice enough to pick it up for you.

It works on a simple principle, there is a compression cap in which a Co2 cartrige sits in the front, as soon as it hits on the ground the cartrige moves up in to the air seal and chamber, the main chamber punctures a hole in the cartrige and the cap mechanism locks in place thus all the air in the cartrige has only one place to go, up the chamber and through to the sub chambers.

The sub chambers would be constructed of a really heavy duty nylon tube so the BB's sit in there snug, the massive amount of pressure will force the BB's out as soon as enough pressure is built up inside the main chamber, the only problem I can see with this is if the BB's are too snug on some of them and others are not they might not release so you would only get a few coming out but I dont see this as a problem if they are not too snug.

Here is a simple design done on ms paint

The design is a simple cross section, in reality the chambers would be spread out in a spiral all around the mortar round. the Bb's would fly out the sides and hit whatever is near by, the range should be about 15 feet with .12 gram BB's.

The front would be the heaviest part so in flight the round would want to land front first, the thin hollow aluminum tube can be filled with baby powder or something else so it would have a cool launching effect.

Let me know what you guys think, I am too lazy and busy right now to build such contraption but if someone else wants to do it then go ahead

Although this round looks heavy I would estimate it shouldnt weight more than a battery pack, and the soft rubber would provide a cusion if it was to ever hit a person, the front rubber cap would be a dense but soft rubber of some sort.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 14:39   #21
zero delay
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Why is it that people seemingly ignore the fact that when you launch something with enough kinetic energy at the muzzle to get suffcient range that if it has any kind of mass at all it essentially becomes dangerous, for example what if you were shot in the head with a battery pack at 200fps? There is a pretty good chance that it would KO you instantly and possibly fracture your skull. In theory IF you had the foam molding facilities to produce something like that CAD round you have posted it could be done, but by looking at it, it is easy to see that it is a complex design an would be difficult to set up the radially configured BB delivery barrels prior to the foam pour. Thats a complex casting and i'm certain it would be beyond the "Backyard" tinker's means to acomplish something that complex. Then there is the additional problem of the Co2 cartridge right in the front, along with the contact fuse, thats alot of metal that won't compress when it comes into contact with a human body, which means it has the potential to cause some physical discomfort to say the least. People are concerned about something like a grenade having too much mass to be thrown, how about taking that same assembly and launching it at a velocity of 150-250fps? Thats what is being discussed here.

As John said allready once in this thread, people are generally very good about calling impact hits with the foam Vortex or tennis balls, those things are inherantly safe. Where is the logic in obsessing about potentially dangerous designs that are literally "pie in the sky". The same guy who fails to call a direct hit from a Mortar delivered Vortex is unlikely to bother calling a hit from a low velocity BB delivery system anyway. Unless of course he is knocked unconscience from the impact of a 16oz projectile hitting him in the top of the head.

Indirect fire weapons like a mortar are completely capable of delivering BBs (i've used them lots of times to do that) but generally they should be used as support weapons, deployed against fortifications or other targets such as open roofed strutures, where they can add another dimension to the game in terms of complexity and realism.

To put it into prespective it took the allied weapons design engineers and the best scientists (namely Vannevar Bush) they had at the time, years to develop the proximity fuse that allowed an Arty round to detonate at a pre-set distance above the ground. That kind of complexity is unlikely to be replicated in airsoft any time in the near future. It could be done with pyro to some extent but that it in itself is another huge discussion.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 14:49   #22
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Originally Posted by Mike the great
baby power or foot power is better then chalk as it washes out better
mmmm... now while you get your a** handed to ya, you smell all nice in the process lol
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Old December 21st, 2005, 15:11   #23
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or better yet, fill it WITH babies lmao
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Old December 21st, 2005, 15:58   #24
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lol What about Kinder Surprise eggs? Though the drawbak is, that they're kinda small and light. But when you fire it, the shell cracks and BBs spread out everywhere.
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Old December 21st, 2005, 16:52   #25
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and, you can EAT THE SHELL!!!! lol, hey, it works if you ever get lost with your trusty mortar, just eat the ammo lol
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Old May 27th, 2008, 19:23   #26
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how bout this

you grab one of those $2 fireworks like "airbombs" that shoot an exploding shell into the air, and then you partially fill it with bb's then you pop it into a tube or something and light it...

that way the bb's in the firework get shot out with the exploding shell then the shell explodes and scatters bb's out in the air, creating a certain radius for bb's to land

I guess it's pretty safe as long as you dont point it at people

i mean it's a mortar right, so you shoot up into the air

just a thought
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Old May 27th, 2008, 19:28   #27
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Originally Posted by donlee View Post

how bout this

you grab one of those $2 fireworks like "airbombs" that shoot an exploding shell into the air, and then you partially fill it with bb's then you pop it into a tube or something and light it...

that way the bb's in the firework get shot out with the exploding shell then the shell explodes and scatters bb's out in the air, creating a certain radius for bb's to land

I guess it's pretty safe as long as you dont point it at people

i mean it's a mortar right, so you shoot up into the air

just a thought

WTF the last post was 12-21-2005
Latest Infractions Received : Being a dumb ass - Inspired by pusangani

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
Tip of the day: When removing a chain of anal beads from your lovers rectum. Do not pull them out as if you were attempting to start a lawn mower.

sexy time
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Old May 27th, 2008, 19:29   #28
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oh by the way

there's already an airsoft mortar

go check WGC
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Old May 27th, 2008, 19:29   #29
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i know but it couldnt hurt to reply

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Old May 27th, 2008, 19:32   #30
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Oh my god... resurrection.
Latest Infractions Received : Being a dumb ass - Inspired by pusangani

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
Tip of the day: When removing a chain of anal beads from your lovers rectum. Do not pull them out as if you were attempting to start a lawn mower.

sexy time
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