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Uzi does it



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Old December 4th, 2018, 15:09   #1
Ratters's Avatar
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Uzi does it

If any airsoft manufacturers were to take on the challenge of reproducing a 1:1 aeg or gbb version of the original issue IMI Uzi 9mm with wooden / folding stock who would currently do it? This is a historical and fantastic weapon that has been sadly left on the sidelines while every other weapon under the sun has been accurately and inaccurately (sadly) reproduced for reenactors, collectors and gamers over the years. Please post up if you think this is one aeg or gbb that should, without a doubt earn it's way back onto the fields in Canada and hopefully someone on a design team or with influence will make some production runs happen.
Can´t sleep. Clowns will eat me!

Last edited by Ratters; December 4th, 2018 at 15:12.. Reason: Clarification of item
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Old December 4th, 2018, 15:19   #2
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There was someone here on the classifieds who wanted to sell a KWC mini Uzi with CO2 mags.

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Old December 4th, 2018, 15:28   #3
Skeletor's Avatar
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Isn't the Marui Uzi full size? Or is it also a mini/micro type of thing?

I know they are also pretty rare in Canada, since they shoot pretty soft.
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Old December 4th, 2018, 15:34   #4
Kremator's Avatar
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Think I understand what you are asking.

KWC makes a licensed metal C02 UZI that are still currently on the market. Basically just 6mm airsoft versions of the metal pellet UZI you can get from Cybergun.

They shoot like 370ish first few shots on .30's and calms down from there. There are ways to de-spice but without either an indoor mod or a conversion kit that turns each one of the C02 shell mags into GreenGas, you will be using half empty C02 shells before anyone will want to play with you.

Thing is pretty loud and kicks pretty hard, its a pretty neat gun, but I wouldn't call it too practical in any meta sense of this sport.
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Old February 9th, 2019, 01:04   #5
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Uzi fever

Thanks for your input on my post. I picked up a 2011 kWc model today for a good price. I'm impressed with the internal build and I can live with the plastic body and made in Taiwan stamped into it. I chronoed it on a fresh 02 at 348 with .25's. As a secondary to my Galil ARM it will be fun at a respectful range to suppress and closing distance on semi auto or burst fire. I can't see it as being different than a G18C or any other select fire but out of respect to other players trigger control and respectfully placed shots will be my conscientious focus. I still have my eyes open for a full size and micro version to eventually hang on a wall and admire as I check them off my bucket list:tup:
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Old February 10th, 2019, 00:39   #6
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TM UZI with the Zeke metal body kit.

That is all.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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