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Loadout help.


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Old October 3rd, 2018, 16:52   #1
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Stoney Point, ON
Loadout help.

Hey everyone, I know this is probably a dumb idea and jaut very impractical but here it is. I personallt run a mosin nagant and a KWC G17 and it does the job provided I'm making my shots count lol. But I was toying with the idea of having my mosin or other bolt action rifles as well as an smg I'm thinking along the lines of mp40 sten ect ect Im basing my loadout on world war era. I like the idea and I am aware that it's impractical cause I'm carrying 2 guns but I just want something to cover my back essintally if I'm in a pinch. I probably could just get a machine pistol but where's the fun in that.

So I guess at the end of the day all I'm trying to say is should I keep the bolt action rifle and smg combo in my dreams?
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Old October 3rd, 2018, 17:12   #2
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No. You should make it a reality.
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Old October 3rd, 2018, 17:19   #3
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Hmm remind me again why snipers go out in teams of 2-4... o yea so someone can cover you.

Many years of bolt action use and used to run the bolt action course in Edmonton. The chance an SMG will get you outa a jab, best just have a spotter/gaurd with you.

Reality is you will fumble and make way more noise trying to carry it than it’s worth.

Just some advice, but it’s airsoft so do whatever your heart desires.
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Old October 3rd, 2018, 17:24   #4
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WE M712 wouldn't be a bad idea. Small(ish), full-auto capable, fits the time period.
I own more GBB guns than AEGs, because I'm a stubborn bastard who hates doing things the easy way.
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Old October 3rd, 2018, 20:03   #5
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Originally Posted by Foxer2373 View Post
Hmm remind me again why snipers go out in teams of 2-4... o yea so someone can cover you.

Many years of bolt action use and used to run the bolt action course in Edmonton. The chance an SMG will get you outa a jab, best just have a spotter/gaurd with you.

Reality is you will fumble and make way more noise trying to carry it than it’s worth.

Just some advice, but it’s airsoft so do whatever your heart desires.
Fair enough I was more so thinking of smaller skermishes where the likely hood of having a 'spotter' is not really gonna happen but I get what your saying it could be quite cumbersome.
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Old October 3rd, 2018, 22:03   #6
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Bolt action and SMG's have been a thing done in the real world, heck sometimes soldiers would sling a rifle on their back and an assault rifle even. Secure both weapons firm and tight, get them real snug and you'll be perfectly fine.

Practice and train slinging and drawing your combo, accept the fact from time to time you will need to actually put the Mossin on the ground and you're going to be fine. An MP40 isn't going to weigh you down too much, but if you are willing to break period pieces the MP7 would be perfect for an SMG that would keep you safe when engagement ranges get too close.

But yeah, wear the gear around, train with it, keep in shape. I don't understand why people act like 3-4 spare KG is going to break your back or something haha, we're Canucks we're made of sturdier stuff than that I'd hope! All kidding aside, this loadout is perfectly feasible and shouldn't get in your way as long as you can manage to stow your second weapon and carry a back holster for your Mosin.

Aside from the MP7 other possibles could be;

Kriss Vector
UMP (Folding Stock)

Others that are a bit larger bit might work still!

EVO (CQC variant)
Cybergun Taurus PT92F (Auto Pistol)
M93r (Burst Pistol)
Slingshot with a ton of BB's.

Long as you can stow the weapon securely and tight enough, grab yourself a back holster for the Mosin... you'll be good.
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Old October 4th, 2018, 22:32   #7
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Pair your gun with a killer pistol platform. That being said, if you want SMG, make sure you can easily handle the weight and that it’s comfortavle to carry. It’s not a small task with two full sized guns.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old October 5th, 2018, 05:25   #8
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MP40 is definitely not something you want as a back up weapon to go with a BA rifle. MP40 is really a primary when it comes to size, weight, range etc. Sten is a bit smaller/lighter but than again, it's also a primary, plus airsoft Sten performs worse than decent GBB pistol when it comes to accuracy and range. Only advantage Sten has over GBB pistol I can think of is mag capacity. Group I'm with does WW2 reenactment, some of our events are airsoft, so I do have a bit of experience with MP40 and going up against people with Sten guns. Your best option is getting a pistol as a back up. Lots of options available if you want to choose from WW2 handguns. C96, P38, P08, TT, 1911 etc. One of the guys I know ran C96 as his primary last year. Not very authentic during WW2 event but he was getting kills with it.
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Old October 5th, 2018, 11:18   #9
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Tm mk23
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Old October 6th, 2018, 01:49   #10
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
MP40 is definitely not something you want as a back up weapon to go with a BA rifle. MP40 is really a primary when it comes to size, weight, range etc. Sten is a bit smaller/lighter but than again, it's also a primary, plus airsoft Sten performs worse than decent GBB pistol when it comes to accuracy and range. Only advantage Sten has over GBB pistol I can think of is mag capacity. Group I'm with does WW2 reenactment, some of our events are airsoft, so I do have a bit of experience with MP40 and going up against people with Sten guns. Your best option is getting a pistol as a back up. Lots of options available if you want to choose from WW2 handguns. C96, P38, P08, TT, 1911 etc. One of the guys I know ran C96 as his primary last year. Not very authentic during WW2 event but he was getting kills with it.
Damn, what did they do to their STENs? I've been running mine nearly stock minus a new bucking for years and it performs great. Unless there's something other than the AGM? (And I assume you're not talking about that fancy new GBB one as well.)
I own more GBB guns than AEGs, because I'm a stubborn bastard who hates doing things the easy way.
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Old October 6th, 2018, 09:06   #11
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Originally Posted by Full-Auto-Seer View Post
Damn, what did they do to their STENs? I've been running mine nearly stock minus a new bucking for years and it performs great. Unless there's something other than the AGM? (And I assume you're not talking about that fancy new GBB one as well.)
Just regular AGM. Might be first runs. Ones I saw are just spray and prey machines with short range. I used to have one of first AGM MP40s we got here when they just came out. It wasnt performing nearly as good as newer ones.
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Old October 12th, 2018, 17:59   #12
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Originally Posted by Full-Auto-Seer View Post
Damn, what did they do to their STENs? I've been running mine nearly stock minus a new bucking for years and it performs great. Unless there's something other than the AGM? (And I assume you're not talking about that fancy new GBB one as well.)
Random question where did you get your sten all I can find the AGM and I don't know how one would get it into the country cause its shooting sub 366 fps?

And thanks to everyone for the great suggestions
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