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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old October 12th, 2005, 14:02   #1
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Ottawa

I want to buy the TM M733 rifle because of the short length of it. However I want to be able to add accessories to the foregrip which means getting a ras kit. is this the best way of going about this or do i have other options that I'm not seeing......this will be my first AEG and I'm a complete rookie. any helpfull advice would be great.

Also are silencers specific to each brand name or can they be interchangeable?

I also want to put on the king arms sniper grip on the M733 this should not be a problems......should it?

I am a Canadian so I want to buy the gun withing canadian borders due to scary customs.....but I'm wondering if ordering grips or silencers and so.....on would also pose a problem at customs if I where to order out of the country?
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Old October 12th, 2005, 14:06   #2
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I'll say it first, order that stuff in country. Don't even consider some of that stuff getting in country easily. SOmet hings like mags can make it from overseas, some items can't. And just avoid anything from the US.

As fas as adding RIS front end, it's possible to add the M4 grip to the M733, just the front pin (under the front sight) doesn't line perfectly up, so you might have to drill it out a bit to make it fit. I know because just this past weekend I installed an M4 RIS front grip on a M733.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 14:11   #3
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Silencers and grips can make it through sometimes, however they're higher risk.

Anything with "gun parts" "gun brandnames" or gunish looking packaging or custom slips will be inspected / siezed.

I will say good job on knowing about airsoft and customs in Canada... keep up the reading and research and you'll do just fine here.

As for the RIS question, I've never owned a 733.

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Old October 12th, 2005, 14:11   #4
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Ask yourself if the minor length difference between the M733 and a M4 is worth the trouble of adapting non-M733-specific parts to it. Then ask yourself if it'd not be cheaper and simpler to get a M4S system.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 14:22   #5
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Just get an M4 and get an M733 barrel, or cuztomize it yourself if there isnt any m733 barrels available. It's better to have the m4, because you can remove the ironsight/carrying handle. On the m733 it's not removable.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 14:26   #6
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Your chances of importing a silencer (airsoft or not) will be just the same as importing a airsoft gun...It wont happen. You will need a retailer to import it for you.

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Old October 12th, 2005, 14:35   #7
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How many stupid threads about this were you planning on making?

How old are you, 12?

God damn, you're in Ottawa too; that's Greylocks country.

I piddy da foo who can't read the FAQ in Greylocks country.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 16:34   #8
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Sometimes I give up. Besides, we have a new knight in shining armor who will come to the rescue.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 16:45   #9
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Yes! I have taken up the torch from my esteemed collegue Greylocks. So if any of you newbie bastard sons of motherless one armed Albanian cab driving whores try to post without first reading every single thread! I shall come to your.......wait?.....what the hell am I talking about? Please disregard this post.

P.S. If you or a loved one are Albanian, please do not take any offence. I just picked a nation randomly.
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Old October 14th, 2005, 21:17   #10
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The only Airsoft gun I've ever imported was an HF P8 and that was way back before Sept. 11. It's a crazy time now.
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Old October 14th, 2005, 21:30   #11
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Originally Posted by Jan
The only Airsoft gun I've ever imported was an HF P8 and that was way back before Sept. 11. It's a crazy time now.
Eh? Wha? It has always been a hassle to import Airsoft Guns into Canada, both pre and post Sept.11... this is like your first or second post since joining and you have not made a single usefull statement. Please make sure you know what you are talking about before making useless posts to increase your count (which does not mean a thing here).
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Old October 14th, 2005, 22:13   #12
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Whats with all the flaming???

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Old October 14th, 2005, 22:23   #13
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Originally Posted by ancorp
Whats with all the flaming???

Not really flaming, just asking for some respect from the new memebers to kindly read the FAQ's and to make posts that are relevent and not retarded. Trust me in a years time, you'll be sick of hearing the same stupid requests, or unrelated/pointless posts. After all when you go to visit someone in their house, you normally follow their rules. So when someone says please remove your shoes at the door and no smoking inside, you do so. Same thing here, please read the FAQ's, use the search functions, and do not be an idiot. :tup:
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Old October 15th, 2005, 13:03   #14
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JIHAD!!!! I proclaim Jihad against N00Bz that can't frickin read FAQz!!!

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Old October 15th, 2005, 13:19   #15
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Originally Posted by birdman33
I want to buy the TM M733 rifle because of the short length of it. However I want to be able to add accessories to the foregrip which means getting a ras kit. is this the best way of going about this or do i have other options that I'm not seeing......this will be my first AEG and I'm a complete rookie. any helpfull advice would be great.

Also are silencers specific to each brand name or can they be interchangeable?

I also want to put on the king arms sniper grip on the M733 this should not be a problems......should it?

I am a Canadian so I want to buy the gun withing canadian borders due to scary customs.....but I'm wondering if ordering grips or silencers and so.....on would also pose a problem at customs if I where to order out of the country?
"if it ain't broken, don't fix it"

it being your first gun. i say leave it the way it is. bone stock. once you play you will get a better idea of what you will want and what you do not want on your gun.

i have an M733 and its already nice as it is. you could add performance upgrades but i say lay off those till you have played for a while and really soak yourself into airsoft.

- if you add a silencer, chances are you may not like the extra length.
- adding a RIS, you will lose your battery storage and will have to find an alternate battery solution.
- if you upgrade springa nd other parts you will have to change to a larger battery.

think hard before you start purchasing your upgrades. it just becomes expensive if it doesn't really help you play better.

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