Originally Posted by ssp21
some one mentioned using a stainless steel painted mesh cover instead of a lense, i was curious how that affects your visability, if at all. i only ask because i have worn fencing masks and found them to darken things a fair bit, but am very curious about a visor that wont fog up at all.
also to the guy posting about being worried about a face shot, i was like that the first time i played and used a paintballmask and just hatedwearing the thing. i got shot on the top of the head(the only part of my sticking out of cover) at about 4-6meters with an upgraded TM M4 and it just felt like someone whacked me on the head with a pen, it stung, but there was n o welt or bruise. after that i picked up a pair of bolle tactical and am gonna use them in my next game instead.
Wanna know what it takes? Take a food strainer and stick it really close to your face and look through it. Thats what you can expect. :lol: