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Got any experience with/stories about airsoft cheaters?



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Old October 4th, 2017, 16:38   #16
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Oh, actually, the single most heinous act of cheating I've ever seen was at claybank II (The rainstorm followed by windstorm game)

If anyone remembered the berry bushes, the platoon of guys in OD with the maroon berets marching around the field.
Their commander personally accused just about every long-time veteran and community leader of the sport of blatant cheating during that first rainy game, while not calling hits himself.
But the worst part of it is, he instructed his whole team NOT to read the rules for claybank, and to only call torso and head shots "as they usually do".

Not only cheating and ruining the game on his own, but actually instructed his whole team of 30 some people to cheat as well.
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Old October 4th, 2017, 17:34   #17
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I have 2 stories from Panther.

Once when I turned a corner and shot a guy from one of the teams that frequents the field in the back. It hit his backback and he didint feel the first shot and we ended up shooting each other. I yelled that I shot him and he walked off the field. A few minutes later I was shot and walked off to wait for the round to end. While I waited I found the guy and apologized for yelling at him and implying he cheated and we shook hands.

A different game last week I had left my m27 behind to do a pistol rush and flank 2 guys that were entrenched close by. I shot them both and one of them was yelling at me that I wasent calling my hit. He walked off to his spawn leaving me confused as to what happened. I decided to go re-spawn anyway. In hindsight I can see why he thought I cheated. While rushing I distinctly remember a bb flying right past my right ear and I ducked my head when I flinched. He probably thought I was flinching in pain and ignoring the hit. I wear minimal gear so I am pretty sure I would have felt a hit.

Moral of the story? If you feel you hit someone give them the benefit of the doubt before assuming malicious intent. All caps titled "cheater" videos are kinda toxic to this community.
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Old October 4th, 2017, 17:41   #18
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Oh, actually, the single most heinous act of cheating I've ever seen was at claybank II (The rainstorm followed by windstorm game)

If anyone remembered the berry bushes, the platoon of guys in OD with the maroon berets marching around the field.
Their commander personally accused just about every long-time veteran and community leader of the sport of blatant cheating during that first rainy game, while not calling hits himself.
But the worst part of it is, he instructed his whole team NOT to read the rules for claybank, and to only call torso and head shots "as they usually do".

Not only cheating and ruining the game on his own, but actually instructed his whole team of 30 some people to cheat as well.
I remember him screaming in your face, then wearing his dead-rag and standing by his spawn shooting people.
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Old October 4th, 2017, 18:52   #19
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I remember seeing pictures of them, they were all about doing drill and having proper military bearing.

Probably if there was some sort of immersive "inspection-Simulation" event they'd really do well.
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Old October 4th, 2017, 19:07   #20
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
I remember him screaming in your face, then wearing his dead-rag and standing by his spawn shooting people.
yup remember them.

Unfortunately the admin team which became the third force was also known to cheat and not call their hits at the same game. Even when presented with video evidence it was let pass, most of the issue with cheating at that game was zero enforcement of the rules by the admins. Several needed ejecting from the game to show it would not be tolerated. This also was happening at MR3, and I remember BBBastard recommending to the host and senior admins that they needed to find a cheater at the beginning of the game and make an example by booting them from the game so everyone saw they meant business, did not happen unfortunately and there was a good 40+ players who walked off the field mid game and went back to camp in protest.
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Old October 5th, 2017, 12:48   #21
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Make an example; I like it.
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Old October 5th, 2017, 13:36   #22
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I've played a few games with an ironosaurus. Shakes every hit he can, but vehemently insists he hit you.
Incapable of understanding the idea that airsoft guns aren't laser guns and quite often people dodge BBs before they hit.
Ended up just being banned from every local club and field.
Haha, we have one of those on the island. He was also an administrator of the club and it brought great damage to the staff credibility when, and I shit you not, yelled across the field "CALL YOUR HIT! I HIT YOU! I'M AN ADMIN! I CAN BAN YOU!"

That was the moment that I realized that guy was a total fucknugget.
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Old October 5th, 2017, 16:16   #23
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Haha, we have one of those on the island. He was also an administrator of the club and it brought great damage to the staff credibility when, and I shit you not, yelled across the field "CALL YOUR HIT! I HIT YOU! I'M AN ADMIN! I CAN BAN YOU!"

That was the moment that I realized that guy was a total fucknugget.

These guys would also show up wearing maroon berets and their leader claimed to be ex-airborne... He wasn't.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old October 5th, 2017, 18:02   #24
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Gross. Shit is cringe-worthy.
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Old October 5th, 2017, 19:55   #25
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I don't have many stories about "immortal" players, but I have a personal way to go about players who don't feel their hits. It goes like first shot : middle of back, second shot : neck, and if needed, third shot: earlobe. Normally at 2nd shot they yell a bit and take the hit. Haven't needed a 4th shot yet...
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Old October 5th, 2017, 23:34   #26
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At Panther I Flanked a guy wearing a tank and i hit his tank 5 times and he yelled out "gun hit". These guys also thought they were hitting everyone with their p* with 8 flash mags dumping rounds on guys and calling them out on it. They wern't bad players per say, but they couldn't keep their cool and the whole group ended up being banned, or possibly quiting.

Sometimes during firefights if i see a bb drip 10 feet away from me i'll react as if he almost hit me to draw more fire so i can snipe him while he's wide open. Works every time, depth perception is not an ally sometimes.
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Old October 6th, 2017, 08:13   #27
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post

These guys would also show up wearing maroon berets and their leader claimed to be ex-airborne... He wasn't.
same shit happens in Onterrible
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Old October 6th, 2017, 22:20   #28
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I almost always see new players not call there hits. I'm not sure if it's because they don't know what a hit feels like, or if they are frustrated because airsoft turns out not to be like call of duty. Regardless, we always just end up lighting them up - shortly there after they start calling hits.
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Old October 7th, 2017, 11:00   #29
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by gman1211 View Post
I almost always see new players not call there hits. I'm not sure if it's because they don't know what a hit feels like, or if they are frustrated because airsoft turns out not to be like call of duty. Regardless, we always just end up lighting them up - shortly there after they start calling hits.
Not just feels, but sounds. BB hits your PC and you think you just walked on a twig.
You really find out who's pushing limits at night. And I don't get WHY, because people know damn well there are people with NV out there.
Guy gets shot center mass, shuffles left. Gets shot center mass again, shuffles more.
Like, dead accurate single shot coming in, you wouldn't just assume the person shooting can SEE you? lol
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Old October 7th, 2017, 17:53   #30
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If its who i think youre talking about. I Can confirm ban hammered, by me.

Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
At Panther I Flanked a guy wearing a tank and i hit his tank 5 times and he yelled out "gun hit". These guys also thought they were hitting everyone with their p* with 8 flash mags dumping rounds on guys and calling them out on it. They wern't bad players per say, but they couldn't keep their cool and the whole group ended up being banned, or possibly quiting.

Sometimes during firefights if i see a bb drip 10 feet away from me i'll react as if he almost hit me to draw more fire so i can snipe him while he's wide open. Works every time, depth perception is not an ally sometimes.
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