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My UTG MP5 Review



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Old October 10th, 2005, 18:55   #1
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My UTG MP5 Review

Well as some of you know, I finally got my gun, it is the UTG MP5
I think I am the first one in Ontario to get one, lol, I've been getting emails from people asking about quality and so on, so I thought I'd do a little review on here.

I cant say much about how it got across customs seeing as I'll probably do it again since I like this gun so much. UTG is coming out with an AK-47 if its any good I will be buying that too.

But here is my review of the UTG MP5

My very first shot jammed the gears, the problem was the anti-reverse mechanism was not installed properly, no biggie.

I took the gun apart and fixed the problem, I noticed the internals were very solid and well made, metal gears and gear box just like the one you see on

I did notice the O ring and wiring suck, I will be replacing the O ring and wires this week sometime, I'll try to do a nice writeup.
I plan to move the battery to the back of the stock, the full stock is already made to house a battery, it comes with a cement block for proper weight distribution.

The retractible stock has metal rails, it is pretty cool but not practical when you need to use a bigger battery.

I use mine as a paperweight on my desk.

I plan to completely remove the wiring going to the foregrip since I dont like the idea of the battery sitting there, it is a pain in the butt to clip the foregrip inplace when the battery is in there becaue of all the wiring that gets in the way.

What I will be doing is running the wires directly from the motor, up the grip and towards the back of the gun to the stock, this shortens the wiring quite a bit therefore there is less resistance. I will file down the cement block to fit the front foregrip and secure it for good.

Anyway, enough with the plans I'll do some writeups later, lets get to more of the review.

The Body of the gun is very solid ABS plastic, the only thing that I noticed was that the mags flex from side to side a little bit, but that dosnt even concern me, they clip in real solid with a good feel, the locking mechanism is all metal and looks pretty damn solid.

The trigger of the gun feels good too, it does not take much effort or travel to fire off rounds.

the selector switch could have been made a bit better, but it still clicks in good between firing modes and has a solid feel to it. I am just worried about the screw that holds it in place, its a small screw and I didnt want to overtighten it, so I hope its tight enough and I dont lose the selector.

the hop up mechanism works well, although I dont notice a big difference in the direction of the BB's even when I mess around with it, the gun is pretty accurate too, I can nail a beer bottle from 30 feet away with .12G BB's because of how light the .12 is it wont want to go straight for long. I had a few handfulls of .20g and wow, they shoot much better and faster.

Now I know what youre thinking, and I agree, do not use .12g, however I had a few thousand rounds of German Made .12's (from Germany) I checked a handfull out under a magnafier and could not see any seams, they came to about 5.98mm in diamiter when measured with a digital caliper.

DO NOT USE .12g BB's OF POOR QUALITY IN THIS GUN. YOU WILL RUIN THE GUN. Infact dont use .12g at all, they suck.

The inner barrel of this gun is made out of metal, the outer barrel casing is plastic as is the muzzle. you can actually thread in a silencer since the tip comes off.

The low cap star mag that came with the gun (Shorty USA special) sucks, it only holds 30 rounds, half of which make it all the way to the hop up, the hicap mags that came with the gun are pretty decent, I've been using them most of the time since 30 rounds is nothing when youre on full auto.

The gun comes with a clawmount, it dosnt fit, dont ask, I think you have to be Jesus to get this thing on, I tried many times, failed and gave up.

here are some pics of the gun. it has an overall solid feel, the weight is proper, it isnt too heavy yet dosnt feel like a toy.

The sidearm is the gun I got sent from Germany, its a .5 joule pump gun.

The release and lock mechanism, all metal.

That is the cement block wrapped in tape, this is where the new battery will be located.

This is why I am moving the battery to the full stock, what a mess and trust me its a pain.

The silicone Oil I used, this stuff work good

Nothing more than a paperweight :wink:

Things you'll need when you buy this gun:

-New O-ring, you can find one at Home Depot.

-Silicone Oil, you can use W15 RC Car Shock Oil.

-Wiring like the type used in the above ArniesAirsoft thread, I think its 16 gauge silicone wiring, lets just say the more expensive it is the better.

-Small Screwdriver set, the tiny ones, they come in handy when taking apart small things like Airsoft gun components.

That is it for now, you might consider a bigger battery like a 8.4v 1600Mah or a 9.2V and a better spring, I think I'm going to go with the M100, should get me over 300FPS, and get better accracy.

There are alot of upgrades you can do for cheap on this gun, it is a great first gin for people new to airsoft that just wanna have some fun.

I hope you found my Review Informative and thank you for your time.

Take care.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 18:59   #2
Bob the Angry Potato
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Good review.

Too bad about the jamming part, though... for those of us with little mechanical expertise, that's not good.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 19:05   #3
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Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato
Good review.

Too bad about the jamming part, though... for those of us with little mechanical expertise, that's not good.
Yeah, however I'm sure that anybody that is in to AirSoft has some knowlege of how the guns work and can easily take one apart and put it back together.

It took me about 30 minutes, that includes closing the gearbox which is a pain in the ass procedure, lol.

Other than that I was checking out the different parts, my camera was dead unfortunetly.

but I still say this gun is awesome for the money and recomend it to anyone who wants a good gun at a low price.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 19:06   #4
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Damn... I'm into airsoft, but I've got the mechanical knowledge of a walnut. I can take one apart and put one back together, but to actually modify internals and find out what's wrong... damn, that's where my brain cells start committing Hara-Kiri.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 19:45   #5
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So to get it to work properly I have to rebuild the electrical system and other bits?

I think I will stick with TM, you know AEGs that actually work out of the box.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 19:50   #6
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Originally Posted by Digital_Assasin
So to get it to work properly I have to rebuild the electrical system and other bits?

I think I will stick with TM, you know AEGs that actually work out of the box.
No, if you want it to shoot over 300fps you can modify it to that.

Do people not read anymore?

There is nothing wrong with the gun out of the box (mine was just jammed because some newb put it together) infact mine is still stock and it shoots great, I wish I had a video camera, i'd record it, it put dents in my shed and can shread through a big tomato in seconds (I did this in my mothers garden today)

I dont disagree that a TM isnt better, it probably is, but it also costs twice as much.

however seeing as this gun is a copy of the TM, there are slight differences but nothing major.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 19:56   #7
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Originally Posted by nemesis_83
....I did notice the O ring and wiring suck, I will be replacing the O ring and wires this week sometime....
^ Your words ^

That qualifies as fixing stuff to get it the way it should be. Something you don't have to do to a TM. That's why TM's cost 2x as much, they are "design mature" and built well.

You get what you pay for.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 20:04   #8
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Originally Posted by Digital_Assasin
Originally Posted by nemesis_83
....I did notice the O ring and wiring suck, I will be replacing the O ring and wires this week sometime....
^ Your words ^

That qualifies as fixing stuff to get it the way it should be. Something you don't have to do to a TM. That's why TM's cost 2x as much, they are "design mature" and built well.

You get what you pay for.
An o ring costs about .10 cents I dont think this is a big deal.

I dont wanna turn this thread in to a TM vs. UTg war, I know you get what you pay for, and I wanted a UTG just so I could experiment with it, I rather break a $140 gun than a $400 gun.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 20:06   #9
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Fair enough.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 20:20   #10
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Now there just has to be a retailer to bring them in. I'm planning on somehow getting a couple of these and have them for rentals for my club. I don't have issues with putting in a little work to make them run solid as stock guns.
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Old October 10th, 2005, 20:39   #11
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I was thinking the same. It owuld make a good gun for someone to tag along with. If you find someone to bring them in let me know if you wouldnt mind.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 01:37   #12
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You say you got this (UTG5) From ShortyUSA? and you had no problems from Customs Canada?....
Hummmm.... ???
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Old October 13th, 2005, 10:50   #13
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Originally Posted by jaymz1911
You say you got this (UTG5) From ShortyUSA? and you had no problems from Customs Canada?....
Hummmm.... ???
It was already in canada when I picked it up ;-)
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Old October 13th, 2005, 16:07   #14
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LOL i think nemisis wants to Monoploize the UTG market in canada
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Old October 13th, 2005, 16:58   #15
Bob the Angry Potato
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From what I've heard, UTG already has a huge lineup of guns, starting with the MP5, the AK and the VSR-like Sniper Rifle.
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