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Oils, Grease, Silicone? New to GBBR


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Old May 21st, 2017, 19:19   #1
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Oils, Grease, Silicone? New to GBBR

I'm excited to receive my first GBBR in about a week's tie
It's a used gun and was told that it will need some cleaning.

I've got no experience with GBBR's so I'm hoping someone can help me out here.

What kind of products do I need in order to clean the internals of the gun?
Any specific brands and products you can recommend?

Much appreciated
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Old May 22nd, 2017, 01:26   #2
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Anyone knows better pls correct if im wrong:

I use superlube grease (I forgot the blend, but it's harmless to any material) for my GBBR, I just make sure it doesn't eat plastic/rubber. Although most GBBR parts are metal on metal so this is less of a problem comparing to AEGs. The brand to me is not very important, but superlube worked for me, so i stuck to it and it's easy to get. Some "airsoft" greases increased their priced so hard that I would not recommend.

I usually just lube where the wear is happening, you can see them really easily especially for a used gun. Check out youtube videos if you are not sure. Often there are tons of resources online via youtube/google to find detailed instructions how to clean your specific GBBR.

I would use pure silicone for my GBB mags and run them through a few times with lube injected propane (meaning just a few drops into the fill adapter). Now I don't run silicone in my WE GBBR mags during game cause I noticed it was doing some weird shit, but I do use silicone in my WE G17 mag during games and it's fine.
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Old May 22nd, 2017, 01:48   #3
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Silicone based grease. Food safe stuff used in cafeteria machines, or automotive brake ping grease, or airsoft grease.

Oil; AI GBB oil in the gas/magazines to maintain seals and AI Grenade oil used to lube the mechanical parts.

Some guns run best dry and some run best wet so look up on here specifics for what you'll be running.

Depending on how dirty it is will hinge on how deep you need to go and what kind of cleaning. Maybe a quick dust with a toothbrush and some compressed air or maybe a full tear down and soak.
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Last edited by Danke; May 22nd, 2017 at 01:50..
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Old May 22nd, 2017, 10:14   #4
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Personally I use frog lube. And before people start bashing, I heat my guns.

Typically, I completely strip my rifle down to the metal shell, and use a heat gun to get it nice and toasty, before using a paint brush to apply the frog lube to the ares that the bolt cycles or there is movement. I let it sit for 24 hours then gently wipe the inside with a towel/rag/ect. I do the same on the OUTSIDE of the bolt. I do not apply it to the inside where the plastic/rubber nozzle is. It is important to remove ANY plastic or rubber during this process.

For plastic and rubbers I use "Get some 1000", just a little burst here and there. I also use this on the trigger assembly.

Mags I use the AI oil for my propane.

Anyone who picks up my gun remarks on just how smooth the action feels. Its really like a hot knife through butter. I used to use permatex silicone grease and such...but with my new lube style, it feels much better and you can go much longer between cleaning and maintenance/reapplication.
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Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
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This is one of the funniest things I've read.
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