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Offering Carpool to Clarington Woods Airsoft this Sat., May 20th



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Old May 17th, 2017, 12:27   #1
Kozure's Avatar
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Arrow Offering Carpool to Clarington Woods Airsoft this Sat., May 20th

I've decided to make it a goal to visit (and possibly review) all of the major outdoor fields that have Airsoft skirmish days within +/- 90 minutes of Toronto.

I had originally wanted to go to Ultimate Paintball this weekend because their FB page had been so responsive and encouraging, but unfortunately I have commitments Sunday.

Another field that is open on Saturday other than Devil Dog Airsoft that I'm interested in is Clarington Woods Airsoft.

My son and I will be travelling up there from the Eglinton and Allen Road area, departing at 8 AM. We have two (possibly three) seats free in our sportswagon, with plenty of room for gear in the back.

If you can make it to the Eglinton West TTC station for 8 AM, we can meet you literally across the street from the station.

Because this is a holiday long weekend, traffic will be heavy in the morning, so I want to leave as close to 8 AM on the dot as possible. This is military time 0800, not "Island-time" 8'ish'. We can, with some advance coordination, pick up people along the 401 on the way as long as you're not more than 3-5 minutes off the highway - so if you're in North York, Scarborough, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby or Oshawa and want to come, just jump in.

Chipping in money for gas is appreciated, but if you are a student or have a cash-flow problem at the moment, the trip is on me. I figure we're going anyway, might as well bring people for the ride! Pay what you can.

We'll stay there for the day, leaving around 4-4:30 (field closes at 4) and return to Toronto around 5:15-5:45.

I'm a 43-year old father with a mature 12-year old son who will also be coming. I'm told I'm easy to get along with - I take the game seriously but I'm also more about fun than winning or kills. I'm looking for people to play with on a regular basis, but nothing so formal as a team yet, so here's a chance to meet people and get to know the community better without committing to anything.

Post here to reply, or if you're shy, PM me.

If you have any questions, just post here.
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Old May 17th, 2017, 12:49   #2
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I should also mention that you must be 18 or older, as I don't feel comfortable signing waivers for minors for whom I am not the guardian. Other than that, age is not a barrier - I've met 18 year olds that are more mature than many 40 year olds.

Last edited by Kozure; May 17th, 2017 at 13:13..
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Old May 17th, 2017, 13:08   #3
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Doesn't get said often, I am happy and glad to see people like you post threads like this.

Often the case many people don't have rides, so good for you for helping the community out.
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Old May 17th, 2017, 13:16   #4
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Doesn't get said often, I am happy and glad to see people like you post threads like this.

Often the case many people don't have rides, so good for you for helping the community out.
I keenly remember being young, low on cash and no car, and wanting to get out to paintball events (back when I played woodsball), or some other event outside the city but no way to get there.

I love meeting new people and chatting with them on car trips, so this is a win-win for me.

Thanks for the word of thanks. I love the game and want to do everything I can within my means to help it out.
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Old May 19th, 2017, 12:13   #5
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Just a bump to indicate that I am still going as planned. Saturday weather forecast is cool(ish), 10-14C, but relatively clear.

I have had to swap vehicles because my wagon has been held up in the shop longer than expected. I am now driving a smaller Kia Forte rental sedan , but it still has room for four players and their equipment, so I still have two extra seats for carpoolers.

Reply by posting here or by PM.
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Old May 19th, 2017, 21:18   #6
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Last call for people wanting to go to Clarington Woods Airsoft field on Saturday, May 20th, from 8 AM until 5:30 PM. Post here or PM. I will be checking up until midnight on Friday.
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