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1-4 times optic?


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Old March 15th, 2017, 09:13   #16
"bb bukakke" KING!
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double post.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 15th, 2017, 12:39   #17
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I have 2 different types of optics on all my guns... a reflex sight and the utg 1.25-4.5x shortdot. The reflex sights are perfect and should be around 50$.

I think all airsoft optics work in the same way, the projector for the dots or reticles are not very precise and the shapes are fuzzy and out of focus and unnecessarily large. For that reason I like reticles because I use it as a point of reference depending on the range I'm at. When you play a lot you start to know just how much of a spread you'll shoot at what range and if you use the reticle as a reference you'll know at X range your spread will be halfway between the dot and the outside circle.. or at Y range most of your shots will land inside the circle. You get to know ranging because the target will be a certain size in relation to the size of the reticle.

Most airsoft optics will not be able to take a hit to the glass. Even real steel optics can't, so even if you buy a fancy real one, you still need to buy a shield for it if you care about it. If you're not using gas blowback guns, you don't need to spend more for a real one. The reason you need a higher quality on for gas is the blowback can reset the zero or walk the settings off where you put them. Some really low end airsoft optics do this too on aegs, but I've not yet encountered an airsoft reflex to lose zero on aegs. In fact, my friend put his 30$ one on his real steel remington 870 and it held even after a box of shells.
So I should buy a cheap red dot and just protect the glass with a shield ? Will the external break if a BB hits it directly ?

I'd like something with just a little bit of zoom on it like 1.5x or 2x. Is it a common thing in the optic world or not at all ?
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Old March 15th, 2017, 15:59   #18
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just a tip, alot of rear sights have different settings. for example an AR (m4 variants) flip from the small hole to a larger one.
H&K guns are quite obvious, they rotate and lock every 1/4 turn with a new opening size at each stop.
for optics if yoh want to stay cheap places like airsoftdepot have some decent quality clones of popular RS optics. i have their gbbr rated aimpoint m4 and it holds zero on my gbbr for 3 seasons. also their T1 micro held zero on there as well.
the staff there could tell you what is good for gbbr or not, most any of the gbbr safe ones are of decent quality and will hold zero well.
or a cheapo tasco reddot from the crappy tire is an option as well, but dont look as cool.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old March 15th, 2017, 19:42   #19
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Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
just a tip, alot of rear sights have different settings. for example an AR (m4 variants) flip from the small hole to a larger one.
H&K guns are quite obvious, they rotate and lock every 1/4 turn with a new opening size at each stop.
for optics if yoh want to stay cheap places like airsoftdepot have some decent quality clones of popular RS optics. i have their gbbr rated aimpoint m4 and it holds zero on my gbbr for 3 seasons. also their T1 micro held zero on there as well.
the staff there could tell you what is good for gbbr or not, most any of the gbbr safe ones are of decent quality and will hold zero well.
or a cheapo tasco reddot from the crappy tire is an option as well, but dont look as cool.
I don't own any GBBR but thanks hehe
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Old March 16th, 2017, 01:04   #20
"bb bukakke" KING!
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1.5-2x zoom in airsoft pricing would be really shitty quality. The glass will be bad and the eye relief will be bad. You'll spend more time trying to get a sight picture with the bad eye relief than you will actually aiming. I had a 100$ magnified optic for airsoft 1.5-6x shortdot from visionking. It was a huge disappointment. I had to go into lower end real steel optics to get what I wanted. The utg accushot scope is heavy compared to others but the glass is really good for the price... you can find them for around 200-250.

I find I use it at almost no magnification or max magnification. I almost never use it anywhere between the 1.25-4.5x.

Everything else I use is no magnification. You should be able to see 50-60m before losing sight of the bb with the naked eye. 2x mag is pretty useless in that regard... especially at the price you'll need to pay to get anything worth using that you won't end up throwing at a wall cause it sucks.

The reflex sights I use are metal, they've taken shots to the frame without issue. One took a shot to the glass and popped the metal retaining frame out. Another one was dropped on the floor and the glass cracked. It still works fine. They're pretty cheap, whether or not you want to pay the same price as the optic is worth for a shield is up to you. The little airsoft ones are pretty shitty, they'll break after a shot but at least you can reuse the mount and cut your own polycarb to put in.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 16th, 2017, 01:16   #21
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If you're going to into the $200 price range, I'd highly suggest the Vector Arbiter which is often claimed to be the OEM of the Millet DMS.

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Old March 16th, 2017, 09:05   #22
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So magnification is kinda useless unless you use a DMR or sniper rifle ?

I just feel that a slight magnification would be comfortable for me but I guess I would have to try many types to really find what my eye can deal with.

I wasn't really into scopes but I begin to think it's my go-to option if I want a versatile type of sight.

I've been looking into the Barska 1-4x28mm IR SWAT-AR Tactical Rifle Scope which looks very nice and is in the $240.

I just looked at what you suggested Duffman and it looks promising ! I might consider it.

My main question now is more and more about the space it occupies on the gun. It looks heavier and takes way more space than a simple red dot for example. As a beginner, I don't have the experience to tell whether or not a scope would be better overall or a red dot would be just perfect. May I get some of your feedback (I take yours in consideration, Lurkingknight).

Thanks !
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Old March 16th, 2017, 09:50   #23
"bb bukakke" KING!
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if you don't need magnification, don't get magnification. You get tunnel vision both literally and figuratively when playing. You'll be too busy looking through the scope to have a good perception of the space around you.

I would suggest getting just a tube red dot that can be raised off the rail to fix your cheek welding issue, then reevaluate. magnified scopes aren't for everyone or every gun. Most aegs shoot 50m just fine and everything after that it becomes an issue of upgrading and tuning, so having a 5x scope to see 50m is excessive and adds about 2 pounds to your rifle. When you start making shots in the 60-80m range with great consistency, like 3 out of 5 shots are hitting or better, then you'll probably want to consider a scope to see where your shots are landing. Spending that now is a bit of a waste unless you want the look.

Also you should be running up front as a newer player, it helps you learn your ranges better. New players have a tendency to sit back and lob rounds at ridiculous ranges thinking they'll hit better players with better guns because they see those players doing it. Learn your ranges and what your gun can and can't do, then come up with a course of action and budget to suit it.

Right now you have an issue with putting rounds on any target at any range. Fix that problem first.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old March 16th, 2017, 09:51   #24
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You'll note that a lot of experienced players run Holosuns or real aimpoints. Point is, the magnification is often not that useful as most airsoft guns just aren't accurate to hit at a range where magnification is needed. The magnification is useful for spotting but little else, and if the glass is of poor quality, your naked eye can see much better than through bad glass. Now if you run a quality real steel optic (scope or red dot) you'll be able to see much better. Personally, I run a bushell 1-4x scope, but its big, bulky, and heavy, so I'm planning on switching to a holosun, vortex, or aimpoint myself.
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Old March 16th, 2017, 09:55   #25
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Again, you all should check out the optic I linked.

Its not overly heavy, the glass is fantastic, eye relief is amazing and you can easily use it with both eyes open. It really is a hidden gem. Plus the illumination makes it just that much better for use as a red dot.
Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
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This is one of the funniest things I've read.
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Old March 16th, 2017, 10:39   #26
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Thank you all for your share. I got to admit I was staying back but I got a long barrel (12") so it kinda was a pain in the ass to get out of cover. I ended up being kill many times and my only kill was a teamkill haha f*ck me...

So I'll get down to my local shop and look through different optics. If I'm not sure about what I see, I'll consider to buy online maybe.

And Daishi, I truly like the one you linked. I was not really into scopes but now I kinda see they seem to be better products for the money.

What sucks though is that my local shop won't let me fix it on my gun so I can't really feel the thing on my own weapon aside from putting it on the rail without fixing it and just see what it looks likeā€¦
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Old March 16th, 2017, 12:17   #27
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Originally Posted by daishi View Post
Again, you all should check out the optic I linked.

Its not overly heavy, the glass is fantastic, eye relief is amazing and you can easily use it with both eyes open. It really is a hidden gem. Plus the illumination makes it just that much better for use as a red dot.
Huh, that one looks not bad actually. Wonder why it's so much cheaper than a Vortex short dot scope...
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Old March 16th, 2017, 12:46   #28
EOD Steve
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Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
Huh, that one looks not bad actually. Wonder why it's so much cheaper than a Vortex short dot scope...
A lot of reasons: sharpness, amount of light transmission, distortion around the edges, coatings, etc.

Cheap scopes look great if you haven't looked through any nice scopes (eg: Trijicon TR24 1-4x - my personal fav; Vortex Razor HDII; most of the S&B scopes, etc), but when you do, you can't go back.

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Old March 16th, 2017, 12:58   #29
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
A lot of reasons: sharpness, amount of light transmission, distortion around the edges, coatings, etc.

Cheap scopes look great if you haven't looked through any nice scopes (eg: Trijicon TR24 1-4x - my personal fav; Vortex Razor HDII; most of the S&B scopes, etc), but when you do, you can't go back.
Yeah, I kind of figured it was that. Oh well... guess I'll save up for a HDII. Expensive piece though; I can buy 2+ ZTWs for the price of an HDII...
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Old March 16th, 2017, 13:01   #30
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
A lot of reasons: sharpness, amount of light transmission, distortion around the edges, coatings, etc.

Cheap scopes look great if you haven't looked through any nice scopes (eg: Trijicon TR24 1-4x - my personal fav; Vortex Razor HDII; most of the S&B scopes, etc), but when you do, you can't go back.
Of course but a $1000 isn't affordable haha

I mean if it really offers a day and night difference, I guess it could be an option for many.
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