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JPC 2.0/AVS clone


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Old October 13th, 2016, 21:32   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Aotearoa
JPC 2.0/AVS clone

Sup gents. Need help with getting some new gear.

Been thinking about upgrading to a JPC 2.0 from my FFI CPC mostly because of the vertical loops for chest rig integration (I have D3CRs and a Mayflower Pusher ).

However, only the TMC clone seems to have picked this up, and it appears that virtually everyone on the Net has sold out on the CB version. I had to do a Paypal dispute from ebairsoft to get my $ back as well when they didn't/couldn't ship one out after a month. If TMC = ebairsoft (which is what the TMC Sports Gear facebook/ruten page suggests), and even ebairsoft has run out, am I genuinely out of luck?

Open to using the AVS if someone is aware of a good AVS clone which support chest rig integration.

Last edited by Amoki; October 14th, 2016 at 02:50..
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Old October 14th, 2016, 11:36   #2
Short Round
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A lot of their stuff is out of stock so just check back on their site or follow them on FB to see when they do restocks. They do however carry JPC and AVS PCs.

This is the top of the line "clone/replica" you can get next to actual Cryes. Far superior to TMC errr cheap stuff.

Ronin Tactics also makes their own version of the JPC (

If you don't want to drop that much cash on Sempo Gear then I would suggest getting a cheap JPC 1.0 (Valken, TMC, or what ever other cheap China company makes them) and cutting the front flap off ( It's effective and a far better option imo especially if you don't plan on using the JPC2's Zippered BackPanel feature.

Check Aliexpress, I'm 99% sure they carry both JPC 1.0s and 2.0s on there. Shipping can be slow but it comes. They also sell a lot of the stuff that is sold on Ebairsoft.

Keep in mind though Ebairsoft tends to have really weird shipping. The last 3 times I've ordered from them I didn't get a tracking number until I asked them 3-4 weeks later, then it showed up in all instances a week later.
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Old October 16th, 2016, 00:30   #3
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Aotearoa
SemapoGear doesn't do CB JPC.20 or AVS, so not really what I'm after.

Anyway, TMC Gear confirmed via Facebook that they will be producing a new run of JPC 2.0 within a month or so with a modified zipper system (whatever that means), so just a matter of being patient now.
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