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Help Upgrading my Cyma M14 please


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Old May 21st, 2016, 15:15   #1
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Location: Coquitlam, BC
Help Upgrading my Cyma M14 please

I snagged a Cyma M14 EBR from Toronto Airsoft awhile back with the full intention of upgrading it over time. Today is the start of that journey, though I am having some difficulty out of the gate.

First off, I can't disassemble more than the top cover of the RIS for some reason, I've checked for all the screws I can and the only one I can't seem to reach is the one securing the lower mock barrel to the outer barrel. Is that what is making it so I can't remove the gearbox?

Also heres my parts list for now:
M120 G&G Spring
Element Ultra Torque (Long)
Lonex shims

Still need to buy:
Inner barrel (I can't find any 420mm barrels - Am I crazy?)
Bucking (Prometheus looks to be sold out locally so I'm waiting for them to restock or to place a special order)

Goal is accuracy and range overall, without exceeding 0.2g @ 420fps (local field restrictions allow higher, but I'm not that crazy)

Anyone able to give some help?

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Old May 21st, 2016, 21:04   #2
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No intention of sounding like a dick, lol, but have you tried Google?

There is a wealth of information on many forums and ESPECIALLY on youtube on how to do a proper disassembly. The Marui (yours is a CYMA clone of this) version M14 is probably one of, if not THE, most tricky gun to disassemble - at first until you're familiar with it. Take your time and remember the order of the screws, as some from the gearbox are a different length than others. Also don't over-tighten the screw on the each side of hand-guard that screw onto the small metal piece on the barrel or you will have a bad day.

Along with those videos, definitely watch all the other common ones like how to shim, correcting your AoE, compression, and others.

When it comes to barrels, the Marui M14 ones are cut differently. Prometheus makes barrels for them, but many other companies do as well like ZCI. You are also ok with a 400mm, 407mm, or whatever - as long as it's cut for an M14, or has multiple cuts for any gun to use like this one (notice how it has two slots on the left - one for marui m14 type hopups and one for regular aegs). If it's longer than 420mm you'll obviously have to worry about hiding the extra length with a suppressor or something.

You may want to look into getting a nozzle with an internal O-ring as well.

For accuracy, it takes time... knowing your gun, testing, etc. A good start for your M14 would be a Modify Baton Ryusoku hopup bucking set (it's a flat hop style), paired with a Prometheus or similar stainless steel barrel. For M14s, you ill have to cut the bucking to fit. Super easy though - just measure it beside the original one the gun came with and cut. FPS consistency plays a big part too - since you want your rounds to end up in the same place each time.

Last edited by -Shade; May 21st, 2016 at 21:12.. Reason: words
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Old May 21st, 2016, 22:03   #3
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Originally Posted by -Shade View Post
No intention of sounding like a dick, lol, but have you tried Google?
I have, but frankly some of the stuff I've seen and read contradicts one another - especially since I have the EBR variant. I've also searched youtube for disassembly videos and google for step-by-step instructions. As good as my Google-fu is, it isn't that good. Part of it is also not knowing what to look for.

There is a wealth of information on many forums and ESPECIALLY on youtube on how to do a proper disassembly. The Marui (yours is a CYMA clone of this) version M14 is probably one of, if not THE, most tricky gun to disassemble - at first until you're familiar with it. Take your time and remember the order of the screws, as some from the gearbox are a different length than others. Also don't over-tighten the screw on the each side of hand-guard that screw onto the small metal piece on the barrel or you will have a bad day.
Noted, I have a dedicated work space already that I use for computer work, so that isn't much of an issue.

Along with those videos, definitely watch all the other common ones like how to shim, correcting your AoE, compression, and others.
I've got a few saved, but again, the issue is taking the mechbox out which I haven't been able to do yet.

When it comes to barrels, the Marui M14 ones are cut differently. Prometheus makes barrels for them, but many other companies do as well like ZCI. You are also ok with a 400mm, 407mm, or whatever - as long as it's cut for an M14, or has multiple cuts for any gun to use like this one (notice how it has two slots on the left - one for marui m14 type hopups and one for regular aegs). If it's longer than 420mm you'll obviously have to worry about hiding the extra length with a suppressor or something.
Would the G&G barrel work, since that one I know is available easily - though I suspect not since the hop-up unit on the TM style is supposedly different.

You may want to look into getting a nozzle with an internal O-ring as well.
Added to my list, thank you!

For accuracy, it takes time... knowing your gun, testing, etc. A good start for your M14 would be a Modify Baton Ryusoku hopup bucking set (it's a flat hop style), paired with a Prometheus or similar stainless steel barrel. For M14s, you ill have to cut the bucking to fit. Super easy though - just measure it beside the original one the gun came with and cut. FPS consistency plays a big part too - since you want your rounds to end up in the same place each time.
Thanks for this as well, I'll see what we have available here in the lower mainland.
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Old May 22nd, 2016, 14:15   #4
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I would stay away from G&G. I would go with either Prometheus or ZCI. The latter being the cheapest and is a really good bang for your buck. Just remember to clean the barrel once you get it.

The only difference really between the regular M14 and the EBR, apart from disassembly, is that the motor housing is different and the EBR takes a long-type motor - instead of the usual short type motors that the regular M14 and Soc16 take.

The only difference between EBR and standard M14 disassembly is the hanguard/body. Once you remove the 6 or so screws at the top of the handguard and take it off, you need to remove the large hex screws on the side of the handguard. 1 on each side. Then it's pretty much a routine m14 disassembly from there (pulling on the trigger guard etc) Start the vid at about 1:28

Some more useful how-to vids for starters

Just remember to take your time.

Lastly you may want to look into a sorbo pad as well.

Sample list:
SHS M14 Nozzle
SHS M14 Cylinder head
Sorbothane pad for the cylinder head
SHS/ZCI high torque motor
Gate mosfets are pretty decent with an M14 in terms of ease of setup (any 3034 based mosfet is good too, like nukefet)
SHS m110 spring (M120 might be too strong maybe)

If you feel the need to upgrade more compression parts:
SHS/Lonex piston head (POM Material)
SHS or Lonex piston, but I think the CYMA is pretty decent
Your cylinder is probably good. If you ever do want to upgrade, make sure it's M14 specific

Barrel group list:
Modify baton ryusoku hop bucking/nub
ZCI 407mm barrel if you don't feel like dishing out money for a prometheus
SHS/Lonex/Guard bearing spring guide

Last edited by -Shade; May 22nd, 2016 at 14:31..
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Old May 22nd, 2016, 16:48   #5
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Thats as far as I've gotten, but my trigger guard won't move at all. I've removed the pistol grip and the crane stock but everything else feels solid.
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Old May 22nd, 2016, 17:17   #6
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Pull harder, lol. You don't need to remove the pistol grip tbh - unless you are changing it. That being said, it doesn't take AEG pistol grips. It fits real steel ones somewhat. I've had the best luck with the ERGO grips.
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Old May 22nd, 2016, 22:26   #7
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Several hours later.. I've taken apart my rifle and put it back together. Except now my charging handle doesn't work and the weapon doesn't seem to want to fire.

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Old May 23rd, 2016, 00:25   #8
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My advice would be to take it apart again and test fire it when it's just the gearbox. Then follow the videos again and take your time while putting it together. The charging handle can be tricky. Many times the motor wires slide off when you're putting the wires through if they're accidentally pulled or caught.
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Old May 28th, 2016, 00:37   #9
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I tried a few times and gave up - I couldn't get the spring and gears to sit properly and it looks like I had snapped part of the charging handle. So off to the tech! He's agreed to do a JB Weld of the charging handle as a temporary fix (Evike sells a reinforced version that I may end up ordering down the road)

Keeping that in mind, decided since I'm already paying for the labour, I might as go whole hog on the internals of the gearbox too. It looks like I found a vendor that has most of what I'm looking for so I'm picking up:

Modify 8mm Tempered Steel Bushings
Guarder V7 Steel Gear Set
Modify Air Seal Nozzle - M14 Series
Modify Enhanced Cylinder Head - V7
Lonex Extreme Toughness AEG Piston
Magic Box Double O-Ring Aluminum Bearing Piston Head
Modify Enhanced Cylinder (300mm-450mm)
Modify Bearing Spring Guide - V6/V7

Down the road I'll splurge for the upgraded barrel and hopup. Part of him doing the repair will also include a basic tuneup - shimming, greasing... I'm not sure if he'll test for compression or AOE but I can always ask.

Last edited by VA7POR; May 28th, 2016 at 00:40..
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Old May 28th, 2016, 00:50   #10
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A bit of a critique so you don't get the wrong parts:

The CYMA M14 gearbox is 6mm - so the 8mm bushings won't work. Get 6mm.
The CYMA gearset is actually made of steel and surprisingly very strong. I don't think guarder gears are compatible with the lonex piston.
Modify nozzle is good.
Modify head is good (get a sorbo pad too)
Lonex piston is good
Not a fan of double o-ring heads due to more friction. Lonex or prometheus POM are better. Even modify polycarb.
You need an M14 type clyinder, but to be honest, you just have to polish the original one
Spring guide is good

Last edited by -Shade; May 28th, 2016 at 00:53..
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Old May 28th, 2016, 02:13   #11
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I read that they were pot metal in terms of the gears - but I can wait to do them if that's the case.

Still hunting down barrels - about the only place I can find any in stock is the US. Might need to daytrip it to Seattle...
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Old May 28th, 2016, 09:08   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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G&G M14 is a very different design from the marui/cyma
The barrel won't work, nor will a new G&G hop chamber
Guarder gears are made of cheese, I suggest SHS
marui barrels have a proprietary cut (aftermarket barrels will be labeled "for M14", G&G M14 takes normal aeg barrels. So when they say "for M14" they mean the marui/cyma)
double O-ring cylinder heads are a sham, they don't actually seal any better and I've seen them leak before
Magic box makes terrible internals
I suggest an SHS 14 tooth piston, cheap and effective

Shade's got a pretty good list of parts there.
Remember, all your range and accuracy comes from the compression parts, hop and barrel. The rest of the internals are purely for rate of fire and reliability. Cheap out with those, and you'll be fixing it often.
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Old May 29th, 2016, 17:52   #13
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Originally Posted by VA7POR View Post
I read that they were pot metal in terms of the gears - but I can wait to do them if that's the case.

Still hunting down barrels - about the only place I can find any in stock is the US. Might need to daytrip it to Seattle...
Have you tried Airsoft Store Canada? They stock ZCI barrels. A google search brings up options for where to find the parts I mentioned. They may also have other parts you may need.

If you're dead set on upgrading gears, and want the SHS M14 Specific gears - I'm pretty sure the USA sellers Brill Armory and Clandestine Airsoft stock them (and include the better bevel gear). Otherwise they're something I'd usually order from Asia as I rarely see it in stock in Canada. While ordering internals is perfectly legal and 99.999% won't get stopped by customs, the exchange rate is kinda crappy at the moment, and sometimes you may have to pay a duty/tax/brokerage fee on an imported item. Usually it's easier to order within Canada - if you can find the item here.

As a side note, I've had nothing but positive experiences with all of those retailers.

Last edited by -Shade; May 29th, 2016 at 17:58..
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Old May 30th, 2016, 01:00   #14
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I've actually been putting together a price list through them. I want to minimize shipping costs where possible so trying to find 1 or 2 main suppliers for the parts.
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