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Really bad idea!



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Old April 16th, 2016, 11:47   #16
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Taktik: A photo-op without rounds seems pretty innocent, but treads into dangerous naivete.
If the kids pictured were playing in a residential neighborhood in those pictures, the parents committed several crimes and endangered their neighbors/ property.
Your hearts are 100% in the right place, but off to a bad start.

[Old Post] The silver lining here is that if some Airsoft dude calls in an 'airsoft' complaint, then the police will be prepared for an 'airsoft' complaint rather than a 'gun' complaint.

Beyond that, the "Get off my lawn!" in me would be upset to have stray bbs damaging my flower pots, disrupting my hastas, and God help the child who accidentally hits myself or my cats.

This is an irresponsible goober parent issue that begs for correction. A call to LE is absolutely appropriate, and also 100% the goober parent(s) problem because they posted photos of illegal activity on social media (come ooooon). [Old Post]

Last edited by Cliffradical; April 16th, 2016 at 11:52..
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Old April 16th, 2016, 11:55   #17
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"teach airsoft"... "and security"...

I see no trigger discipline and not enough evidence to suggest anything is being properly taught to the kids.

I wouldn't let children that small around airsoft unless proper supervision was given.

Also, anyone who advertises on facebook with Comic Sans font needs to be condemned D:<
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Old April 16th, 2016, 12:11   #18
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I can't even begin to say how much of a bad idea this is. If they're going to a field, then that's one thing but these pics tell a much different story.

I did see one Facebook post about this group where they state they had notified neighbours and local police and it was "all ok"! I don't care if they took out an ad in the Globe & Mail, there is absolutely NO guarantee that someone driving through the area won't call them in. The local police are then put in the awkward position of attending anyway. Most police forces are still obligated by policy to attend and confirm there is no valid weapon call.

My mild-mannered alter ego is in the form of a police dispatcher & 911 operator. If this group called this in to give us an FYI, we would be adamantly advising them to not do this! Additionally, most municipalities have bylaws prohibiting the discharge of firearms within city or municipal borders. I'd be interested in knowing if this applies for this area as well?

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Last edited by ShadowTwoSix; April 16th, 2016 at 12:25..
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Old April 16th, 2016, 12:29   #19
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Originally Posted by TaktikAirsoft View Post
These pictures have been posted before we met the parents. We had a good conversation about the law, rules and public responsibility. Which is why they now play in a closed and controlled environment that is insured and supervised..

My original post went up prior to seeing yours. If the group in question is indeed now playing at a controlled field with the proper safety regulations in place then I no longer share quite the same concerns. Although I don't agree with the age limits being allowed, that is purely my opinion and I am encouraged by your comments about bringing this group into a safer venue. Please ensure these parents never do something like that again and I hope that both the parents and children involved ALL now understand the danger that could have resulted from their actions.
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Old April 16th, 2016, 13:02   #20
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Thank you for all your post and concerns.

We will monitor the situation closely, but the discussions we had today with the group seems to point to a positive direction.

~~~Honor The Game(tm)~~~
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Old April 16th, 2016, 14:42   #21
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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If its like this then I have no issue with it. Parent taming their kids to a field for a private day where they can teach gun safety, teamwork and the like is awesome. I teach my 13 year old stepson about gun safety with airsoft. Just adding to what cadets taught him with air rifles. Kids like that will he the next set of uber leet airsofter. 20 years old with 10 years of playing experience? They will be the same kids who try n tell their friends to out that shit away and keep it at home behind closed doors and not to point it at anything you don't intend on destroying etc...
Hopefully they keep it up and the scene can continue to grow but with a higher quality of player, that's a whole other topic lol
Originally Posted by TaktikAirsoft View Post
Good day ASC members

We would like to take a moment to add to the conversation. These pictures have been posted by a group of parents that would like to teach theirs kids about airsoft and responsibilities. These pictures have been posted before we met the parents. We had a good conversation about the law, rules and public responsibility. Which is why they now play in a closed and controlled environment that is insured and supervised.

As all of us know airsoft rules and regulations are not easy to come by. There are many interpretations and opinions about our beloved sport. The group of parents showed us interest in going in the right direction. Coaching people to act a certain way is more productive then threatening them. As a parent I understand what they want to do. Create the next generation of responsible airsoft player. We all make mistakes and the ability to learn and move forward is the most important thing. Please provide them with wisdom and guidance as they enter our community.

With respect to the community.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old April 16th, 2016, 22:00   #22
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Originally Posted by TaktikAirsoft View Post
Thank you for all your post and concerns.

We will monitor the situation closely, but the discussions we had today with the group seems to point to a positive direction.


Glad to read that!
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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