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CF cadpat arid vs aftermarket


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Old January 7th, 2016, 08:26   #1
Join Date: Oct 2015
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CF cadpat arid vs aftermarket

Just purchase a CF spec Cadpat arid tactical shirt. So now I want pant to complete the BDU. A website offer Pakistan made fabric copy. Someone ever compare the real vs this one ?

I dont want a difference like we get with cadpat tw
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Old January 30th, 2016, 01:12   #2
Flaming Salami
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Originally Posted by DarkJTF View Post
Just purchase a CF spec Cadpat arid tactical shirt. So now I want pant to complete the BDU. A website offer Pakistan made fabric copy. Someone ever compare the real vs this one ?

I dont want a difference like we get with cadpat tw
Copied cadpat arid is usually not a bad deal. It is a tan colour so it doesn't fade very much in the wash. I have real stuff and the copied stuff and there isn't a huge difference. TW on the other hand is difficult to find a good set of. The arid camo doesn't fade easily and even if it does, it isn't noticeable.
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Old January 30th, 2016, 07:53   #3
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Ok nice but a little late :P

I have i issued Tactical shirt and Copied pants.

The real one is darker but the mix still nice.

Now the greatest trouble is to get tactical shirt for all my team
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Old January 30th, 2016, 10:21   #4
Flaming Salami
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The tactical shirt is incredibly difficult to find. I just bought one. The CPgear ones are great but they no longer make or sell them in that colour. So you'll have to scour the internet for one. There is a local buy and sell website in Victoria BC that was selling 3 of them. I bought 1 and it is in great condition. It took me a long time to find an add for one because they are rather rare now. But google search varage sale Victoria BC and see if the ad is still there.
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Old January 30th, 2016, 12:00   #5
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No I can't find it, but I find a place with some but not enough for all the teams
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Old January 30th, 2016, 14:43   #6
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Originally Posted by Flaming Salami View Post
The tactical shirt is incredibly difficult to find. I just bought one. The CPgear ones are great but they no longer make or sell them in that colour. So you'll have to scour the internet for one. There is a local buy and sell website in Victoria BC that was selling 3 of them. I bought 1 and it is in great condition. It took me a long time to find an add for one because they are rather rare now. But google search varage sale Victoria BC and see if the ad is still there.

I bought one last month, and came across it from someone saying that they had one in a random gear post in a random group on Facebook. Messaged the guy and he said he'd sell it :tup:

But you all should join this group, there's 2 or 3 CF gear collectors from the west and east coast that sell some stuff.

Also, all CF issued combat tops are first gen.
I unfortunately have gen 2 pants so they don't match my top haha, it's depressing.
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Old January 31st, 2016, 00:16   #7
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Originally Posted by FAZR View Post
I bought one last month, and came across it from someone saying that they had one in a random gear post in a random group on Facebook. Messaged the guy and he said he'd sell it :tup:

But you all should join this group, there's 2 or 3 CF gear collectors from the west and east coast that sell some stuff.

Also, all CF issued combat tops are first gen.
I unfortunately have gen 2 pants so they don't match my top haha, it's depressing.

Maybe I've the same trouble... Picture for compare ?
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Old February 1st, 2016, 08:38   #8
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Version 1 the buttons are exposed
Version 2 tye buttons are covered over

That's the easiest way to tell the difference
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