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Old December 23rd, 2015, 23:06   #31
Cobalt Caliber
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Yea don't confuse speedsoft, which is speedball, triangle blow bullshit and all


and milsim

Ones a pile of shit

ones just scenario ball

the last is glorified larp with guns.

Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 23:16   #32
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Originally Posted by Nectarines View Post
@LurkingKnight, So 'mosfets' are addons that increase the life of the battery, motor, and the internal contacts on the trigger, by reducing the amount of power that goes to them, but still allowing them to operate at maximum performance. Therefore, increasing the life of your gun.
Not sure if this is correct or not, but it's about what I gathered from looking at pics and reading a post about mosfets on r/ELI5.
easiest way to describe what the function of a mosfet is that it's a relay. An aeg circuit is a simple loop, you connect it to fire it. Well some battery packs have a lot of power behind them, so at the point of connection you'll get an arc when the wires (in this case the contacts) get close. Eventually the arc will burn/carbonize the contacts. Sometimes it will burn them to smithereens and the gun will be unable to shoot... or worse, it fuses the 3 pieces of contacts together and it runs away, shooting until you can unplug the battery.

A mosfet interrupts this loop.... it adds a 2nd loop for the trigger that runs on minimal current/voltage... no arcing. Once this firing circuit is closed, the mosfet opens up the main circuit direct from battery to motor.

Most of the technical bits beyond that in terms of how it works are not terribly relevant at the beginner level. You can put a fuse in the main circuit if you so wish, or not.

In terms of efficiency, it does not extend the life of battery, it just creates a more efficient path for max power to reach the motor directly. You don't get more out of anything, you just make more use of what's already there.

It won't magically increase the life of any other parts aside from the trigger contacts. It increases the efficiency in which the electrical system operates.

Computerized mosfets have fancier functions beyond those... they have microprocessors and software that allow for burst firing, rate of fire control, motor braking, etc. One guy was even experimenting with using the computer to drive other peripherals like accelerometers and oled displays in a custom optic, theorizing he could if he had space, have a gps receiver outputting to the optic, hardware to run last round sensing, visual battery meter, etc.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 23:45   #33
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Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
Duck those guys. They don't even call hit if you full auto their scuba tanks. Some days I can tolerate them, and others I just try and avoid them completely unless its Dunes.... ill chill in the ravine thanks.
Exactly, this also proves the point about "speedsoft" and the rep you get for that sorta shitty play style. I've shot them myself when they were on my team (idiot ran through me and my buddy's active line of fire, crab walked into the open, got shot up and continued to crab walk to a tree) and they still don't call themselves out. They've violated a bunch of field rules and have taken their masks off on field during an active game as well, surprised they still have their eyes.

Another time I approached one of them to get a ref to take them off the field for full auto/overshooting a 13yo rental kid, under MED's in a spawn building during a scenario game and the fucker ran off. They're friends of that one idiotic paintball pseudo staff at Panther so its annoying as fuck, but hopefully they'll be gone from the field soon.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old December 24th, 2015, 00:47   #34
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Another time I approached one of them to get a ref to take them off the field for full auto/overshooting a 13yo rental kid, under MED's in a spawn building during a scenario game and the fucker ran off. They're friends of that one idiotic paintball pseudo staff at Panther so its annoying as fuck, but hopefully they'll be gone from the field soon.
Hopefully, they always end up on the same team even if they get balanced before hand and the refs just kind of leave it at that. Even out maneuvering them on their left side doesn't help much as they usually cover each other with their 5 flash mag dumps.
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Old December 25th, 2015, 03:58   #35
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post
From my understanding, speedsoft is when you get an aeg with stupidly high RoF, a really high cap or drum mag for that aeg, and sprint around full autoing anything that moves.

UA is great

Speedsoft is a mindset, or a way you can play the game. Hi-caps, high-speed gearbox and motor setup, brute-force tactics- if any, questionable hit-calling.

Some people I play with like to "run-and-gun" as you might call it, but that's more a combination of moving quick and not having an idea where the enemy is at. I don't think I've ever seen a player actually use a speedsoft strategy and be successful.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

*Busy signing for his packages*
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