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Old December 23rd, 2015, 17:10   #16
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 18:42   #17
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Skip the Raider-L, its a nice basic gun, but you'll be wanting more in a few weeks.

Save up a bit more and look into the G&G SR series, its a step up from the Raider's and they're great entry level guns out of the box. Has a basic mosfet, not the best, not the worse, but a mosfet regardless, and a few neat features as well.

As for speedsofting... get out of that mindset, its a shitty gamestyle and plague for airsoft. You're pretty much bringing the shitty mindset, playstyle, and "fuck the other team" culture from paintball and bringing it to airsoft. Its gotten to a point where fields are banning that playstyle completely, and I honestly hope it happens everywhere.

We've got a few "speedsofters" locally, aka 3 fatass paintballers turned shitty airsofters who run hot P*'s and get off on overshooting little kids. Don't know why they aren't banned yet, but basically no one likes playing with guys who have the "speedsoft" mindset.

Reddit: Your Opinion On Fields Banning Speedsoft?

Jericho's IG w/ more details.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 19:07   #18
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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G&G makes good starter guns. Another option would be the Ares Amoeba 008, which was my starter and it has not disappointed me yet. The entire Amoeba line is really nice for new players since there are a lot of different style m4's to choose from and they shoot great.

Do not speedsoft. Running around being annoying is not fun for anyone.

Last edited by Handsonic; December 23rd, 2015 at 19:47..
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 20:10   #19
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Yes I understand why people hate speedsoft, but it's also one of the only ways that me and my friends, whom of which has never played airsoft before, can get a taste of the game. Sure, you can call this justifying speedsoft, but if you have alternatives to where a new player can learn milsim/operator, with pretty much no gear and as little money invested as possible - I'd LOVE to hear it. Bonus Points if the location(s) are within Toronto.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 20:52   #20
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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Originally Posted by Nectarines View Post
Yes I understand why people hate speedsoft, but it's also one of the only ways that me and my friends, whom of which has never played airsoft before, can get a taste of the game. Sure, you can call this justifying speedsoft, but if you have alternatives to where a new player can learn milsim/operator, with pretty much no gear and as little money invested as possible - I'd LOVE to hear it. Bonus Points if the location(s) are within Toronto.
You don't need to be covered in kevlar and modular pouches to play tactically...
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 20:53   #21
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Originally Posted by Nectarines View Post
Yes I understand why people hate speedsoft, but it's also one of the only ways that me and my friends, whom of which has never played airsoft before, can get a taste of the game. Sure, you can call this justifying speedsoft, but if you have alternatives to where a new player can learn milsim/operator, with pretty much no gear and as little money invested as possible - I'd LOVE to hear it. Bonus Points if the location(s) are within Toronto.
I'm not sure why you think having/wearing certain gear equates to or is a requirement to play scenario games. I know a good number of new players who run just an AEG and a hicap or a few midcaps in their pockets, and they have no problems playing casual scenario games. I personally just run a chest rig and a few low caps and pull a civilian operator look for casual scenario games and have no issues at all. To put things in perspective, you carry more bb's in one 400 round hicap than I have in all my mags on my person for a 4+1 mag loadout.

Of course, full on Milsim Events might have gear requirements, but those don't happen often enough for a newer player to be concerned with.

Casual scenario games/Milsims are a mentality, and is not often defined by gear. Of course some people might think that way, but some people also think the world is flat, so to each their own. For me, its "practical is tactical" while other guys just tack a ton of useless gear they'll never use for a certain impression. But airsoft is pretty much what you make of it, you could technically run just a pistol at a scenario game, playing the role of a downed pilot who just had a sidearm and a few mags.

If you stick w/ the speedsoft mentality, you'll find people won't like playing w/ you very quickly and it won't be a very fun experience for you in the long run.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 21:12   #22
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I run a pistol w/ holster, an AEG, and carry 3 AEG mags and 2 pistol mags in my tactical khaki pant pockets. A chest rig would be wonderful (if you panic as much as I do, you'll be doing a bunch of barrel rolls/sommersaults, and get hit anyway)

It's not the equipment that makes the player, it's definitely the mentality. If you're getting a taste of the game, casual skirmishes are the way to go and it's not as hardcore as milsim games where you'll get shit on with veteran players (as badly, anyway).
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 21:12   #23
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Currently, my opinion of Milsims are only from what PestoBanana had posted earlier, as I have no such experience.
As of this moment, the phrase 'speedsoft' to me means pretty much TDM, Sabotage, One-Man-Army, etc game modes that are played at my local indoor airsoft arena, UACQB. If my definition of 'speedsoft' is inaccurate, let me know so I can change the OP to be more accurate and so I don't feel that people are judging me for playing (according to my definition of) 'speedsoft'.

Again, if ANYONE knows of places in Toronto that I can play casual scenario games and/or milsims, that are also new player friendly and for fairly cheap since I haven't decided on gear yet, please enlighten me.
Also, if you know ways of getting a large group of beginners into milsim, who are reluctant to even play/get into airsoft, lemme know ASAP, Thanks~

Last edited by Nectarines; December 23rd, 2015 at 21:18..
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 21:23   #24
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meh, I don't discriminate and force onto others how they should enjoy their own experience. As long as they can differentiate between experiences they can participate in as many play styles and games as they want. The only caveat is that if you play a style of game, be prepared to play that style of game.

Factory mosfets and fire controllers are pretty junky. If you want a mosfet, have a good unit installed when your gun goes in for service/upgrades. A good time to do it is when the trigger contacts die the first time. It keeps start up cost low. Run a gun till it breaks, it could be a year, it could be 2 years, set aside at least half the cost of the gun.

The more basic the aeg, the less that can go wrong with it. With guns using factory mosfets, some of them also have factory proprietary parts... good luck getting replacements quickly for some.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 21:48   #25
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@LurkingKnight, So 'mosfets' are addons that increase the life of the battery, motor, and the internal contacts on the trigger, by reducing the amount of power that goes to them, but still allowing them to operate at maximum performance. Therefore, increasing the life of your gun.
Not sure if this is correct or not, but it's about what I gathered from looking at pics and reading a post about mosfets on r/ELI5.

Last edited by Nectarines; December 23rd, 2015 at 21:48.. Reason: Typos
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 21:48   #26
"I like syrup on my blue waffles." #diseasedvagina
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From my understanding, speedsoft is when you get an aeg with stupidly high RoF, a really high cap or drum mag for that aeg, and sprint around full autoing anything that moves.

UA is great
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 21:53   #27
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Originally Posted by Handsonic View Post
From my understanding, speedsoft is when you get an aeg with stupidly high RoF, a really high cap or drum mag for that aeg, and sprint around full autoing anything that moves.

UA is great
Really? At Ultimate Airsoft (UACQB) the place that I frequent, it's semi only - auto is strictly forbidden.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 22:13   #28
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All Indoors and outdoors are semi only. All milsims are full auto are only for lmgs.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 22:49   #29
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Just forget about the whole speedsoft thing. Playing indoors is just casual airsofting, speedsoft doesn't really have a meaning other than shooting a lot with a negative connotation.

You can play indoors and be extremely effictive with just a gun, goggles, chest rig, and dump pouch.
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Old December 23rd, 2015, 22:55   #30
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We've got a few "speedsofters" locally, aka 3 fatass paintballers turned shitty airsofters who run hot P*'s and get off on overshooting little kids. Don't know why they aren't banned yet, but basically no one likes playing with guys who have the "speedsoft" mindset.
Duck those guys. They don't even call hit if you full auto their scuba tanks. Some days I can tolerate them, and others I just try and avoid them completely unless its Dunes.... ill chill in the ravine thanks.
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