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Old December 20th, 2015, 20:30   #16
Join Date: Dec 2015
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Question; is every 15 year old in Ontario awarded a "large section of wooded land" on their birthday?

It just seems odd how many that have their own private field.
Well its not my land, its my grandparents, they would let me play there with friends
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Old December 20th, 2015, 20:31   #17
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
I would recommend a JG or a CYMA AK with your budget.
what about this gun?
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Old December 20th, 2015, 20:32   #18
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Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Your (parents) money to waste.

But hey ignore the advice from the guys who've been there done that.\

Changing a spring looks easy when an experienced gun doc does it. Hope you like springs flying across the room and triggers that do not want to sit still.
well those pros had to learn too you know. Ill learn something in the process to. Practice makes perfect, dont it?
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Old December 20th, 2015, 20:41   #19
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Originally Posted by makistoj View Post
well those pros had to learn too you know. Ill learn something in the process to. Practice makes perfect, dont it?
That's a good way to think about life in general, but in Ontario, what you are doing is illegal. If your parents purchase that gun for you (which, in Ontario, you can't legally own until you are 18) and something happens, they will be held responsible and Canadian firearm laws are nasty.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

Québec province's master age verification representative.
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Old December 20th, 2015, 21:16   #20
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Private property is private property, and you can use the gun your parents purchased under adult supervision.

As far as where your field is located, many municipalities in Ontario, and other places, have a no discharge of firearms law, so ensure that the property is not within those areas. It won't just be you who may get a charge, but also your grandparents and parents possibly. If you receive a weapons prohibition along with any charges, that means no firearms, airsoft guns, crossbows, certain knives and things, etc, the list can be long. My wife's cousin got one for a mischief charge, which is a criminal charge, and the list of things he can't have is long. Just make sure that all federal, provincial and municipal laws and bylaws are being observed.

Another issue is 'other youth' playing at your grandparents property. Because they don't have proper insurances and all reasonable risks (by legal standards, not by yours) may not have been removed, they could be held liable for anything that happens. Keep that in mind, I know it isn't convenient, but go to a licensed field or wait until you are an adult. You must have a friend with a driver's license who can drive you and your friends? You said you were fifteen, so someone's got to be old enough. Take turnd getting your parents, then your friend's parent, then your buddies sister, really whomever, to drive you to the field every other weekend.

With the gun itself, yes you can of course learn to fix/upgrade it yourself, and arguably you should. It doesn't take much though to blow up in your face and become a paperweight. It's still a common story after ten years of doing this. Most guys wait until they have some experience and a few guns before they tinker too much.

That's the best advice I can give. I want your airsoft experience to be positive, but it was never meant as a backyard game, or for unsupervised/uninsured youth to participate in. Protect yourself, protect you friends, protect your family, from physical and legal harm.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old December 20th, 2015, 21:34   #21
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Hey kiddo, been there done that. I was in the same situation when I first joined and these guys have been giving me the tough loving until I figured out the best route. Do a year or two researching and try and go to a game every 1-3 months renting. If you still want to buy all the fancy stuff then go for it. It was a 2hr drive to my first game and it took me 8 months to prepare for it. Save your money and go to a game and ask players to handle their guns so you can get a feel for the type of gun you want. Hell you might pick up an AUG and fall in love, but see one and say it looks like shiet. You don't what gun you'll like til you pick it up first.
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Old December 20th, 2015, 21:53   #22
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G&G aren't bad starter guns, but better to spend on a top-tech imo.
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Old December 20th, 2015, 23:18   #23
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1. your also breaking the sites rules by posting that link here.

2. The pros learned but they were not fifteen and if/when they fucked up they had the means to replace their gun.

3. We've heard all this before, the outcomes the same, your not the first fifteen year old to come on here, I did the same thing at sixteen, these guys woke me up. The game is far more inviting to youth in Ontario than it was five years ago.

Heck five years ago a post like this in this subsection would've stirred up the ol' ASC hate machine. That love able pack of raptors.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 20th, 2015, 23:31   #24
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Private property is private property, and you can use the gun your parents purchased under adult supervision.

As far as where your field is located, many municipalities in Ontario, and other places, have a no discharge of firearms law, so ensure that the property is not within those areas. It won't just be you who may get a charge, but also your grandparents and parents possibly. If you receive a weapons prohibition along with any charges, that means no firearms, airsoft guns, crossbows, certain knives and things, etc, the list can be long. My wife's cousin got one for a mischief charge, which is a criminal charge, and the list of things he can't have is long. Just make sure that all federal, provincial and municipal laws and bylaws are being observed.

Another issue is 'other youth' playing at your grandparents property. Because they don't have proper insurances and all reasonable risks (by legal standards, not by yours) may not have been removed, they could be held liable for anything that happens. Keep that in mind, I know it isn't convenient, but go to a licensed field or wait until you are an adult. You must have a friend with a driver's license who can drive you and your friends? You said you were fifteen, so someone's got to be old enough. Take turnd getting your parents, then your friend's parent, then your buddies sister, really whomever, to drive you to the field every other weekend.

With the gun itself, yes you can of course learn to fix/upgrade it yourself, and arguably you should. It doesn't take much though to blow up in your face and become a paperweight. It's still a common story after ten years of doing this. Most guys wait until they have some experience and a few guns before they tinker too much.

That's the best advice I can give. I want your airsoft experience to be positive, but it was never meant as a backyard game, or for unsupervised/uninsured youth to participate in. Protect yourself, protect you friends, protect your family, from physical and legal harm.
Ya I see what you mean. I get my drivers license when I'm 16 and that's in 5 months. And then I gotta wait 8 months after that to get my g2. Even then my parents won't like me going on the highway with only 8 months driving expierence.
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Old December 21st, 2015, 00:05   #25
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Originally Posted by makistoj View Post
Ya I see what you mean. I get my drivers license when I'm 16 and that's in 5 months. And then I gotta wait 8 months after that to get my g2. Even then my parents won't like me going on the highway with only 8 months driving expierence.
parents will let him handle imitation firearms, that if handled wrong will get you shot, but won't let you go on the highway which for all statistical means is safer than city streets.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 21st, 2015, 00:13   #26
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Originally Posted by makistoj View Post
Ya I see what you mean. I get my drivers license when I'm 16 and that's in 5 months. And then I gotta wait 8 months after that to get my g2. Even then my parents won't like me going on the highway with only 8 months driving expierence.
No one's saying you can't airsoft, just make sure you do it right. Airsoft isn't always convenient due to the small infrastructure. When I started, we were in small town with no centers nearby. We were lucky enough to have private property we could play on that wasn't affected by laws or bylaws. We were adults only though for sake of insurance and liability, so all the local interested youth literally had no outlet, no players and no fields to go to. There was one guy who wanted to get into the WWII style, but we and the other group had nothing to do with that, so he would've had to drive 4 hours or more to attend a small event. Unfortunately we work with what we have. The more responsible you are, the more contacts and resources you'll have when your older or more independent. I hope you find a safe and legal outlet for your airsoft enthusiasm, it's a fun game, but the cost of doing it wrong can be high.

Good luck.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old December 21st, 2015, 02:11   #27
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If i was in your place, I would definitely take these guys advice. In an ideal world where everyone was rational, it would be totally cool if you and your friends played on your grandfathers private property. Unfortunately we dont live in that world. There are a lot of irrationally paranoid and ignorant people and laws, that can get you into a lot of trouble if you arent careful or are just unlucky. The guys here offer a lot of knowledge gained from such experiences lol.

Personally, I like Ricochet's rotating parent carpool idea. Plus, Im sure one of the dads wouldnt mind joining in on the fun either. Fathers getting into airsoft/paintball with their sons, is quite common.
The drive might be a bit long, but Im sure that the facilities, bunkers, and other players, will more than make that up.
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Old December 21st, 2015, 02:22   #28
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Airsoft can be a lot of fun if you approach it with the right attitude, or, it can go horribly wrong if you don't treat it with the respect it deserves. Protect your eyes and teeth! Make sure EVERYONE else you're playing with is doing the same, at all times. Always be conscious that airsoft look like real guns, and will be treated as such by the public, and by law enforcement (who carry the real deal). Always transport it in a gun bag or the box, to avoid any confusion. Look into the laws of your municipality that govern the use of airsoft, and be sure to follow them. Advise local law enforcement what you're doing, so any calls from concerned neighbours/passers-by won't be confused for genuine threats to community safety. Sportsmanship is very important in airsoft, always call your hits and don't give any shots you wouldn't be willing to receive yourself.

There are a lot of junk guns in your price range so be careful what brand you chose.

M4 - G&G CM (Combat Machine) are good entry level guns, arguably, the best performers (out of the box) in your price range. There are a several different models (of G&G CM), the differences are external, all of the internals will be the same. Alternatively, if you're looking for a gun with a metal body, look at King Arms.

AK - In your price range CYMA is probably your best option.

Last edited by Kozzie; December 21st, 2015 at 09:06..
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Old December 21st, 2015, 04:06   #29
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Honestly, an hour drive isn't all that much, especially if you only go once a month or even biweekly. Seriously, keep your games in official fields/arenas, you will have refs to teach you the rules and safe handling of your guns, and also watch over the games to make them safe and fair.
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Old December 21st, 2015, 08:49   #30
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I would wait until your 18, As others have suggested go do one rental game at a actual field. See a few different types of guns (Most of us would be willing let people check out our kit) and find out what you like and don't like and go from there. As for playing on private property that ISN'T a regulated field don't do it its the grey area of the law (as far as I know I'm sure I'll be corrected) I've had friends do it and it didn't go well lets just say that.

Last edited by _Whiskey_; December 21st, 2015 at 12:45..
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