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Messing with Hop-up For Chrono Tests?



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Old December 7th, 2015, 18:55   #1
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Messing with Hop-up For Chrono Tests?

I have heard a few horror stories of people going to Siege and the staff messing with their hop-up during the chrono test. Has anyone else been hearing about this? Is it really true that they mess up your hop-up there?
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Old December 7th, 2015, 19:08   #2
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As an airsofter, I wouldn't say it's done out of malice. They probably want to make sure that someone cannot potentially modify their velocity by adjusting their hopup - you'll find that chrono limits are often specified with "Hop Up" off as the hopup can affect the velocity and thus energy output of a gun.

This is in part due to several things - their insurance coverage, which specifies their allowable energy limits, the desire to treat everybody with fairness (After all, it would suck following the rules, only to be shot by a hot gun.) and lastly, the enjoyment of airsoft that would encourage someone to come back.

So, the best thing I can say is, mark where you left your hopup (Silver sharpie is amazing for this) and adjust it back when they're done with it. I'd rather adjust my hopup again than potentially hurt someone who's just looking to have a good time airsofting.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 19:18   #3
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It's an old trick, if your gun is too hot at chrono, then the player will leave, turn the Hop-up off, then re-chrono and be just under. This has caused many fields to make chronographing with the Hop-up on, or off, depending on the preference, mandatory.

In my opinion, they shouldn't be touching your hop-up themselves, but they should be keeping everyone honest.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 19:19   #4
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Strange... I've been there a fair bit, and they've never touched my hopup nor have I ever seen them touch anybody else's hopup. All the guys that chrony seem to just grab a mag, stick it in, flick the selector to semi, and pull the trigger; absolutely nothing to do with the hopup.

The only absolute reason they would touch the hopup was if your gun was shooting on just the edge of the limit and they wanted to check if the hop was on full (thus cheating the reading), or if it wasn't firing properly. And if either should arise, they should ask you about it first for several different reasons; namely being it's YOUR gun, not theirs and 2, some hopups are RHops (like mine) so you can't go around fiddling around with the hopup too much otherwise you could set it wrong and rip the patch off the barrel when you fire. The staff all seem to be airsofters themselves, so they should know better then to fuss around without permission.

But yeah, I agree with what MaybeStopCalling wrote; it's almost certain it's not done out of malice or ill-intent should it happen. Just keep an eye on them when they chrony (or whenever you hand your rifle off to anybody for that matter) and stop them if you think they're doing something you don't want them to.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 20:15   #5
EOD Steve
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While I can certainly see the safety rationale behind chrony'ing a gun with hop-up off, the reality is - at least I hope this is the case - players should have their hop-up dialled for their preferred ammo and guns zero'd prior to showing up to the venue so that when they go to chrony the gun, it's shooting with the same muzzle energy as their in-game setup.

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Old December 7th, 2015, 22:29   #6
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
While I can certainly see the safety rationale behind chrony'ing a gun with hop-up off, the reality is - at least I hope this is the case - players should have their hop-up dialled for their preferred ammo and guns zero'd prior to showing up to the venue so that when they go to chrony the gun, it's shooting with the same muzzle energy as their in-game setup.
Yes, which technically gives you your highest FPS. So having hop-up on being mandatory for every chrono. If some guy returns with the same gun that shot high, I'm always suspicious. Likely turned their hop off to slightly lower their FPS.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 22:40   #7
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Hopup off equals a higher fps doesn't it? I thought you cheat the chrono by turning it all the way ON?
I think Steve was trying to say to measure the energy from the properly tuned system to ensure it's safe (hence the correct weight and hopup settings) instead of just going by pure fps limits using 0.2g.
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Old December 7th, 2015, 22:47   #8
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You can stifle it by turning the hop on all the way, but a backspun BB has more velocity than one that's just pushed out. Ten years ago airsofters figured out that to cheat a chrono that you're just over, just turn your hop off.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 01:05   #9
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That's not how it works. Hop up will reduce muzzle velocity because of the friction. Hop up off reduces muzzle velocity by not locking the BB in the chamber.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 08:02   #10
EOD Steve
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
That's not how it works. Hop up will reduce muzzle velocity because of the friction. Hop up off reduces muzzle velocity by not locking the BB in the chamber.
You mean hop off increases muzzle velocity. Stop confusing these poor people.

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Old December 8th, 2015, 12:14   #11
Short Round
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^^^ A direct quote from the thread above.

Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
Yes, hop up will lower your FPS, and in some occasions(very rare, happens in some guns), increase your FPS.

Think about it, what hop up basically does is it puts an rubber objection on the top of the barrel. If you threw a beer can at an asshole's face, it wouldn't keep going forward would it?
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Old December 8th, 2015, 13:09   #12
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Originally Posted by EOD Steve View Post
You mean hop off increases muzzle velocity. Stop confusing these poor people.
Hop off generally increases muzzle velocity. It CAN lower your velocity if it isn't locking the BB in the chamber, and by the time you fire it has already rolled halfway down the barrel.

That's why I got Siege to change their chrono station from diagonal downward to horizontal.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 13:11   #13
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When our hop-ups were properly set we consistently experienced higher FPS than when they were backed off. I'm not going to claim that every gun is gonna react this way, but all of ours did.

As for the beer can analogy, that's not even close the physics of what's happening. Throwing a solid object at a solid object is not the same as having a sphere pass by a soft surface giving it enough backspin to increase its trajectory 2x, 3x, 4x, etc.

To be fair, I just ran a test on my gun.

PTW M4 CQB, X-Cortech 3500 Chrono, BB Bastard 0.20g

Hop-up ON: 396.29

Hop-up OFF: 390.87

PTW M4 CQB, X-Cortech 3500 Chrono, Elite Force 0.28g

Hop-up ON: 334.08

Hop-up OFF: 340.35

So oddly enough, using a 0.20g I'd get a consistent 5 FPS or more increase with hop-up and the exact opposite with 0.28g. I'd be interested to see what anyone else gets.
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Old December 8th, 2015, 13:27   #14
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I can see that happening if you are heavily overvolumed.
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Old December 9th, 2015, 04:18   #15
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I've heard a lot of big games in the US test with hop up off so you can't cheat the system and get away with using a higher fps gun. That said I'm of the opinion that we should
Be testing our guns as we plan on using them. If someone wants to cheat they're gonna cheat whether they tweak their hopup do a quick spring change or add a power up silencer.

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