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Tm mp5k vs p90 vs aug high cycle vs Scorpion evo 3


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Old October 29th, 2015, 17:37   #31
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Aren't Tokyo Marui guns classicly a few bucks as well? G&G makes an MP5 that's a fraction of the price.
Does the g&g perform close to the tm or better? Idk I'm willing to go for it if it's a solid gun.
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Old October 29th, 2015, 17:47   #32
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Probably won't perform as well, but it's 100% compatible, and you save some money.
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Old October 29th, 2015, 18:17   #33
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I looked it up not that interested it's plastic and looks kinda junky is there any full metal mp5k I just want a small gun lol. This is stressing me out.
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Old October 29th, 2015, 18:56   #34
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TMs are all plastic...
Full metal MP5K in Canada... Cyma is your best bet, but I don't know how good it is internally. Granted, if you're getting an MP5K, you're going to want to upgrade it for trigger response and ROF regardless, so internals might not really matter...
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Old October 29th, 2015, 19:01   #35
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The CYMA MP5K is ok but heavy and of course no trades.
"...However, if preserving the integrity of the gun was the only factor at play then clearly the best option would be to run a 0.0v Lipo and run around shouting 'bang'."
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Old October 29th, 2015, 19:21   #36
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Yeah, the Cyma MP5K is heavy as fuck. Cheapo pot metal too. Doesn't like most brands of magazines either, you have to stick with Cyma magazines. The only other option if you want a full metal MP5K AEG is Classic Army, and they are quite hard to find right now. But frankly, the full plastic TM MP5K is well made and very durable.
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Old October 29th, 2015, 20:54   #37
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Yea I'll stick with the Tm mp5 because no point of being small if heavy. But I'm confused there is a Tm mp5k high cycle and Tm mp5k Kurz what's the difference between them because I'm pretty sure the Kurz is less money. Here is a link to a page can you guys tell me what mp5 Will be the best bang for your buck:

It looks like they all have a version 2 gearbox besides the mp5 pdw and the mp5k they have a version 3. I don't really know the difference.

Edit: after reading this I don't think there is a different gun the kurz stands for the k so mp5 kurz is like say mp5k lol I feel dumb.

Last edited by 3rdbase8; October 29th, 2015 at 21:36..
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Old October 30th, 2015, 09:26   #38
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The V2 MP5s are full size MP5s (navy, A1-A5, etc).

The V3 MP5s are all the short versions, so MP5K and MP5K-PDW (MP5K with a folding stock). Marui originally made an MP5K a long time ago, it's still available, it's a great gun, it shoots around 280fps on 0.20g BBs out of the box and it doesn't need any upgrade whatsoever, 280fps is perfect for CQB. Its a very durable gun and will likely last many many years, maybe even forever if you power it with an old school 8.4v nimh battery.

Recently Marui came out with their high-cycle series and they made an MP5K. It has an inflated butt and fires a lot faster. It's also more expensive. The internals are slightly better to survive the faster shooting rate. The problem is that it fires a lot faster. When you play in real capacity games, you'll get through these 30 rounds mags really fast is you use full auto. You'll have to stick to semi. The advantage of the higher firing rate is that semi-auto fire is a bit more responsive, so overall it is a better gun is you plan to stick to semi auto and if you like the inflated butt they gave it. Real MP5Ks don't have large butts, so its not super realistic.
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Old October 30th, 2015, 09:33   #39
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
Real MP5Ks don't have large butts, so its not super realistic.
Hmmm I like big butts I cannot lie, but thanks for that tidbit. I was going to swap my CYMA for a TM HC but my money went to a TM P90 instead. Does the "big butt" make it that much more comfortable or just a quirky design decision?
"...However, if preserving the integrity of the gun was the only factor at play then clearly the best option would be to run a 0.0v Lipo and run around shouting 'bang'."
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Old October 30th, 2015, 10:33   #40
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I honestly can not see the appeal of TM AEGs other than their recoil series. Most have fragile ABS bodies, and while reliable and decent performing in stock form, they are out shot by any mildly tuned gun, for a fraction of the price.
I would go for the Scorpio evo 3, mainly because it is one of the very few technologically innovative AEGs on the market.

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Old October 30th, 2015, 10:45   #41
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
I honestly can not see the appeal of TM AEGs other than their recoil series. Most have fragile ABS bodies, and while reliable and decent performing in stock form, they are out shot by any mildly tuned gun, for a fraction of the price.
I would go for the Scorpio evo 3, mainly because it is one of the very few technologically innovative AEGs on the market.
I'll show my "noobness" but from the dozen guns and pistols I have, the TM line has always felt "tightest" and most well put together. Granted, I'm only comparing to Ares, CYMA, WE, KSC so it's a somewhat unfair comparison. I guess it's one of those "you can't go wrong with a TM" but farther down the line, you'll realize there are some middle of the ground options.

That said, the EVO 3 looks pretty meh but the features do appeal (to someone that isn't absolutely new) like the QD spring, bolt lock, low batt warning... It's like parents teaching children -- you can harp all you want but once they make the first mistake the ah-ha moment will kick in :wink:
"...However, if preserving the integrity of the gun was the only factor at play then clearly the best option would be to run a 0.0v Lipo and run around shouting 'bang'."
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Old October 30th, 2015, 11:33   #42
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Thanks for the replies guys. This is where I'm at. I'll rank it from my first choice to last 1. Asc scorpion evo (If I can a used version that still has warranty 2. Tm mp5k or another mp5k if you guys can suggest one that is good (i think I'm willing to upgrade the gun). 3. Tm aug high cycle ( I'll be buying this brand new) finnaly 4. Tm p90 high cycle ( I'll be buying this new as well). Btw guys I am using these guns as a primary for field use. The field I go to has all different types of field sizes. If I got any tm gun I would want to upgrade it to 350 fps. Thanks for the help!

Last edited by 3rdbase8; October 30th, 2015 at 11:36..
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Old October 30th, 2015, 12:06   #43
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
I honestly can not see the appeal of TM AEGs other than their recoil series. Most have fragile ABS bodies, and while reliable and decent performing in stock form, they are out shot by any mildly tuned gun, for a fraction of the price.
I would go for the Scorpio evo 3, mainly because it is one of the very few technologically innovative AEGs on the market.
I agree and feel the same, but the Marui guns in this topic are the notable exceptions. If you can find a TM MP5K for a good price, its an amazing gun for CQB. Same for their P90. But if you want to take them outside its another story, in that case you're much better off buying something else.
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Old October 30th, 2015, 12:16   #44
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
I agree and feel the same, but the Marui guns in this topic are the notable exceptions. If you can find a TM MP5K for a good price, its an amazing gun for CQB. Same for their P90. But if you want to take them outside its another story, in that case you're much better off buying something else.
Can either of you guys suggest a gun that would be good to upgrade and what kind of performance can I get with a upgraded aeg. I still wanna stick to the mp5k, aug or p90 if possible
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Old October 30th, 2015, 12:30   #45
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For MP5Ks its TM or a very hard to find full metal proline Classic Army. Everything else is either super heavy and difficult on magazines (Cyma), made of cheap plastic (Galaxy), or weird and crappy (Cybergun GSG series). For P90s you can make do with a King Arms, but the hard to find Classic Army proline is also excellent. Marui's P90 is great for CQB, not so great outdoors. Reviews of the G&G P90 have been mitigated at first, no idea if the newer versions are better. Cyma has come out with a P90 recently, no idea if its any good. AUGs are all crappy as far as I know. The fore grip WILL break on all of them except the high-cycle TM AUG because it doesn't have one.

Don't bother with upgrades too much. You have to know what you are doing to get good results. For most people, swapping the hop-up rubber is really all that's needed. If you bought a very low end product and you suspect the inner barrel is really bad/defective, you might want to change it, but a good barrel will cost you 100$+ with the current state of the Canadian dollar, and you might not see much improvement in accuracy and range. Most of the time, upgrading the inner barrel is hardly a good bang for the buck. Don't bother with cheap upgrade barrels, they all suck and are likely worse than your stock inner barrel. Go quality or keep your stock barrel.
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