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Old September 18th, 2015, 14:31   #1
Join Date: Sep 2015
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I am new to airsoft and wondering if it is useful to buy a sidearm pistol or just stick to an AEG gun for now?

After reading some, it seems like the AEG's have enough ammo to usually make it through a round and I am just wondering if the pistol is also completely necessary.

I have put my age verification in but it is not allowing me to view classified forums yet, I assume it takes a while?

A buddy offered his 9mm berreta by IA for 100$, is this a good deal if I absolutely need to buy a sidearm?

thanks for all your help!
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Old September 18th, 2015, 15:14   #2
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Originally Posted by Estrela View Post

I am new to airsoft and wondering if it is useful to buy a sidearm pistol or just stick to an AEG gun for now?
Depends where and what you play. If you play CQB you can get away with a pistol, but mags cost you a bit and gbb's are more maintence.

AEG's can last you a long time.

After reading some, it seems like the AEG's have enough ammo to usually make it through a round and I am just wondering if the pistol is also completely necessary.
AEG's have low, mid, high caps 30-500 rounds, so yes, you do the math. Pistols are not necessary.

I have put my age verification in but it is not allowing me to view classified forums yet, I assume it takes a while?
Yes, voluntary service, could take 1 day - 1 month.

A buddy offered his 9mm berreta by IA for 100$, is this a good deal if I absolutely need to buy a sidearm?
No, just save up a bit more $50-100 for a WE G17 or KJW, better yet, get an AEG.
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Old September 18th, 2015, 16:23   #3
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thanks for the replies! didn't know they made AEG pistols.
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Old September 18th, 2015, 16:43   #4
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I've been playing Airsoft for a year and just got my first pistol 3 weeks ago. Not necessary, but they are fun. I would just start with a good AEG assault rifle. When you get more serious and play milsim with gun shot rules then I would look at a sidearm.
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Old September 18th, 2015, 20:37   #5
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Originally Posted by Estrela View Post
thanks for the replies! didn't know they made AEG pistols.
AEP (asian electric pistols) are more of a novelty item. Not exactly meant for gaming, but they'll serve its purpose and break after 1-2 games. They're cheap but that's its purpose. You can literally pull faster than it cycles on full-auto. I believe they're also rare in Canada.
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Old September 18th, 2015, 20:39   #6
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Originally Posted by Estrela View Post
thanks for the replies! didn't know they made AEG pistols.
Er, that's not what I was getting at... but yes they make them.

I meant get an AEG of your liking, go into a store and have a feel of different lengths and platforms.
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Old September 19th, 2015, 00:04   #7
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At the end of the day its what type of gun you want to use. Find something that feels comfy, and effective for your playstyle, that can even mean pistols though a bit expensive start-up if you go new due to magazines.
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Old September 19th, 2015, 01:53   #8
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thanks for all the replies! checking out retail store tomorrow to test out a couple AEG's.

So many choices in airsoft!! I am seriously interested in this

but am worried that it is "old" having come out in like 2008... does that matter much? I found one solid review online but anyone have any opinions/links to a great AK that is current and also real wood? preferable a canadian online retailer. I don't mind spending 500+ but I want a solid AK.

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Old September 19th, 2015, 04:41   #9
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AK...Real Sword, we can't link
pistols are depends very much on if you use an AK ( which I had before), I pretty much have to sling it to my side when entering a room and take out my pistol. Not only pistols move around easier in rooms, also I want to make sure I'm not shooting someone point blank with a 400FPS gun. (no MED at that time)

Also for bb capacity, I suggest use 100-120rd Midcaps for the best balance between "realism" and usefulness on the field. I used high caps last game because I ran dry and a teammate offered me one. I couldn't sneak up to people anymore because of how much rattle it makes...

IA M9? I searched it, and it returned KWJ. I think it's the same M9 that I use. Not worth 100 bucks used. If it comes with a bunch of mags then sure, but no..I don't think it's worth it. I bought that M9 new for $109 and $25 on an extra mag..

PS: I personally do not like AK's reloading where you have to clip the mag in then swivel the rear into the mag well. I can reload a M4 mag style much more faster than AK Mag style. (even tho I only changed to M4 platform recently)
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Old September 19th, 2015, 10:25   #10
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If you haven't played more than one game, I highly suggest renting (or borrowing) and playing a few more. I jumped in and did the full monty, now I'm on my third revision of gear -- that is, finally know what I'd like to run.
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