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are electric pistols legal to import


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Old August 8th, 2015, 13:31   #16
naminator's Avatar
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But friends do let friends buy AEP's.

Also yes when you pull the slide off, it starts looking like a toy. But together to separate, the gun is still replica and illegal to import. Some people have managed to mod the pistols to shoot around 350fps, but I highly doubt you could get one to shoot over 366fps.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old August 8th, 2015, 13:59   #17
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
Exactly. Or run web forums using PhP.
Hey don't hate on PHP. As long as it's not 5.4 and a system two major versions behind...

Oh wait.
I'm describing ASC.

Back on topic:
- Hectic, no matter how you put it, it is illegal. If it goes through anyway means it passed thru a crack, not that it's legal. Some things are in a grey zone; this isn't.
- AEPs are terrible.
- These electric Glocks shoot around 280 FPS, maybe 300 with a tightbore and better hopup. Still way under the 360 FPS threshold.
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Old August 8th, 2015, 17:17   #18
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
Back on topic:
- Hectic, no matter how you put it, it is illegal. If it goes through anyway means it passed thru a crack, not that it's legal. Some things are in a grey zone; this isn't.
- AEPs are terrible.
- These electric Glocks shoot around 280 FPS, maybe 300 with a tightbore and better hopup. Still way under the 360 FPS threshold.
Just out of curiosity have you used an AEP?

Very consistent
Decent ROF
Insane numbers of shots to a 7.4v lipo
Fairly easy to work on
High Ammo Capacity
Cheap Magazines

Low FPS (when did this become a con?)
Limited upgrades
No Blow Back
Stock battery sucks.

So yeah, if you buy a stock AEP they kinda suck. But slap in a few upgrades and a 7.4v lipo (no harder that wiring a gun/bettery to deans) and suddenly you have a monster of a pistol. I have gone up against Full size AEG's and won with my Cyma G18c.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?
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Old August 8th, 2015, 18:08   #19
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
Hey don't hate on PHP. As long as it's not 5.4 and a system two major versions behind...

Oh wait.
I'm describing ASC.

Back on topic:
- Hectic, no matter how you put it, it is illegal. If it goes through anyway means it passed thru a crack, not that it's legal. Some things are in a grey zone; this isn't.
- AEPs are terrible.
- These electric Glocks shoot around 280 FPS, maybe 300 with a tightbore and better hopup. Still way under the 360 FPS threshold.
They don't want to upgrade so let it be lol.
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Old August 8th, 2015, 18:49   #20
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Yeah, AEPs are amazing. You get a pistol that works year long, that has amazing accuracy and that you can use at point blank in restricted places without fear of hurting the other player. They are amazing in CQB, especially in the spring and autumn.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old August 9th, 2015, 16:38   #21
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Originally Posted by naminator View Post
Just out of curiosity have you used an AEP?
Yes. And I had quite the opposite experience.

Originally Posted by naminator View Post
Very consistent True
Decent ROF No. Huge trigger lag.
Insane numbers of shots to a 7.4v lipo Not really. 2-3 mags (much less in the cold and then a pain in the ass to change the battery
Fairly easy to work on Fairly, but not much available.
High Ammo Capacity Comparable to GBB counterparts.
Cheap Magazines True

Low FPS (when did this become a con?) When it's too low that you get terrible range, that it makes very little sound on impact (thus unintended lack of hit calling) and that they can't be legally imported.
Limited upgrades ...and replacement parts as well.
No Blow Back Indeed.
Stock battery sucks. Indeed.

So yeah, if you buy a stock AEP they kinda suck. But slap in a few upgrades and a 7.4v lipo (no harder that wiring a gun/bettery to deans) and suddenly you have a monster of a pistol. I have gone up against Full size AEG's and won with my Cyma G18c.
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Old August 9th, 2015, 16:39   #22
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Originally Posted by naminator View Post
Just out of curiosity have you used an AEP?
Yes. And I had quite the opposite experience.

Originally Posted by naminator View Post
Very consistent True
Decent ROF No. Huge trigger lag.
Insane numbers of shots to a 7.4v lipo Not really. 2-3 mags (much less in the cold and then a pain in the ass to change the battery. And that's my experience with both CYMA batteries and TM ones.
Fairly easy to work on Fairly, but not much available.
High Ammo Capacity Comparable to GBB counterparts.
Cheap Magazines True

Low FPS (when did this become a con?) When it's too low that you get terrible range, that it makes very little sound on impact (thus unintended lack of hit calling) and that they can't be legally imported.
Limited upgrades ...and replacement parts as well.
No Blow Back Indeed.
Stock battery sucks. Indeed.
No aftermarket batteries - either ACM (CYMA) or TM.
Mags don't really fit securely in anything.

So yeah, if you buy a stock AEP they kinda suck. But slap in a few upgrades and a 7.4v lipo (no harder that wiring a gun/bettery to deans) and suddenly you have a monster of a pistol. I have gone up against Full size AEG's and won with my Cyma G18c.
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Old August 9th, 2015, 16:51   #23
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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I never suggested it was legal. I said it's not the right way to import things. The reason it would potentially get let in is interpretation of the law. That's it. Not because it's legal. But because the people who are inforcing the laws can also make mistakes or miss things or see things differently. Like I said. Looking at an ebb pistol taken apart it is blatantly toy parts. The aep's are a lot more "gun" looking when disassembled but in my eyes when I look at it in pieces it doesn't look like a gun to me, and some cbsa agent may have the same view of it. Again doesn't mean it's right just means that it could be done. And as I also said I wouldn't risk it. I don't need rcmp or whoever showing up at my door because I tried to "smuggle guns" lol
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old August 9th, 2015, 23:33   #24
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Here was the response. I'll wait to see what happens...

"Thanks for your email!
But don't worry the pistol frame can be import to Canada,
so your order would be go on!

Hope this email can solve your doubt!"
"...However, if preserving the integrity of the gun was the only factor at play then clearly the best option would be to run a 0.0v Lipo and run around shouting 'bang'."
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Old August 10th, 2015, 00:09   #25
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This is a good case of "once you pay for it it's your responsibility, if you get rekt I don't care" seller.

Stay away.

Originally Posted by Hectic View Post
Looking at an ebb pistol taken apart it is blatantly toy parts. The aep's are a lot more "gun" looking when disassembled but in my eyes when I look at it in pieces it doesn't look like a gun to me, and some cbsa agent may have the same view of it.
Did you read the law? It's not made to prevent people from modifying them - in which case your argument would have some validity - it's made to prevent people from having realistic-looking replicas that aren't guns. If it's blatant that it's not a gun, then great, it just falls under replica category which is prohibited from importation.
That's why it's best when they're functionning as, in case of issues, it can get tested to prove that it does shoot over the "unregulated firearm" minimum threshold.

Last edited by Conker; August 10th, 2015 at 00:12..
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Old August 10th, 2015, 00:35   #26
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As for the 2-3 mags part, I can fire around 1000+ rounds out of my Cyma. I installed a 7.4v 950mah lipo in mine.

My trigger lag is minimal. The 7.4v does a world of difference. The stock battery sucks a big one though.

As for ammo capacity, other than a GBB what would I compare too?

The upgrades are a pain to source, but thankfully cheap. For sub 30$ you can purchase an upgraded motor from a 1/18th scale RC (370 is the size). It also shares several parts with the TM MP7 AEP.

And upgraded tightbore is 30-50$, the bucking is 10, a set of steel bearings (meant for a blade eflite helicopter) will cost 16$ and that was local. The piston head, piston and spring guide will run you about 45$.

Low FPS =/= low range. I use my Cyma as a back up for my KC02. The KC02 is definitely a long range rifle, semi auto and high FPS. This means I cannot use it in CQB. The Cyma absolutely rips in those situations. No it can't punch through thick bush, but it can keep heads down.

The gun is also quiet as shit. Replacement parts are also dirt cheap. You can buy a Cyma mechbox for as little as 30$ plus shipping.

Conker honestly a lot of your problems sound like they are due to using the stock battery. My upgraded Lipo is absolutely my favourite electric gun past and present. My upgraded spring also pushed me just around 300fps. This is in line with what TM GBB's used to fire prior to everyone going to C02.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
1+1 = 2
Were you maybe expecting 1+1 = donut?

Last edited by naminator; August 10th, 2015 at 00:37..
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Old August 10th, 2015, 07:26   #27
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You also get great trigger response and ROF with the Marui Pro Light:

It's still an NiMH battery, but it is a LOT better than the stock battery. Plus, you get a reasonably strong light for your pistol, which is really useful indoor.

I'm thinking that it should be possible to replace the NiMH battery inside the pro-light with a Lipo. Although I have yet to do it because even after 5 years, my pro-light still runs perfectly.

Oh, and yes, the pro-light will fit any railed pistol, it works on my hi-capas just fine and doesn't mind the recoil.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

Québec province's master age verification representative.
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Old August 13th, 2015, 18:07   #28
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Originally Posted by Conker View Post
This is a good case of "once you pay for it it's your responsibility, if you get rekt I don't care" seller.

Stay away.

Did you read the law? It's not made to prevent people from modifying them - in which case your argument would have some validity - it's made to prevent people from having realistic-looking replicas that aren't guns. If it's blatant that it's not a gun, then great, it just falls under replica category which is prohibited from importation.

That's why it's best when they're functionning as, in case of issues, it can get tested to prove that it does shoot over the "unregulated firearm" minimum threshold.

Derailing thread slightly. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the pistol frame. With luck, I won't get a letter but will still gladly forfeit it for the other bits in the order...
"...However, if preserving the integrity of the gun was the only factor at play then clearly the best option would be to run a 0.0v Lipo and run around shouting 'bang'."
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