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Which Tm pistol *LEFTY*


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Old April 14th, 2015, 18:28   #46

Join Date: Apr 2015
It has a longer piston, making it more suitable for metal slides. It can go through more then 1 mag in COLD conditions unlike the 1911. Did I mention It can do that <--- with a metal slide?
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Old April 14th, 2015, 18:29   #47
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Originally Posted by newyorkairsoft View Post
TM doesnt make "Double stack" mags for single stack 1911s.... Their " single stack" mags hold 28 rds but, hold the same amt. of gas as any other MEU 1911 pistol would.

[***Censored blurb***]

Double stack mags are two stacks of ammo in one mag.

Im talking about a 2011 not a 1911.

A 2011 is the evolution of the 1911. It's a wide body 1911 designed to carry a larger clip size in the mag.

Please pleas please.
My patience is running out....

someone take over....
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."

Last edited by e-luder; April 16th, 2015 at 18:35..
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Old April 14th, 2015, 18:30   #48

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Ok give me a link to a "2011" that tm makes LOL.
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Old April 14th, 2015, 18:35   #49

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By 2011, you mean Hi Capa, or MEU.
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Old April 14th, 2015, 18:54   #50

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Hmmmm. No answer. Interesting.
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Old April 14th, 2015, 19:01   #51
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He probably got dizzy and passed out from rolling his eyes.

You've answered your own question. If you want a 1911 styled weapon with a large gas reservoir, go with a hi-capa. It's as close as you'll get to a quality 2011 at the moment.

Edit: This was worded poorly. I know that you don't want a 1911. It was a hypothetical "if you want".

Also, e-luder loses all gun doc cred for saying "clip" inappropriately.
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Old April 14th, 2015, 19:06   #52
a.k.a. Greedy
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Originally Posted by newyorkairsoft View Post
By 2011, you mean Hi Capa, or MEU.
He already explained this to you. You know, at some point in life you're going to have to start using your own brain to figure things out. Not everything is going to be spoon fed to you.
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Old April 14th, 2015, 19:06   #53

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Rolling his eyes. LEL. He didnt even say what he ment by a "2011".

Glock V HK 45
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Old April 14th, 2015, 19:34   #54
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Here are your links, you.... you... aw man. Not even worth it:

I cannot post links of stock guns because they are Canadian storefronts. This would violate forum rules as there are minors lurking around this channel of airsoft medium.

But a TM Hicap 4.3, TM Hi-Capa 5.1 and the TM Hi-Capa Extreme .45 are all examples of TM based 2011s. So use your Google search bar and look for them if you dont know what they are.

If you're still confused about what a 2011 is, here are a few real ones and how they look like:


Brazzos Custom

***look at the mid frame on the brazzos custom guns. what do you see?

still doubting ? How about an STI model (THE 2011 inventors)

If you think a "longer piston" means new design, you my friend are even more misinformed than I thought. Furthermore, I fail to see how this "longer piston" would translate to suite a metal slide better than the old TM "piston" design. PleAse explain this to me.

Do you even know what you mean when you say "piston"? Do you even know what the piston is? And do you even know how that "piston" is working internally?

There's no such thing as a "longer piston". Everything is relative to the size of the gun. Be it standard, compact or sub compact framed handguns. Furthermore, you make it sound like Marui uses the same tired old parts for all their guns- as if these parts are cross compatible with each platform. That's not the case. Each gun has their respective parts particular to that system. but they use the same TM gas delivery system design. So there is no "new design". Just different parts using the same gas system.

Thus, the validity of your argument is none. You're caught trying to look smart to someone who has better understanding of how these systems work. While I may not be the foremost authority on airsoft pistols and airsoft smithing, i know enough to tell if someone is just pulling shit out of their ass and call them out on their arguments if it warrants it. Unfortunately, you have failed to give me a solid answer with valid reasoning in your response. Thus, I'll hencefourth regard any techinical aspects of your responses as complete and utter non sense until you begin to provide me with valid reasoning behind your thinking.

And while i would love to sit here and educate you on the inner workings of a Gas operated airsoft weapon, i feel as though you have neither the attention span nor the capacity to comprehend what i tell you. This is all based on your past responses to what anyone has told you in this thread. And I simply do not have the time for that shit nor do I gain any benefits from it. You're lucky I gave your thread a peek and gave you the time of day to write these long winded posts.

Here's my exact quote of what a 2011 just in case you missed it:

A 2011 is the evolution of the 1911. It's a wide body 1911 designed to carry a larger clip size in the mag.
My point was because of the size of the mag, the gas reservoir is also increased. Thus, you are correct in a sense that there is no double stack mag for Marui 1911. Which is why i suggested a hi-capa. But you laughed at my suggestion thinking both these guns were the same and thus you had the same reservations or perception in terms of functionality. But i can tell you right now, those perceptions are not accurate. Metal body or not both single and double stack mags can easily clear their respective stacks with each fill....and more.

A gun's ability to operate in the cold is reliant on how well the magazine works with your system. There is nothing new in the HK45 mag nor does it revolutionize how this process works. You shouldnt be using gas guns in cold conditions anyways. Parts are more brittle and things ice up. Thus are more susceptible to damage.

Furthermore, a gun's ability to finish a full stack (in general terms) has many different variables that need to be taken into account. Temperature is one of them, as you already stated, and I stated another which was parts installation. This means that your fantasy/expectation of your gun to always finish a full stack on a single fill with a metal slide can potentially be shattarred once you actually (reality) install all the aftermarket components. It may or may not live up to your fantasy. The variable you didnt account for in this scenario is user error, which means YOU and how YOU installed the parts.

...and that's just a few variables. There are many more to consider as to why a gun can not unload a full stack on a single fill with a metal slide.

As I said, you laugh at my suggestion but i laugh at how poorly that particular gun must've been built to give you that kind of impression/perception. Even if the gun you had was stock gun from TM, it's poorly put together (which is a very rare case for Marui's product line).

And MEU...
Does that mag look like a Double stack to you?...
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Last edited by e-luder; April 16th, 2015 at 23:00.. Reason: Grammar and additional info. removed links
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Old April 14th, 2015, 19:39   #55
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AND for the last time:

2011 == hi-capa

I said a double stack 1911. So I apologize if I confused you.

A double stack mag can be for any gun with that type of capacity.
A p226 for example uses a double stack mag.

As I said, there's no point in me going on with this rhetoric with you. You already have your gun. And there's no need for me to go on and explain to you about the benefits of A 1911/2011 over a HK45 or vice versa
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Last edited by e-luder; April 14th, 2015 at 21:08..
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Old April 14th, 2015, 19:44   #56
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Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
He probably got dizzy and passed out from rolling his eyes.

You've answered your own question. If you want a 1911 styled weapon with a large gas reservoir, go with a hi-capa. It's as close as you'll get to a quality 2011 at the moment.

Edit: This was worded poorly. I know that you don't want a 1911. It was a hypothetical "if you want".

Also, e-luder loses all gun doc cred for saying "clip" inappropriately.
"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."

Last edited by e-luder; April 14th, 2015 at 19:46..
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Old April 14th, 2015, 20:18   #57
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Old April 15th, 2015, 03:50   #58
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Originally Posted by newyorkairsoft View Post
So Im in the market for a new pistol and I decided I want a TM pistol. Problem is, Im a lefty. I want something that has a lot of upgrades, and is somewhat lefty friendly.

It would be great If I had some suggestions but, here is what I had in mind.

Glock 17- Great Amount of Upgrades , I like the look, slide release might be hard to reach but, I can power stroke. I prefer the mag release be on the left side.

M&P - Has ambi slide release and once again, mag release on left side. I like it, just not too sure on after market support.

HK 45- Ambi Mag release, not sure on slide release. Not sure on after market support either.

So yeah, basically leave me some suggestions or, say which one I should go with

What I want to upgrade my tm pistol into : Full metal slide or Slide and body ( depends on gun ) and super accurate and good gas consumption ( no 1911s unless someone can prove that they can get off a full mag with a metal slide.)
Do you forget the XDM??? XDM--- both slide mag release...XDM also has metal slide in after market.
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Old April 15th, 2015, 09:08   #59
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Old April 15th, 2015, 09:10   #60
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MEU mags look quadruple stackz
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