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I am new here, there is my planned setup.


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Old September 4th, 2014, 12:15   #1
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Arrow I am new here, there is my planned setup.

Hello everyone, i am about to start in airsofting and i wanted to know what is wrong or something better can be suggested at me.

I already started my age verification, i just sent PMs to testtube and sarosh.

Here my current setup within 840$ budget:

- Casque Emerson FAST Helmet ( PJ Type / Basic ) : 50$ CAD
- King Arms BB Loader ( 200 billes / Clear ) : 15$ CAD
- Courroie 1-Point Bungee ( Military Grade )) : 15$ CAD
- A.C.M. Mesh Face Guard - BLACK : 15$ CAD

Feel free to offer suggestions, advices and changes to my planned plan. And yes, i am well aware the asking of my budget. The problem, i also need to be age verified to find any better guns for best prices i could find so i could buy much more.

I list what i think would help you suggesting something for me :

- I am smaller than average and i do like flexibility and i like also have a sidearm as backup.
- I would love to get everything under 600 $ or 700 $ if possible.
- I live in Canada, a lot of forests places and also harsh cold winter, so BIG NO-NO at gas handguns but CO2 handguns will work just fine.
- I am not worried if you also suggest another rifle that replaces the P90 i picked, go ahead and suggest it.
- I carefully shoot my gun at targets, so the range and accuracy is more important than volume of BB fired.
- I wear prescription glass, so i need the eye protection that accepts it.

Thanks for reading and answering it.


3 Choices :
- ICS L85 A2
- Classic Army Steyr A2 Proline
- Tar-21 or Tavor, i dont know which brand i could trust.

- Bonus : Sidearm : a P226 of best quality or best brand if i snagged a nice deal in Classifields.

- ESS Land Ops Googles

- The rest, i will pick at JT's Paintball store ( dont even try your luck at store online, they dont sell there. Just physical :P ).

Last edited by TorinoFermic; September 24th, 2014 at 22:22.. Reason: Fixes the missing content.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 12:51   #2
Red Dot
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Keep reading around what you can access on the forum as it will help steer you around before you are age verified.

Personally as a new person I would stick to an M4 platform as you can get parts for them easily and most experienced people know their way around version 2 gearboxes if you encounter a problem.

As for goggles I HIGHLY recommend Revision Desert Locust fan goggles with the prescription insert. I have them and zero fogging and all fields will allow you to play with them no problem and they easily take prescription lens with the adapter (something I am working towards myself). Not cheap at $150 but soooo worth the performance and peace of mind.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 12:55   #3
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You'll need p90 mag pouches for p90 mags. They won't fit in my pouches.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 13:21   #4
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indeed. p90 mags need p90 pouches. They are 10-15 for singles and the nicer eski ones are 30 or so for doubles. The condor ones sometimes are sewn too small and don't fit the mags without using force and usually that ends up breaking the plastic mags.

Don't play in the forest. Go play at red devil's in kemptville. Every saturday, gates open at 8 am.

I am a big guy and I can fit 6 p90 mags across my chest. Depending on how much you shoot, 6 KA p90 mags don't hold a whole lot of ammo for the space they take up.

You may or may not be able to mount p90 pouches on that chest rig very well. They need about 8 rows of molle in height for space. Will get you an exact number when I get home tonight. The best thing to mount them on is a zip up vest, though I've seen guys with 4 on a plate carrier that they wear a little higher on their chest, it just means you only have half of the molle weaved so they might be loose.

If you go with an AK or M4 the gear options get a bit cheaper/less specialized.

You will also need either a p90 sling adapter for that sling or you need a p90 specific sling. There is no where on a p90 to clip a regular sling meant for an m4/other rifle.

Leave the helmet out for now, buy a spare battery.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 14:25   #5
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You may want to go with a 7.4v lipo instead of the NiMH/NiCD, I found my old P90 worked like crap on NiMH but shot well with lipos. I would also recommend goggles with a fan. I personally would not start on a p90, the mags are big/clumsy/annoying and may frustrate you as a newbie. The sling mount is also annoying, at least it was for me.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 14:51   #6
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I'm surprised no one mentioned it yet, but invest in a good pair of boots. It's definitely something you don't want to overlook, especially when playing in forested areas or area's with tricky terrain.

You don't want to bust an ankle and get put out of the game for a week or two.

Knee pads are another thing you might want to look into.

If you wear glasses, definitely get something well ventilated with a fan or maybe consider picking up some daily contact lenses (Been working great for me), would save you from having fogging issues with glasses. Goggles fogging up is already an issue, don't want to deal with glasses as well if you can avoid it.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 15:04   #7
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Get a M4 10.5" > - Lots of people have them, you can share mags and what not. A lot of parts available aswell.

Everyone I know that has a KA P90 has had their selector blow up, thus resulting in permanent full auto all the time! Un-educated on this subject, but could be an easy fix?

Boots are a necessity, pick up a decent used pair at the surplus, I got mine from Army Issue, water proof for $55 tax in.

If you get a Revision Desert Locust use "FANS" for 30% off. Coupons float around on google.

Knee pads are a must too, I us Arc'teryx ones. Can't go cheap on your knee's or eyes, Surgery would be more expensive .

Good luck.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 15:09   #8
"bb bukakke" KING!
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the greatest weakness of the p90 is the cutoff lever, when this wears down you lose semi since there's nothing to reset the shuttle out of the 1st set of contacts.

It's replaceable but you need to do a few tweaks to make it easier for the sector to flip the lever with as little resistance as possible.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 15:21   #9
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I would steer away from clone goggles.

Buy something reputable, from a known brand. ESS, Revision, Oakley, Smith Optics.. etc.

We're talking about your eyesight here - there is no excuse to cheap out.

You can spend 50-70$ on a pair of goggles that will last you a lonnnnng time. Clone goggles work but you will end up replacing them and nobody can be 100% sure they are up to par for stopping BB's, especially after multiple hits.

As others have suggest.. good footwear is a must. Something that is comfortable for you, that has ankle support, will be your best friend. Trust me, I started playing with steel-toe boots. Even just the extra ankle support saved me many times. I upgraded to a pair of surplus CF boots (can you even call that an upgrade?) and it was a great investment. $30 kept me from rolling my ankles on multiple occasions. You can spend a lot more and be even happier, but don't go out there in sneakers and hurt yourself!
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Old September 4th, 2014, 15:23   #10
"bb bukakke" KING!
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For real military eyewear, and the highest safety ratings among stuff used in airsoft (and elswhere) revision has the deepest discounts for eyewear if you search around online for discount codes. AR15NEWS I think gets 30-40% off if it's still active.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 15:23   #11
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Let the guy get a P90. Its a good gun and is a beast when upgraded thanks to its gearbox.

There are enough M4's out there ffs.
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Old September 4th, 2014, 16:36   #12
Red Dot
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Just thinking for working around a first gun, that's all. Easy to get magazines, upgrades, blah, blah, blah. You can go with a SCAR-L or Masada as well.

On top of footwear I recommend Sealskinz socks, dry feet are happy feet.

Wish I had know about those Revision coupons. :/
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Old September 4th, 2014, 16:56   #13
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Surprised this wasn't mentioned but I guess I'll be the one to say it:

You should remove the link to the gun; forum rules mention you can't post links to guns outside the age verified sections

That said, you might want to avoid airsoftqc store altogether. I won't start to explain why, there's been enough discussions on them already (you can search these forums if you're curious)

I have nothing else to add, pretty much everything else was said already

Welcome to the sport
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old September 4th, 2014, 17:20   #14
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Originally Posted by Red Dot View Post
As for goggles I HIGHLY recommend Revision Desert Locust fan goggles with the prescription insert. I have them and zero fogging and all fields will allow you to play with them no problem and they easily take prescription lens with the adapter (something I am working towards myself). Not cheap at $150 but soooo worth the performance and peace of mind.
Ah, i should noticed it. I heard someone saying it dinit fit even the smallest glass. Here this review

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
Don't play in the forest. Go play at red devil's in kemptville. Every saturday, gates open at 8 am.
I could try this place.

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
If you go with an AK or M4 the gear options get a bit cheaper/less specialized.
Yeah, i better take this way. Far much easier for my life and it allows me to have better gear as well if i carefully pick a quality gun.

Originally Posted by beta678 View Post
I'm surprised no one mentioned it yet, but invest in a good pair of boots. It's definitely something you don't want to overlook, especially when playing in forested areas or area's with tricky terrain.
No sure but i know i already have boots for this case but i dont think snow boots counts. Better to check.

Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Get a M4 10.5" > - Lots of people have them, you can share mags and what not. A lot of parts available aswell.

Everyone I know that has a KA P90 has had their selector blow up, thus resulting in permanent full auto all the time! Un-educated on this subject, but could be an easy fix?

Boots are a necessity, pick up a decent used pair at the surplus, I got mine from Army Issue, water proof for $55 tax in.

If you get a Revision Desert Locust use "FANS" for 30% off. Coupons float around on google.
Ah, a discount coupon. I should google harder. And i will get those googles, army boots and a m4 or SCAR or M16.

Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
Let the guy get a P90. Its a good gun and is a beast when upgraded thanks to its gearbox.

There are enough M4's out there ffs.
I take as if you had enough seeing M4s users, right ?
There always a possibility the updated first gun might not even a M4 at all.

Originally Posted by MultipleParadox View Post
That said, you might want to avoid airsoftqc store altogether. I won't start to explain why, there's been enough discussions on them already (you can search these forums if you're curious)
This is why i cant see the tokyo marui guns in this store and this is very suspicious as fuck.

Alright, time to revise my selection and discard the P90 into my wish list so i could swap back if i think so. I will check every guns once i could land in physical store.

Last edited by TorinoFermic; September 4th, 2014 at 17:24..
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Old September 4th, 2014, 18:48   #15
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The P90 can be a workhorse if taken care of properly and it does have a V6 gearbox which is arguably one of the best designs. However like everyone else said there are problems with it in terms of real life play with ergonomics and the like. BTW if you do end up getting one down the road as a secondary backup incase your primary gun goes down UMP pouches will fit the P90 mags and vice versa I believe.

As far as first gun goes I definitely am a proponent of either an AR or an AK platform. However down the road you can get into unique stuff you like just have a solid primary setup and if in the case you have bad luck at a game and your primary setup goes down you can continue playing with your backup setup.

As far as other gear goes, you can do what you like and figure out what works and what doesn't for you yourself. Honestly if you have a tight budget you can get into airsoft for sub $600 with basic (quality) gear but with your budget you can jump in and get some more useful gear. Get rid of the helmet, faceguard, and those mP5 pouches and you should be able to shave some money off the budget.

Personally this is what I suggest;

Rifle $250+tax (feel free to use the highcap for now and store a second in your pocket, later down the road you can get a rig to carry midcaps and the like don't worry about ribbing about having "tactical maracas" it's all lighthearted anyways)
BDU: Olive Drab set (tunic, trousers, and bush cap) can be found at surplus stores for sub $70
Eyepro: $50 (get a paintball mask, the JT Flex8 or Proflex come highly recommended)
Boots: ~$150 get something you like and is comfortable. Doesn't have to be supertactical or anything. Use hiking boots in a dark/earth tone if you want. I recommend Merrell and Bates (parent company (Wolverine Footwear/Wolverine Sports) owns both and Saucony as well) I love their stuff. Definitely focus on good ankle support and comfort, your feet move you around all day and you stand on them and walk with them all day too, treat them well. Hell I even soak my feet in epsom salt after work and after games sometimes (don't have to believe all the newage bullcrap around it but it does help) and moisturize too.
Battery and charger: Can be found like $50 for a full set of like 2 lipos and a basic smart charger (doesn't have to be a crazy RC charger with a screen and a million options just a charger that you plug in and cuts off charging when it detects peak charge is good enough usually will have a light on it) EDIT: Talking about something like this btw, that's all you need to start with

Most of everything else is just accessories.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; September 4th, 2014 at 18:51..
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