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Old December 9th, 2013, 20:11   #1
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Brand new to airsoft

So I have just signed up on this website hoping to get some advice for a couple things. My first question is where can I play airsoft. I live in Mississauga and I am looking for an outdoor playing field. My second question is what are the rules and regulations for importing airsoft guns into Canada from US. I know it needs to shoot between 366 to 500 FPS and an orange tip. Is there anything else. If you guys feel like giving some more starter tips, even gun recommendations that would be really great! Thanks.
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Old December 9th, 2013, 20:29   #2
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Shwa
Orange tip is NOT required

there are stores in canada which sell airsoft guns and gear

we cannot tell you where or how to buy guns as per site rules until you are age verified
see this link here :

As for where to play there are games posted here :

Read a few threads in the FAQ section and newbie tank.

Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use the search function.

Oh, and welcome to the site.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 01:07   #3
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you aren't going to find too many outdoor games during the winter but there are some indoor fields you can play for the time being...
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Old December 10th, 2013, 02:04   #4
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Welcome to airsoft.
Like ceazer said, there's not many outdoor games in the winter that are close to Mississauga. You're going to have to drive an hour or two.

Head over to the "Players and Events" -> "Game Events and Schedules" -> "Ontario" (or click here: to see if people post up games where they've rented a field or something. Indoor and outdoor games will be "announced' there.

If you want a "walk in" airsoft field, the only one nearby is Ultimate Airsoft ( in Toronto, near Downsview Park.

As for importing airsoft guns from the states, all they need to be able to do, is shoot a .2g BB between 366FPS and 500FPS. No orange tip is required.
Now, proving that FPS to customs is on you. Sometimes they'll accept paperwork from the manufacturer or retailer, and sometimes they won't. If they don't, then it gets passed on for testing, and there is no ETA on when that will be done. The last story I heard about it, it only took 2 weeks. The common story is that it takes several months, to a year (or longer, if you're unlucky).

If your gun gets seized, the retailer isn't going to give you back your money.

The rule of thumb is to buy in Canada. It's usually faster, and less hassle/worry. Most of all, it supports the retailers that take the time and effort to get airsoft stuff into Canada for you.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 07:01   #5
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Location: Waterloo, Ontario
welcome to airsoft, Covert Ops is based out of Cambridge and we hold events fairly often on a nice large field. Keep an eye on the Ontario events page where we will post any upcoming games.

Adapt, improvise, and overcome
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Old December 10th, 2013, 10:40   #6
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You can go to "Army Issue" in Port Credit, right near you, and get Age Verified..

During the year there's a nice place in Whitby (Google Whitby Airsoft) $10 entrance for all day. Legit.

*cough* there's something called google for finding "stores."

For guns it depends on what rifle you want to build, and your play style. It also depends on your budget of how much you want to spend.

Generally $500 is a good starting point.

Most common are M4 variants, and AK. You could go bullpup (AUGs, SIGS, etc.) Also support/DMR/Snipers.

Then you'll want to consider whether you want to go Eletric (AEG) or Gas (GBB).
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Old December 10th, 2013, 10:58   #7
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Location: The Shwa
he's 12.
so getting AV'd is off the table
however lurking the forums until reaching age is still a good idea.
there are plenty of members here who started as young lurkers
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Old December 10th, 2013, 11:48   #8
Zelly Neko
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Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z View Post
he's 12.
so getting AV'd is off the table
however lurking the forums until reaching age is still a good idea.
there are plenty of members here who started as young lurkers
I'm 21 and still lurking. ...I need to get verified soon.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 12:27   #9
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Be a respectful member and maybe wait until you're 16 and ask really nicely to some of the game admins around what it would take to be able to play (whether you have to be attached to parent/legal guardians hip and both of you play or they have to be present at the field or whatever). It really depends on the admin/venue. I've played with players as young as 13 before (it was in the UK and one of the game admins daughters) but typically 16+ with parent playing on the field beside you or at least in the safe zone is a common setup for minors who want to play.

18+ is a sure shot to being able to play at most venues (because of legalities, waivers and all that) but if you lurk, research, and make a good impression on your local community they might look favourably on you.

BTW: If you like shooting and want to get into it I highly recommend asking your parents for a pellet rifle for target shooting. It's a lot harder than most people think it is (try getting a toonie sized grouping when you first get it and when you get better try a nickel sized grouping).
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Old December 10th, 2013, 18:41   #10
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Mississauga, Ontario
Thanks for the helpful advice! But I have a concern, my friend who is the same age as me. He plays airsoft all the time and he only gets his parents to drop him off leave and pick him up. Is this illegal?
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Old December 10th, 2013, 19:37   #11
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Originally Posted by Zelly Neko View Post
I'm 21 and still lurking. ...I need to get verified soon.
I'm 26 and have yet to get verified. I should also do that soon ... maybe in the new year.

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Old December 10th, 2013, 21:57   #12
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Location: Mississauga
Oh Hello

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Old December 10th, 2013, 22:12   #13
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Originally Posted by True_Minecrafter View Post
Thanks for the helpful advice! But I have a concern, my friend who is the same age as me. He plays airsoft all the time and he only gets his parents to drop him off leave and pick him up. Is this illegal?
Not necessarily. It depends on a lot of factors, mainly related to how things are run and whatnot. It is up to the field owner/admin and insurance underwriting company as to what is required (even things as trivial as ballistic glasses, full seal, goggles minimum or full mask with goggles and face guard). Younger players and goggles only are more risky than having 16+ or 18+ and full face mask and insurance premiums for these venues reflect that.

Parents drop off kids to play paintball all the time while they fuck off and shop or whatever. Ideally the field would require the parent or guardian stay on premises, a PB field (or any venue like that for that matter) is IMO no place for an unaccompanied minor. What happens in the case of a medical emergency (twist ankle, asthma attack, ingested some toxic substance, allergic to something, fist fight, repeated warnings and safety violations and getting kicked or banned from the venue) who's liable?

The field owner may think it's okay but he's probably not thinking worst case scenario. Could the owner get sued and lose his venue (do lawsuits follow him and can he be held personally liable? does he have indemnity insurance)? When minors are involved it makes things a thousand times more complicated.

tl;dr No it's not illegal but I'd say it's irresponsible of his parents to do that. Hell it's fine if your parents do that too but I really think it's irresponsible of them even if you are mature and a good kid (and I think you're a lot better than 99% of other kids we get on these forums but it still stands that at the end of the day in the eyes of the law you're a minor even if you are 17 years and 364 days old and that's just the way it works, it's a magic discrete line that gets crossed once you turn 18). I may be a pessimist, but the worst can always happen and I try to be prepared and minimize risks.
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Last edited by L473ncy; December 10th, 2013 at 22:15..
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Old December 10th, 2013, 22:29   #14
Ministry of Peace
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It would help us give you good advice if you tell us what city you are located in and what your age is... as different games/facilities open up at different ages.


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Old December 10th, 2013, 22:35   #15
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Shwa
Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
It would help us give you good advice if you tell us what city you are located in and what your age is... as different games/facilities open up at different ages.


he's 12.
and in Mississauga.

you know information thats already been posted in the thread...

Last edited by R.I.T.Z; December 10th, 2013 at 22:37..
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