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I have about 10 aeg mp5 mags that jam


Doctor's Corner

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Old February 14th, 2022, 22:48   #1
Buyer beware, not always as advertised.
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: N.S., Canada
I have about 10 aeg mp5 mags that jam

I HAVE ABOUT 10 AEG MAGAZINES THAT JAM - HICAP AND NORMAL. I am wondering if they were left loaded or overly loaded and the springs are beat up.

Would spraying with silicone or cleaning them help?

They were part of a 3 gun purchase.
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Old February 15th, 2022, 07:18   #2
Official ASC Geomorphologist
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In my experience jamming is primarily due to large particles stuck in the mag. Most of the time sand or gravel, but I've also seen broken BBs stuck in the springs. If the springs got wet they might also be badly rusted. Opening the mags and cleaning them should restore them. Oil in mags is a bad idea because it will gum them up pretty quickly when exposed to dust and dirt. If the mags are particularly dirty, a q-tip with isopropyl alcohol will help.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old February 15th, 2022, 21:54   #3
Buyer beware, not always as advertised.
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Old March 28th, 2022, 14:47   #4
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Some magazines over time and use develop worn areas on the plastic surfaces the bb's move along, this can cause a bb to bind and the spring tension forces the double stack design to overlap the bb's causing a jam

Another cause is fatigue of the threads that hold the two halves of the inner shell together and can sometimes strip or they have been stripped by over tightening

The third cause is flexing of the plastic if left loaded as you mentioned

I would be careful spraying a silicone inside because this may do two things, one it will cause your hop to be inconsistent and two the oil will attract dirt

It was designed to work dry so if you separate the shell wipe it out and look for dull areas, bb's prefer to move along a mirror smooth surface for optimal feeding and performance

When reassembling use caution on the tightening because they strip out easy
And don't use loctite because it will eat the plastic

If it continues and pisses you off buy new mags

I hope it helps
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