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Classifieds - safe to use?


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Old July 2nd, 2021, 17:32   #1
Omnivorous's Avatar
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Classifieds - safe to use?

A seller on this forums advertised a $400 King Arms P90 ( and send a Classic Army 90 (

Long story short, I reached out to the guy wanting some compensation because the value of what was advertised was significantly higher than what was sent. Additionally, I made it clear before I bought the gun I cared that it had a quick change spring system which King Arms does and CA does not.

The guy tells me to fuck off and says I'm having buyer's remorse. He doesn't apologize. I said give me $50 back or something (I paid $280).

I've messaged multiple admin and submitted 2 reports of his negative feedback of me and haven't received a peep out of anyone. So here's my questions. Assuming I'm not wrong to feel like I got cheated and that the person should have owned their mistake, is there any accountability in these classifieds or is it the wild west? Why isn't this person at least banned from the classifieds? Isn't zero accountability inviting scammers? I'm probably not going to use these classifieds again, and I feel like people should be warned of the high risk of using these classifieds.
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Old July 2nd, 2021, 18:28   #2
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It might prevent them from screwing someone else over, I always check trade ratings before I do business with anyone on here
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Old July 2nd, 2021, 18:41   #3
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Just like any online classified (Hop-up, Craiglist, Kijiji) there is always inherent risks. I've been buying on the classified here for well over 10 years, and been pretty okay in terms of transactions. One thing I like about the age verification system is that admins do have record of who people are and can usually do something about it. If the person you dealt with has history and no one said anything to the admins, chances are thats why he's not been banned. It's just a matter of waiting for an admin to touch base with you now
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Old July 2nd, 2021, 20:00   #4
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Originally Posted by Omnivorous View Post
is there any accountability in these classifieds or is it the wild west? Why isn't this person at least banned from the classifieds? Isn't zero accountability inviting scammers?[/B] I'm probably not going to use these classifieds again, and I feel like people should be warned of the high risk of using these classifieds.
No accountability
Admins are busy

You're not wrong. It's called "age verification". It's not an assurance qualification. This is to comply with Canadian law which no minor (under 18) can purchase an airsoft gun.

You have to take your chances just like buying any second hand item.

Admins and yourself can file a police report but it doesn't get you your money back nor guarantee your item. However the person can skip town (such is the case in the past) or simply move.

Just like eBay and Amazon market sellers you have to pay attention to the person's trader rating. If they're new and selling something that seems too good to be true (see where I'm going with this?) Then it often is.

Treat it as a learning experience. I've been scammed in the past before among many others on ASC. You just have to learn who to trust and if you can, buy from people whom you've met before.
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Old July 3rd, 2021, 00:32   #5
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Give it some time, the admins will respond. I had someone try to scam me (never shipped) and another person. We called him out publicly on the General section and outlined exactly what happened. Don't hesitate to post the seller's name here, if he promised you one thing and delivered another that's a bad deal and they need to be publically outed.The guy who scammed us did end up losing his age verified status so the admins will take care of it eventually.

If you're not on the Airsoft Canada Facebook group join that too. They're not affiliated from what I understand, but a lot of the guys there are on here too and you can go there to ask if anyone knows him personally.

Best of luck.
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Old July 3rd, 2021, 07:20   #6
cranky old man
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I have PM’d the seller. And watch your attitude about admins not doing anything.
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Old July 3rd, 2021, 10:07   #7
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Thanks all for the input and help. Appreciate it.

And I apologize if I'm giving too much attitude. I've been frustrated this transaction and the last one where someone also lied to me and then told me to fuck off. People seem to use this argument "you paid less compared to buying it new" to rationalize them misrepresenting/lying. They don't seem to get that I made an estimation as to how much I would pay based upon what I thought I was getting ... and I got something different.

I sold the CA90 for $175 to someone on Kijiji (because no one on here would touch it for even $200 lol). So I only lost $105 out of this. I'm just genuinely wondering if there is accountability so I can move on one way or another. I know admins/mods have lives and jobs. I messaged 2-3 weeks so just honestly wondering if anything is done or if it's just leaving negative feedback. So, I shall wait for a response. Thank you.
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Old July 3rd, 2021, 12:43   #8
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This may not be what you want to hear, but the CA P90 is actually much better than the King Arms P90... also, the price on BuyAirsoft is wildly inflated, you can find the KA P90 for around 200$ in Canada. The CA P90 now goes for around 300$, the one you linked is the cheap CA Sportline "value pack" which is a low end P90 that is actually pretty rare in Canada, chances are you bought a "normal" CA P90 and those are very good.
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Québec province's master age verification representative.
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Old July 3rd, 2021, 13:10   #9
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Where can you get a King Arms p90 for $200? Everything I've seen from in stock and out of stock is $340+tax. I'm fairly certain it was a sportline also. It was -all- plastic. The higher ca90s have metal to them.

Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
This may not be what you want to hear, but the CA P90 is actually much better than the King Arms P90... also, the price on BuyAirsoft is wildly inflated, you can find the KA P90 for around 200$ in Canada. The CA P90 now goes for around 300$, the one you linked is the cheap CA Sportline "value pack" which is a low end P90 that is actually pretty rare in Canada, chances are you bought a "normal" CA P90 and those are very good.
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Old July 3rd, 2021, 15:38   #10
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The KA P90 hasn't been sub $250 since 2013 around the time I got into airsoft. If it's second hand and old stock that makes more sense. Newer m3 line is going to be $300+
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Old July 3rd, 2021, 16:09   #11
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I found it in 2 minutes for 215$ in stock, the FDE version, the black one is 225$ for no apparent reason. In Canada it's much easier to find the Cybergun rebrand.
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Québec province's master age verification representative.
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Old July 3rd, 2021, 17:16   #12
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I can only find the cybergun branding at $215 on herooutdoors in stock and Kingarms branding P90's for $300+ but I'll take your word for it.

The KA M3 P90 seems to be sold consistently at around $300+CAD
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Old July 4th, 2021, 06:20   #13
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I have to agree with Rainy Eyes. The KA P90 is over 340 everywhere in Canada. The low 200's model is made by CYMA and does not have a quick change spring system.

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Old July 4th, 2021, 11:54   #14
willing to perform services in a dark alley that may or may not leave you satisfied for a title. GFE = 1, looks = 2, BBFS for an extra $50.
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I purchased a used gun on the ASC classifieds. I was expecting a used/rough condition but what I had received was broken/glued together making disassembly and service impossible.

I contacted the seller to see if I could return it in the condition sent to me, I felt the item was misrepresented and not as advertised. I would have covered the return shipping and seen it as the cost of doing business but he never responded, so I left a bad review... Had I gotten a "sorry I forgot to mention the condition" or any reply really I wouldn't have felt the need to leave bad feedback. It sucks but it is not representative of majority of the transactions on this forum.
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Old July 4th, 2021, 23:55   #15
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I wouild like to start useing the classifieds. Went for my age verification meeting a few months ago. No change on my profile though. Is there anyone I can reach out to about this ?
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