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Bill C-21 to prohibit airsoft guns in canada



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Old February 26th, 2021, 14:30   #121
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Originally Posted by Snerpydoodle View Post
I dont understand, if the bll gets voted to not go to the next reading wouldnt that stop it rignt there?

Could you please explain? I missed that part.
I just went back to anti C-71 FB group to screen shot the post but it's gone now. Weird... Especially weird because head admin made that post.
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Old February 26th, 2021, 15:15   #122
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
I just went back to anti C-71 FB group to screen shot the post but it's gone now. Weird... Especially weird because head admin made that post.
That is super weird.

I dont understand why they still wouldnt just try to vote no and see what happens and try to ammend it later if it fails.
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Old February 26th, 2021, 17:45   #123
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Man, it's 21st century; when is this board going to support all modern features that allow a much richer experience of sharing data?

Parlament debate around C-21

Conservative MP is on 30th minute of this video.

Last edited by Sash; February 26th, 2021 at 17:48..
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Old February 26th, 2021, 17:51   #124
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Facebook had started to prohibit all sorts of content with relationship to gun culture as well as many other things that do not fit their policies.

I'm not sure why airsofters are still using that dumpster to share and look for information. FB even blocks URLs to this forum.

Originally Posted by 666 View Post
In order to achieve any results this whole thing has to be well organized by people who already know what they are dealing with. Everyone needs to get together instead of acting on their own. Firearm community already tried to bombard government with emails and petitions. It dont work. We really tried. Now, hopefully we will have more people on board, people who support this non compliance movement. That's worse case result. Country wide peaceful non compliance was the only thing we were left with when it comes to real steel. Just peacefully refuse to surrender out stuff and see what government will do. CCFR came along and decided to fight for our rights.
Originally Posted by Metalsynth View Post
I don't speak often here but right now seems like a good time to get this ball going.

Where are you at in the rest of canada on legally registered associations and/or federations?

We have 3 legal bodies in Quebec right now.

Association des joueurs de paintball et airsoft du Quebec
Federations airsoft du quebec
Federation airsoft sportive du quebec

I am the vice president of the association.

If we ever want some sort of legal traction, we will need to get better organised than the way we are now as a country.

Let me be blunt, right now the situation in QC regarding the federations is really wonky and in my opinion not what we need right now.

The only viable option in my opinion is the ccfr to get this C-21 crap out of the way and get our shit together.

We are currently doing this very thing through our paintball counterpart but we need to also have airsoft on this ball.

So.... where are you at with this?

If you are interested in this option, reach me on fb so I can hook you up with the prez
Originally Posted by 666 View Post
I just went back to anti C-71 FB group to screen shot the post but it's gone now. Weird... Especially weird because head admin made that post.
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Old February 26th, 2021, 18:41   #125
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I tried to watch the reading of the bill , but someone is going to have give the cliff notes version , I had to turn it off , when Bill Blair speaks , it becomes clear this is not about safety , it comes off to me as a literal hatred for the gun culture & anything and anyone even remotely related to any firearms airguns toys etc , I literally felt sick to my stomach , & with his tone temperament & attitude & when he starts going on about "this is not like the states ,we dont have have rights , we have privileges" I was like ok Im done I cant watch any more, this guy is a raving lunatic , & it is very concerning someone with this type of twisted hatred for law abiding citizens has any power or platform or power what so ever , hopefully this will get sorted out, & these types of discriminatory misguided personalities will be routed from power & or be restricted from harassing law abiding citizens ever again , this video has some of his lies , heck these are the parts when he was somewhat calm when I tuned in he was loud & angry .. & full version here if you can stomach it
" Now if the hydro prices dont go down in ontario , Im going to have to switch all my aeg's to gas ,... "

Last edited by dogtoy; February 26th, 2021 at 18:56..
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Old February 26th, 2021, 19:22   #126
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
Sure, NDP MP surprised me TBH. There wasn't an official statement made but in general many NDP members want total confiscation when it comes to real steel, not restrictions. You never know how voting is going to go. NDP might be a wild card here.
It's definitely at least remotely positive. I was starting to get worried as I have heard nothing from any NDP member through my opposition letters, in terms of requesting a party position on the issue.

And I agree with your views on the NDP's firearm position. I would never vote for them. Hopefully in the short term, C-21 goes away. Buys the community more time to show everyone who we are, maybe even get some more people interested in the hobby.
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Old February 26th, 2021, 19:23   #127
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Well, there are people who voted these types of people into the Parlament.
You should watch it. It's only like 15-20min of his blah-blah-blah. The remaining half an hour, conservative MP opposing Liberal BS with some strong language.

You can speed it up by about x1.5 and still understand what is being said.

Originally Posted by dogtoy View Post
I tried to watch the reading of the bill , but someone is going to have give the cliff notes version , I had to turn it off , when Bill Blair speaks , it becomes clear this is not about safety , it comes off to me as a literal hatred for the gun culture & anything and anyone even remotely related to any firearms airguns toys etc , I literally felt sick to my stomach , & with his tone temperament & attitude & when he starts going on about "this is not like the states ,we dont have have rights , we have privileges" I was like ok Im done I cant watch any more, this guy is a raving lunatic , & it is very concerning someone with this type of twisted hatred for law abiding citizens has any power or platform or power what so ever , hopefully this will get sorted out, & these types of discriminatory misguided personalities will be routed from power & or be restricted from harassing law abiding citizens ever again , this video has some of his lies , heck these are the parts when he was somewhat calm when I tuned in he was loud & angry .. & full version here if you can stomach it
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Old February 26th, 2021, 20:23   #128
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Great job to all who put in so much effort into this movement!
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Old February 26th, 2021, 23:25   #129
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Originally Posted by dogtoy View Post
I tried to watch the reading of the bill , but someone is going to have give the cliff notes version , I had to turn it off , when Bill Blair speaks , it becomes clear this is not about safety , it comes off to me as a literal hatred for the gun culture & anything and anyone even remotely related to any firearms airguns toys etc , I literally felt sick to my stomach , & with his tone temperament & attitude & when he starts going on about "this is not like the states ,we dont have have rights , we have privileges" I was like ok Im done I cant watch any more, this guy is a raving lunatic , & it is very concerning someone with this type of twisted hatred for law abiding citizens has any power or platform or power what so ever , hopefully this will get sorted out, & these types of discriminatory misguided personalities will be routed from power & or be restricted from harassing law abiding citizens ever again , this video has some of his lies , heck these are the parts when he was somewhat calm when I tuned in he was loud & angry .. & full version here if you can stomach it
Dont forget the green party mp smugly saying "these people obviously dont know the law, we dont EVEN HAVE property rights in canada"
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Old February 27th, 2021, 08:43   #130
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Dude, its Green. She was actually into other stuff but she did make her point.
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Old February 27th, 2021, 09:20   #131
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So some have asked why is airsoft lumped into this bill, it is simple, for the same reason the Mossberg 715T was lumped into the OIC.

So this is the Mossberg 715T:

The rifle consists of nothing more than a dollar store plastic shell placed over a normal Mossberg Plinkster (which is not restricted nor effected by the OIC).

Mossberg 702 Plinkster:

Here is inside the 715T:

In the early days of the manufacturing of the 715T, Mossberg literally took a 702 plinkster receiver and barrel and put them into the shell. You could open up your 715T and marked on the barrel and receiver inside it was stamped 702 Plinkster. It was until the last couple years that Mossberg started stamping them 715T on the receivers.

So you want to know why airsoft is lumped in? Same reason as the 715T, it LOOKS LIKE AN AR. They want an easy identification that police can see an AR and instantly know it's illegal and seize and arrest. No wondering if this is one of the non-restricted models or if it's airsoft. That is it. But they can't just prohibited one model of airsoft gun, that would be annoying and open up too much for legal battles. Much easier to just ban them all.
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Old February 27th, 2021, 12:40   #132
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My first gun when I got my pal was a plinkster
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Old February 28th, 2021, 05:50   #133
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
You can but they kind of forgot to mention that in order to do so you must have license to possess prohibited devices. License that does not exist and obviously cannot be obtained. Ian Runkle covered it in his video. So you can keep all your airsoft until any cop asks you to hand it over or produce above mentioned non existent license. So hypothetically they can just come to your door, ask you a question and if your answer is yes than they will take all your airsoft guns without compensation.

From the RCMP website:

"A licence is not required to possess a replica firearm, and it does not have to be registered. However, individuals cannot acquire, make or import a replica firearm."
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Old February 28th, 2021, 09:57   #134
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
From the RCMP website:

"A licence is not required to possess a replica firearm, and it does not have to be registered. However, individuals cannot acquire, make or import a replica firearm."
RCMP made false public statements in the past, so did Bill Blair. Man made a false statement yesterday ffs. In an open air. Those statements are not laws, cant use it in court. Ian Runkle actually talked about them posting things online without realising they might get people in trouble. Watch the video about legality of 12ga shotguns.
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Old February 28th, 2021, 10:12   #135
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Drache, and your post proves that Ian was right. You saw something official posted on RCMP website and you automatically assumed it was legit. That’s exactly what happened after May 1st ban. People kept asking questions and probably bombarding them with phone calls so they made a post in order to get everyone off of their back. Blair backed it up too. Thing is, RCMP does not make laws. They enforce it. That is not something I thought of. This is something a criminal lawyer came up with after he looked over statements and analysed paperwork released by government after May ban.

Last edited by 666; February 28th, 2021 at 10:16..
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