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Bill C-21 to prohibit airsoft guns in canada



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Old February 19th, 2021, 06:08   #61
venture's Avatar
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Originally Posted by scottyfox View Post
I?m going to call bullshit on this. There is no way that is a GC slide. Replete with grammatical errors and as the completely wrong GC wordmark.
Misinformation helps nobody.
That is a translation of the French government slide. Not the actual slide.

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Old February 19th, 2021, 07:38   #62
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
I am just sad that they did not talk about the compromise that the industry can do. (Orange tip for example...).
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Old February 19th, 2021, 10:43   #63
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So I'm just chiming in here so you know what a lot of the community at large is doing outside of ASC:

We are currently in the process of organizing on a national level in order to best co-ordinate our responses. We are not only in talks with the CCFR but are working towards the onboarding every province.

A Petition to the House of Commons is already written, sponsored by a MP and is waiting publishing. This will be pushed out as soon as it is,

There will be a lot of different initiatives: one of the most important ones that is being worked on will be real world political activism and engagement. Working with campaigns in the real world to help get people seated is one of the most powerful things we can do as an individual. A dozen Airsofters showing up to help knock on doors can be the difference in a ridings election. This organization will be ramping up soon too.

Things are happening. If you want to get involved and do something more than writing a letter and hoping there will be plenty of opportunity to do that in the near future.
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Old February 19th, 2021, 11:26   #64
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Just to throw my two cents in. Has anyone started to tackle this on a BUSINESS level? Find out how much Airsoft does for the economy. Get all the stores together to start figuring out how many businesses will go under, how many employees will be terminated?
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Old February 19th, 2021, 11:32   #65
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Ive noticed the bill states that they need to "exactly replicate" an actual firearm. So wouldnt an orange tip be enough to make it so that it did not "exactly replicate"?

As usual the law is poorly written.
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Old February 19th, 2021, 11:39   #66
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Originally Posted by Snerpydoodle View Post
Ive noticed the bill states that they need to "exactly replicate" an actual firearm. So wouldnt an orange tip be enough to make it so that it did not "exactly replicate"?

As usual the law is poorly written.
It was said that orange tip/painting guns in bright colors, UK style, wont fly in Canada. Barrel tip of any real gun can also be painted orange. Plus, Libs dont really care about public safety because this bill is only aimed at law abiding owners. They are creating smoke screen in order to switch public attention from their f ups by saying, oh look, we are getting rid of these evil guns/bb guns to ensure you are safe!
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Old February 19th, 2021, 11:41   #67
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Originally Posted by Drache View Post
Just to throw my two cents in. Has anyone started to tackle this on a BUSINESS level? Find out how much Airsoft does for the economy. Get all the stores together to start figuring out how many businesses will go under, how many employees will be terminated?
Many firearm businesses in Canada have voiced their concerns ever since the May 1 ban. Its a $5 billion industry or more. The Liberal Party and Trudeau simply do not care at this point. Their goal is to look good on television and garner as many votes from cities like Toronto. There was a petition with almost 300,000 signatures against the ban that was petitioned by conservative MPs, the Liberals didnt blink an eye.

Bill C-21 is also a deterrent from Trudeaus abysmal attempts and failures at vaccinations for covid 19. The normies will eat it up while legal gun owners and now airsofters, suffer.
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Old February 19th, 2021, 11:47   #68
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
It was said that orange tip/painting guns in bright colors, UK style, wont fly in Canada. Barrel tip of any real gun can also be painted orange. Plus, Libs dont really care about public safety because this bill is only aimed at law abiding owners. They are creating smoke screen in order to switch public attention from their f ups by saying, oh look, we are getting rid of these evil guns/bb guns to ensure you are safe!
Is there anywhere we can read the actual words of the bill?

This has me super stressed out. I was just finally getting into the sport.
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Old February 19th, 2021, 12:05   #69
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Originally Posted by Snerpydoodle View Post
Ive noticed the bill states that they need to "exactly replicate" an actual firearm. So wouldnt an orange tip be enough to make it so that it did not "exactly replicate"?

As usual the law is poorly written.
Orange tip no, but completely clear receiver may be able to get around it.
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Old February 19th, 2021, 12:37   #70
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Originally Posted by Snerpydoodle View Post
Is there anywhere we can read the actual words of the bill?

This has me super stressed out. I was just finally getting into the sport.
Watch the video that was posted on 4th page, couple of guys posted it, including me. Lawyer who happens to be firearm advocate is taking some of sections of C-21 apart and explains it in simple language. He is talking about orange tips, bright colors etc. Bill is online if you want to read it. Google Bill C-21.
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Old February 19th, 2021, 13:13   #71
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Old February 19th, 2021, 13:52   #72
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Well this is very upsetting. I was finally getting into the sport and just ordered my first gun since I was a teenager and had some chinese aegs. When I got clean off heroin 5 years ago and left the nightlife my social circle evaporated. I was excited to start making new friends and try out some of the new guns in recent years.

Now we would have to hope manufacturers would make special clear versions for Canada only or something that wont happen except in very small numbers.

I guess I will start writing mps. In my near decade as an addict being around some really terrible people I never once heard of or saw an airsoft gun being used in a crime.

I think our best bet is trying to find a middle ground. It wouldnt be a good precedent but requiring orange tips or something like requiring proof of membership in a club in order to purchase an realistic airsoft gun similar to how you need a gun club membership to transport a restricted firearm.

I (rightly so) lost my real guns due to my drug use and now its looking like soon even air guns will be taken from us.
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Old February 19th, 2021, 19:25   #73
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All I can say is support the CCFR and NFA or any large firearms organization that is fighting this, I don't care if you don't like real guns personally, we can't be divided and conquered. The current governments intent is not to be like Japan where airsoft is totally fine because firearms are banned, so get that fantasy out of your head. We're all in it together now!

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Old February 19th, 2021, 22:26   #74
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Originally Posted by Derpystronk View Post
So I'm just chiming in here so you know what a lot of the community at large is doing outside of ASC:

We are currently in the process of organizing on a national level in order to best co-ordinate our responses. We are not only in talks with the CCFR but are working towards the onboarding every province.

A Petition to the House of Commons is already written, sponsored by a MP and is waiting publishing. This will be pushed out as soon as it is,

There will be a lot of different initiatives: one of the most important ones that is being worked on will be real world political activism and engagement. Working with campaigns in the real world to help get people seated is one of the most powerful things we can do as an individual. A dozen Airsofters showing up to help knock on doors can be the difference in a ridings election. This organization will be ramping up soon too.

Things are happening. If you want to get involved and do something more than writing a letter and hoping there will be plenty of opportunity to do that in the near future.
I am quoting Delta as a bump of sorts. It's good to share news articles, it's good to talk and discuss, it's good to write your MP.

However, not to be crass, but for you real steal guys you can have a look at the 50 page CGN threads that go back several years. None of this has resulted in any measurable reversal of policy, or change in position on any issue.

It's best to become politically active. As others in this thread have suggested, collaborative canvassing and activism efforts such as Delta's (for you ON folks) is the best way forward.

There was an article a couple years back about how the entire Liberal caucus was "terrified" at JT's proposed firearm legislation. And look at we have now. Why are they terrified? because we have the power to let people know about our great hobby. We have the power to cultivate change through political activism.

We need to act now.
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Old February 20th, 2021, 03:05   #75
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For those who support the Liberal party or their friends, it's generally because you consider yourself to be centre-left. But Erin O'Toole's new Conservative party platform is VERY centrist and even MORE progressive than Trudeau's liberals in some ways. O'Toole wants to end fossil fuel subsidies, for instance, which Trudeau would never do. I'll leave a list below of 'who said it, Trudeau or O'Toole?' platform points for you.
But if ever there was a time to promote a very viable alternative to an administration that wants to ban airsoft guns and has ahd 7 major ethics scandals in 4 months (it's like, almost a quarter of all the Canadian political scandals list on wikipedia dating back to 1800s), it is now.

• Launch a study to find ways to extend Employment Insurance coverage to the self-insured and others not covered today
• Make domestic / intimate partner violence an aggravating factor in the criminal code so that it carries a tougher sentence and impose a mandatory minimum of 5 years for aggravated assault of a domestic / intimate partner
• Expand the Canada Child Benefit by $500 per month per child for the first year and $250 per month, per child for the second year for women with children living in women’s shelters to help them transition to more long-term housing
• Create a fund to incentivize educational institutions and private sector organizations to partner with women’s shelters to provide career training for the women they serve
• Harnessing the enthusiasm of Canada’s outdoor community by helping to fund the capital costs of volunteer-led projects to restore wildlife habits, enhance wetlands and preserve biodiversity
• Providing innovation incentives for the development and deployment of technologies to simplify the provision of clean water in smaller and remote communities
• Avoids focus on carbon only, and instead is scoped to capture ALL greenhouse gases, many of which are more powerful than carbon dioxide;
• Focuses on making industry pay [for carbon tax] rather than taxing ordinary Canadians, by forging a national industrial regulatory and pricing regime across the country
• Ends fossil fuel subsidies, a form of corporate welfare

Link to his platform:

Go out and campaign! A decent door knocking campaign can shift the vote by 10% or more!

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