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Tokyo Marui MK23


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Old August 11th, 2020, 05:20   #1
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Tokyo Marui MK23

I?m still kind of new to this game and I don?t have a pistol. Heard a lot of great things about the Tokyo Marui MK23.

Does anyone have it for sale? All the Canadian airsoft dealers that I?ve checked are sold out. Are they common on the used market? Any know issues with them?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Old August 11th, 2020, 10:53   #2
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I have never had any experience with those, but if other Marui models are any indication you would have no trouble with it. It is non-blowback, if I remember correctly, so it is probably near bullet-proof and would last for years and years.....

If you can find one. I have a customer who would like one and I can't find one for him, either.

Also, welcome to airsoft.

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Old September 16th, 2020, 01:27   #3
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ok so this was my first airsoft gun back in 2004. i was broke so this was the cheapest thing available to me at the time, so i went for it. if you have another main weapon, this one has the potential to be useful. with the lack of blowback and suppressor installed it's one of the quietest guns you can get.

the quality etc was good, to the extent i can remember it, but firing it was pretty boring.
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Old September 16th, 2020, 08:33   #4
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The accuracy and range of this gun out of the box is totally amazing. It also works rather well in the cold if you don't fire too fast. Being almost totally silent helps in a lot of situations.

But yeah, its boring to fire, the trigger pull is long and hard, and you can't fire it very fast. To have very accurate shots, you should cock the hammer manually, which further reduces your rate of fire. It also keeps dry firing when the magazine is empty.

This gun is a tool, it does one job, and does it very well, if you can overlook how boring it is. Also, you might have cheater-impostor syndrome, which is ultimately why I sold mine, its so silent I felt it gave me an unfair advantage.
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Old September 16th, 2020, 13:08   #5
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It is a silent sniper rifle cleverly hidden in a handgun.

I fucking hate the mags.
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Old September 20th, 2020, 13:09   #6
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As a sidearm it sucks. It?s big and unwieldy, it fires slowly and it lacks any realistic feel. As a silent backup weapon it shines. You take shots slowly to pick off targets surprising them without giving away your position. If you need speed and CQB when you?re too close for your AR, or your AR is out of range, then grab something else, like the TM HK45 which is far more ergonomic. If you need something to pair with a BA, then the MK23 will be good for when enemies get too close, but you want to maintain silence.

Watch Kicking Mustang on Youtube to get an idea of how effective it is and where it?s effective.
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