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Old August 28th, 2005, 12:43   #1
Fox Hound
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No masks?

i was curious, most games people dont wear full face masks only goggles, now will bbs at 400fps chip teeth? Those swat face masks do any good and will they prevent bruising from BBs? I would hate to have a bruised face even worse a chip tooth. "oh shiff my teeeff" lol
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Old August 28th, 2005, 12:51   #2
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Depends at the distance you're shot at from. But ya, BB's going at 400fps can chip teeth, and can do more than bruise your face ^_~. Just buy a full Paintball mask, it will be harder to look down your sights for some weapons though. Some people (such as I) don't wear the full mask, mainly because it's obstructive, it's impossible for me to look down my P90 sights with a full mask. Just learn to keep your mouth shut for a lot of the game unless you really need to say something lol.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 12:51   #3
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Its part of the game. Im a sniper and with a full mask its impossible to take a good aim with a scope.Chip theeth? has occured and will occure again. Has for brused face? Well its a nice way to start a conversation with a little lady. '' Yeah oh that well, its the mark left by my enemies on the field. They were 12 against one its the last one who got me''
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Old August 28th, 2005, 12:56   #4
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Originally Posted by SEALs
Well its a nice way to start a conversation with a little lady.
Well this is what you'd tell her:

Originally Posted by SEALs
'' Yeah oh that well, its the mark left by my enemies on the field. They were 12 against one its the last one who got me''

This is what she would hear:

Originally Posted by SEALs
"I'm an immature man who dresses up like GI Joe and runs around shooting my other equally immature buddies with bb guns, pretty cool eh?''

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Old August 28th, 2005, 13:00   #5
Dirty Deeds
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The last game I played, I was shot twice in the face. Once from about 10 feet away with a stock gun, no bruising, just a welt (just under my nose and dead center) that went away before I got up the next morning. However if it had been a 400 fps upgraded gun there'd still be a hole in my face.

If this is not your cup of tea, get a paintball mask. But as some have stated, it makes it hard to use your sights.

EDIT: LMAO @ Dron.....true, so very true.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 13:06   #6
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I have seen Fab getting a chipped tooth with a stock shooting gun. Just play with your mouth closed :lol:

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Old August 28th, 2005, 13:08   #7
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Just get a regular PB mask and cut away the material around your cheeks, just leaving protection infront of your mouth. It will help with the aiming a little bit. Make sure its a harder material too. I have a JT Spectra mask and the face protection is flimsy rubber which does not stop BB's.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 13:34   #8
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Honestly no matter how much you cut a mask down, it's still hanging too low to sight properly. I cut the PB mask I bought down like Greylocks does, but because I was using a sniper rifle with medium scope mounts, the goggles still got in the way trying to get cheek weld, opening them right up for BBs to get inside no problem. Hence my continuous saying that PB masks aren't safe and can actually be dangerous to use while playing airsoft. Part of the problem has been recitfied with high scope mounts, but since one local field allows wrap around safety glasses, the other unofficially used to but has made PB goggles or ballistic goggles mandatory, I got a pair of the BOLLE 800Ts and love the crap outta them. Low profile, perfect vision through them, comfortable enough to wear for hours on end (last game I only got shot once, right at the end of the night, so I wore them from about 6pm til just after 11pm without much discomfort).

Getting shot in the mouth is always on my mind, so I just learned to focus on keeping my mouth shut at all times, as best as I could. I've been shot at all ranges with stock and over upgraded guns, and ya they hurt, but this isn't Laser Quest or similar. Just pay attention to the risks involved, avoid masks as they will fog your goggles up bad and constantly. And you'd look like a dork with a full paintball mask. Kinda similar to wearing a thick winter coat under your BDUs on a hot & humid +35C day just because you don't want to have a welt from getting shot. Some guys do that, up to them if they want a personal sauna, but still, shooters try their best to take guys out safely. But there are times that shit happens and it's up to you to protect your sensitve parts.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 13:39   #9
CIA Rick
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When the weather is hot. And you noise is not cutting it for air , you breath threw your mouth. (unless your a camper/sniper)
Yes the full mask looks goofy ,gets in the way ,an helps to fogs up your goggles. But I think the best bet is a balaclavas. It takes the the feet per second down by the time it may hit your tooth. How do I know? you ask . Well I lost my K9 a few weeks ago at 30 ft 365fps gun , open face.
Previously playing for 5 years. Shoot in the face hundred times with a balaclava, No prob. :tup:
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Old August 28th, 2005, 14:02   #10
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I read on this site earilier (bout a month ago) that a balaclava wouldnt save your teeth from a stock aeg. Personally i've lost my center left tooth to an upgraded gbb glock26 not even 2 weeks ago. (on propane of course)

rick u confuse me, k9??? and as a side note how much do balaclaves go for? (roughly)
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Old August 28th, 2005, 14:13   #11
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Old August 28th, 2005, 15:48   #12
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
...And you'd look like a dork with a full paintball mask...

I would rather look like a dork on the field with a mask than at work with a broken tooth, lol. I just found an 'Extreme Rage' 20/20 mask with thermal lenses and built in fan for $65 cdn at MR Paintball in Calgary. They told me that price was a mistake on their page, but they honored it (supposed to be $79.95 w/fan). I cant even make it get foggy so far. MAKE SURE you buy the dual layer thermal lenses and it makes a big difference, plus if one layer cracks or something, your goggles are still functional, you just swap out the damaged layer later for $35. I just wrap a shemaugh around my head, pull it down to my chin, then pull the mask over that, using the chin strap to hold the shemaugh in place under my chin, covering my neck. 0 skin exposed, decent air filtration and good head camo all in one, plus cheaper than a good pair of real tactical goggles alone. It will make sighting tricky, as has been pointed out, but its certainly not impossible. Its the trade off for keeping your expensive dental work guaranteed.

The BOLLE t800s are very comfortable though, tried them on. I first thought, either shemaugh or balaclava and T800s, but the only sure way to save those chompers was the mask. I've spent over 2 grand fixing my teeth up from breaking them out doing other dumb shit, so $65 for a mask is a smaller price to pay. I say wrap your head in a shemaugh, instead of balaclava, it tends to have more layers of material and breathes better and go goggles or mask, your choice.

EDIT: Apers sig is a good example, though you can get shemaughs in OD or tan as well. How well does it take down the velocity Aper?
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Old August 28th, 2005, 17:14   #13
masks are for pussys
if people dont want to get hit in the face, paintball uses masks....or they can player lazer tag with welding goggles.
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Old August 28th, 2005, 17:34   #14
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Most of us don't use the full mask because it hinders the use of almost ALL optics and ironsights on airsoft guns... I generally dont have somethin covering my mouth, causei tend to keep it shut, and only open it when behind cover, for CQB games i use a balaclava.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old August 28th, 2005, 17:36   #15
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Originally Posted by thePiRaTE!!
EDIT: Apers sig is a good example, though you can get shemaughs in OD or tan as well. How well does it take down the velocity Aper?
The shemagh is a very useful item for me. Either to block the sun off my shaved head, to keep your neck/head worm or simply to protect your face. I've been shot several time on the head, but never in the face while wearing it, but I think the velocity isn't reduced that much during CQC but for long range shots, it's amazing. But IMO, a shemagh is a very good way to protect your face and teeth from a upcoming BB. I actually wear a shemagh virtually every game, either my Red/White one or my Black/OD one, or a Balaclava during indoor games. A very money-worth piece of gear if you ask me :tup:

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